Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Use of sheathed explosive charges on longwalls
Mathematical modeling of spontaneous heating of a coalbed
Recovery of sulfur from phosphogypsum :conversion of calcium sulfide to sulfur
Chromite recovery from northern California ores using a physical concentration process
Electromagnetic investigation of abandoned mines in the Galena, KS, area
Evaluation of a punch shear test device
Arch canopy verification tests
Impact of using auxiliary fans on coal mine ventilation efficiency and cost
Column flotation of multiple products from a fluorite ore
Pressure leaching of galena concentrates to recover lead metal and elemental sulfur
Electrolytic production of calcium metal
Evaluation of field-applied lubricants to increase wire rope life
Laboratory evaluation of cable bolt supports (in two parts) :
An improved method for preparing gravimetric standard gas mixtures of helium-4 in nitrogen
Leaching of pyroxmangite ore with calcium fluoride and sulfuric acid
Effect of nonionic surfactants on chalcopyrite leaching under dump chemical conditions
In-mine test of the Bureau of Mines preproduction wireless survey system
Laser tracking and tram control of a continuous mining machine
Froth flotation collision efficiencies in strong force fields
Recovery of sulfur from phosphogypsum :conversion of calcium sulfate to calcium sulfide
Mining machine orientation control based on inertial, gravitational, and magnetic sensors
Genetic algorithm applied to least squares curve fitting
Characterization of the rare-earth mineralogy at the Pea Ridge Deposit, Missouri
Reducing back injuries in low-coal mines :redesign of materials-handling tasks
Preliminary analysis of methodologies for mining thin-seam mountaintop coal resources
Blind pneumatic stowing in voids in abandoned mines
Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) for software automation
Fuel additive and engine operation effects on diesel soot emissions
Human Factors in Mining Search System
Longwall automation :a ground control perspective
Dust control in coal preparation and mineral processing plants
Method and apparatus for direct determination of helium-3 in natural gas and helium
Field verification of load transfer mechanics of fully grouted roof bolts
Shield mechanics and critical load studies for unsymmetric contact configurations
The influence of sulfate ion on the coal-wetting performance of anionic surfactants
Mine fire diagnostics and implementation of water injection with fume exhaustion at Renton, PA
Slip-and-Fall Accidents During Equipment Maintenance in the Surface Mining Industry
Steel in motor vehicles - a 35-year perspective
Methods for the analysis of mineral chromites and ferrochrome slag
Mineral industry in early America
Trends in Iron Casting Compositions as Related to Ferrous Scrap Quality and Other Variables: 1981-86