Browse TRAIL Inventories

Estimation of Incremental Pitching Moments Due to Trailing-Edge Flaps on Swept and Triangular Wings

Experimental determination of the aerodynamic derivatives arising from acceleration in sideslip for a triangular, a swept, and an unswept wing

Experimental investigation of some aerodynamic effects of a gap between wing and body of a moderately slender wing-body combination at a Mach number of 1.4

An experimental investigation of the air-flow of a scoop-type normal-shock inlet

Aerodynamic characteristics of a 60 degree delta wing having a half-delta tip control at a Mach number of 4.04

Effect of compression-inlet area blockage on performance of an experimental compressor and a hypothetical noise

Experimental studies of flutter of buckled rectangular panels at Mach numbers from 1.2 to 3.0 including effects of pressure differential and of panel width-length ratio

The effect of control stiffness and forward speed on the flutter of a 1/10-scale dynamic model of a two-blade jet-driven helicopter rotor

Aluminum borohydride - hydrocarbon mixtures as a source of ignition for a turbojet combustor

A systematic study of the effects of leading-edge chord-extensions on the low-speed longitudinal stability characteristics of three 45 degree sweptback wings

Some studies of axisymmetric free jets exhausting from sonic and supersonic nozzles into still air and into supersonic streams

Steady-state and surge characteristics of a compressor equipped with variable inlet guide vanes operating in a turbojet engine

Statistical measurements of landing-contact conditions of a heavy bomber

Summary of the flight conditions and maneuvers in which maximum wing and tail loads were experienced on a swept-wing fighter airplane

Simplified procedures for estimating flap-control loads at supersonic speeds

A study of flame-holder elements for use in high-velocity afterburners

Statistical measurements of landing contact conditions of the Boeing B-47 airplane

Simulator studies of a simple homing system

Static longitudinal and lateral stability and control characteristics of a model of a 35 degree swept-wing airplane at a Mach number of 1.41

Static longitudinal and lateral stability and control characteristics of an 0.065-scale model of the Chance Vought Regulus II missile at Mach numbers of 1.41, 1.61, and 2.01 : TED No. NACA AD 398

Static longitudinal and lateral stability and control data from an exploratory investigation at a Mach number of 6.86 of an airplane configuration having a wing of trapezoidal plan form

Static longitudinal and lateral stability data from an exploratory investigation at Mach number 4.06 of an airplane configuration having a wing of trapezoidal plan form

Static longitudinal and lateral stability and control characteristics of an airplane configuration having a wing of trapezoidal plan form with various tail airfoil sections and tail arrangements at a Mach number of 6.86

Removal of secondary-flow accumulations in a two-dimensional turbine nozzle passage by boundary-layer bleed

An experimental study of a method for designing fuselage side air inlets for high performance at transonic and low supersonic speeds

Effects of free-flight rocket-model booster-adapter configurations on the aerodynamic characteristics in pitch and sideslip of a swept-wing fighter airplane model at a Mach number of 2.01

Ignition-delay determinations of furfuryl alcohol and mixed butyl mercaptans with various white fuming nitric acids using modified open-cup and small-scale rocket engine apparatus

Flight investigation of pentaborane fuel in 9.75-inch-diameter ram-jet engine at low equivalence ratio

Investigation at Mach numbers of 1.41, 1.61, and 1.82 of two variable-geometry inlets having two-dimensional compression surfaces

Investigation at supersonic speeds of external-drag effects and pumping characteristics of a short ejector

A theory for predicting the flow of real gases in shock tubes with experimental verification

Turboprop-engine design considerations II : design requirements and performance of turboprop engines with a single-spool high-pressure-ratio compressor

The use of metallic inhibitors for eliminating mass transfer and corrosion in nickel and nickel alloys by molten sodium hydroxide

Turbojet engine investigation of effect of thermal shock induced by external water-spray cooling on turbine blades of five high-temperature alloys

Turboprop-engine design considerations I : effect of mode of engine operation on performance of turboprop engine with current compressor pressure ratio

Transonic wind-tunnel investigation of the effects of external stores and store position on the aerodynamic characteristics of a 1/16-scale model of the Douglas D-558-II research airplane

Transonic wind-tunnel investigation of the effects of taper ratio and body indentation on the aerodynamic loading characteristics of a 45 degree sweptback wing in the presence of a body

Tank investigation of the hydrodynamic characteristics of a 1/3.33-scale jet-powered dynamic model of the Martin XP6M-1 flying boat with a revised forebody planing bottom : TED No. NACA DE 385

Altitude component performance of the YJ73-GE-3 turbojet engine

Turbulent-heat-transfer measurements at a Mach number of 2.06

Turbulent-heat-transfer measurements at a Mach number of 0.87

Additional experimental heat-transfer and durability data on several forced-convection, air-cooled, strut-supported turbine blades of improved design

Adaptation of Combustion Principles to Aircraft Propulsion, Volume 1, Basic Considerations in the Combustion of Hydrocarbon Fuels with Air

Additional comparisons between computed and measured transonic drag-rise coefficients at zero lift for wing-body-tail configurations

Aerodynamic and hydrodynamic characteristics of models of some aircraft-towed mine-sweeping devices : TED No. NACA AR 8201

Aerodynamic characteristics and pressure distributions of a 6-percent-thick 49 degree sweptback wing with blowing over half-span and full-span flaps

Additional measurements of the low-speed static stability of a configuration employing three triangular wing panels and a body of equal length

Theoretical investigation of the effects of configuration changes on the center of pressure shift of a body-wing-tail combination due to angle of attack and Mach number at transonic and supersonic speeds

A limited flight investigation of the effect of dynamic vibration absorbers on the response of an airplane structure during buffeting

A limited analysis of buffeting experienced in flight by a North American F-86A-1 airplane with and without large external fuel tanks

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