Browse TRAIL Inventories

Effect of leading-edge sweepback on lift, drag, and pitching-moment characteristics of thin wings of aspect ratio 3 and taper ratio 0.4 at subsonic and supersonic speeds

A study of conical camber for triangular and sweptback wings

Investigation of effectiveness of large-chord slotted flaps in deflecting propeller slipstreams downward for vertical take-off and low-speed flight

Lift, drag, and longitudinal stability at Mach numbers from 1.4 to 2.3 of a rocket-powered model having a 52.5 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 3 and inline tail surfaces

Transportation of liquid fluorine

Analysis of Low-Temperature Nuclear-Powered Ram-Jet Missile for High Altitudes

Model investigation of the effect of mounting hydro-skis on shock absorbers

Lift, drag, and longitudinal stability at Mach numbers from 0.8 to 2.1 of a rocket-powered model having a tapered unswept wing of aspect ratio 3 and inline tail surfaces

Performance characteristics of hemispherical target-type thrust reversers

Performance of YJ73-GE-3 turbojet engine in altitude test chamber

Investigation at high subsonic speeds of the effects of various underwing external-store arrangements on the aerodynamic characteristics of a 1/16-scale model of the Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane

An investigation at high subsonic speeds of the effects of horizontal-tail height on the aerodynamic and loading characteristics in sideslip on a 45 degree sweptback, untapered tail assembly as determined from force tests and integrated vertical-tail span loadings

The effect of fluid injection on the compressible turbulent boundary layer : preliminary tests on transpiration cooling of a flat plate

Effect of fuselage fences on the angle-of-attack supersonic performance of a top-inlet-fuselage configuration

A theoretical analysis of the effect of engine angular momentum on longitudinal and directional stability in steady rolling maneuvers

An experimental investigation of the unsteady lift induced on a wing in the downwash field of an oscillating canard control surface

Gust-load and airspeed data from one type of four-engine airplane on five routes from 1947 to 1954

Exploratory investigation of the low-speed static stability of a configuration employing three identical triangular wing panels and a body of equal length

A preliminary investigation of static-pressure changes associated with combustion of aluminum borohydride in a supersonic wind tunnel

Aerodynamic characteristics of two rectangular-plan-form, all moveable controls in combination with a slender body of revolution at Mach numbers from 3.00 to 6.25

Lift, drag, and static longitudinal stability characteristics of four airplane-like configurations at Mach numbers from 3.00 to 6.28

Full-scale performance study of a prototype crash-fire protection system for reciprocating-engine-powered airplanes

Free-spinning-tunnel investigation of a 1/20-scale model of the Douglas A4D-1 airplane: TED No. NACA DE 389

Heat-loss characteristics of hot-wire anemometers at various densities in transonic and supersonic flow

Free-flight heat-transfer measurements on two 20 degree-cone-cylinders at Mach numbers from 1.3 to 4.9

Note on the Scavenge of 6-Inch-Diameter Ram-Jet Exhaust in Mach 3.1, 1- by 1-Foot Supersonic Tunnel

Performance of a double-cone inlet with and without a shroud at below-design Mach numbers

Effect of flight speed on dynamics of a turboprop engine

Correlation of turbine-blade-element losses based on wake momentum thickness with diffusion parameter for a series of subsonic turbine blades in two-dimensional cascade and for four transonic turbine rotors

An experimental evaluation of several design variations of hollow turbine blades for expendable engine application

Drag and rolling-moment effectiveness of trailing-edge spoilers at Mach numbers 2.2 and 5.0

Drag near zero lift of a 1/7-scale model of the Convair B-58 external store as measured in free flight between Mach numbers of 0.8 and 2.45

Design and test of mixed-flow impellers 6: performance and parabolic-bladed impeller with shroud redesigned by rapid approximate method

Design and test of mixed-flow impellers 5: design procedure and performance results for two vaned diffusers tested with impeller model MFI-1B

Design considerations of a condensing system for vaporized magnesium

A study of service-imposed maneuvers of four jet fighter airplanes in relation to their handling qualities and calculated dynamic characteristics

Analytical evaluation of effect of inlet-air temperature and combustion pressure on combustion performance of boron slurries and blends of pentaborane

Comparison between analytical and wind-tunnel results on flutter of several low-aspect-ratio, high-density, unswept wings at high subsonic speeds and zero angle of attack

Aerodynamic characteristics of various configurations of a model of a 45 degree swept-wing airplane at a Mach number of 2.01

Analysis of a pressure-jet power plant for helicopter

Analysis of effects of airplane characteristics and autopilot parameters on a roll-command system with aileron rate and deflection limiting

Boundary-layer transition at high Reynolds numbers as obtained in flight of a 20 degree cone-cylinder with wall to local stream temperature ratios near 1.0

Effects of increasing Reynolds number from 2 x 10(exp 6) to 6 x 10(exp 6) on the aerodynamic characteristics at transonic speeds of a 45 degree swept wing with 6 degree leading-edge droop

Effects of inlet-flow-air distortion on steady-state altitude performance of an axial-flow turbojet engine

Effectiveness of a turbojet tubular combustor in screening the turbine from foreign objects

Effect of fuel nozzle protrusion on transient and steady-state turbojet combustor performance

Effects of various modifications on the static longitudinal stability and control characteristics of a 0.065-scale model of the Chance Vought Regulus II missile at a Mach number of 2.01 : TED No. NACA AD 398

Effects of turbine cooling with compressor air bleed on gas-turbine engine performance

The effects of trailing-edge flaps on the subsonic aerodynamic characteristics of an airplane model having a triangular wing of aspect ratio 3

Experimental investigation of methods of improving diffuser-exit total-pressure profiles for side-inlet model at Mach number 3.05

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