Browse TRAIL Inventories

Performance of as-forged, heat-treated, and overaged S-816 blades in a turbojet engine

NACA research on slurry fuels through 1954

Experimental study of shock-positioning method of ram-jet-engine control

Study of some effects of structural flexibility on the longitudinal motions and loads as obtained from flight measurements of a swept-wing bomber

Preliminary experimental investigation of a variable-area, variable-internal-contraction air inlet at Mach numbers between 1.42 and 2.44

Preliminary discussion of fuel temperatures attained in supersonic aircraft

Preliminary results from free-jet tests of a 48-inch-diameter ram-jet combustor with an annular can-type flame holder

Flight-determined pressure distributions over a section of the 35 degree swept wing of the Douglas D-558-II research airplane at Mach numbers up to 2.0

Preliminary results from free jet tests of a 48-inch-diameter ram-jet combustor with an annular-piloted baffle-type flameholder

Preliminary investigation at Mach number 1.9 of simulated wing-root inlets

A pressure-distribution investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of a body of revolution in the vicinity of a reflection plane at Mach numbers of 1.41 and 2.01

Preparation and physical properties of some trialkylboranes

Lateral-control investigation at transonic speeds of differentially deflected horizontal-tail surfaces for a configuration having a 6-percent-thick 45 degree sweptback wing

Lateral stability and control characteristics of the Convair XF-92A delta-wing airplane as measured in flight

A low-pressure-loss short afterburner for sea-level thrust augmentation

Longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics at transonic speeds of a complete model with an unswept wing and a sweptback horizontal tail at two vertical locations

Longitudinal stability characteristics at Mach numbers up to 0.92 of a wing-body-tail combination having a wing with 45 degrees of sweepback and a tail in various vertical positions

Longitudinal characteristics at transonic and supersonic speeds of a rocket-propelled airplane model having a 60-degree delta wing and low swept horizontal tail

Longitudinal stability characteristics in maneuvering flight of the Convair XF-92A delta-wing airplane including the effects of wing fences

Measured effective thermal conductivity of uranium oxide powder in various gases and gas mixtures

Hovering flight tests of a four-engine-transport vertical take-off airplane model utilizing a large flap and extensible vanes for redirecting the propeller slipstream

Effect of exhaust-nozzle ejectors on turbojet noise generation

Flame propagation limits of propane and n-pentane in oxides of nitrogen

An experimental study of orifice coefficients, internal strut pressures, and loads on a small oleo-pneumatic shock strut

Summary evaluation of toothed-nozzle attachments as a jet-noise-suppression device

Summary of laminar-boundary-layer solutions for wedge-type flow over convection-and transpiration-cooled surfaces

Summary of derived gust velocities obtained from measurements within thunderstorms

The transonic characteristics of 36 symmetrical wings of varying taper, aspect ratio, and thickness as determined by the transonic-bump technique

The transonic characteristics of 22 rectangular, symmetrical wing models of varying aspect ratio and thickness

The transonic characteristics of 38 cambered rectangular wings of varying aspect ratio and thickness as determined by the transonic-bump technique

Practical considerations in specific applications of gas-flow interferometry

Prediction of losses induced by angle of attack in cascades of sharp-nosed blades for incompressible and subsonic compressible flow

Rotating-stall characteristics of a rotor with high hub-tip radius ratio

A rapid approximate method for the design of hub shroud profiles of centrifugal impellers of given blade shape

Rapid radiant-heating tests of multiweb beams

Some calculations of the lateral response of two airplanes to atmospheric turbulence with relation to the lateral snaking problem

Pressure rise associated with shock-induced boundary-layer separation

Development of equipment and of experimental techniques for column creep tests

Effect of hydrocarbon structure on reaction processes leading to spontaneous ignition

An automatic viscometer for non-Newtonian materials

Experimental evaluation of momentum terms in turbulent pipe flow

Flight investigation at Mach numbers from 0.8 to 1.5 to determine the effects of nose bluntness on the total drag of two fin-stabilized bodies of revolution

On boattail bodies revolution having minimum wave drag

One-dimensional calculation of flow in a rotating passage with ejection through a porous wall

Free-convection effects on heat transfer for turbulent flow through a vertical tube

Pilot's loss of orientation in inverted spins

Some effects of system nonlinearities in the problem of aircraft flutter

Temperature-composition limits of spontaneous explosion for nine alkylsilanes with air at atmospheric pressure

A technique utilizing rocket-propelled test vehicles for the measurement of the damping in roll of sting-mounted models and some initial results for delta and unswept tapered wings

Study of the momentum distribution of turbulent boundary layers in adverse pressure gradients

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