Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Minimum-drag ducted and pointed bodies of revolution based on linearized supersonic theory
Development of craze and impact resistance in glazing plastics by multiaxial stretching
On boattail bodies of revolution having minimum wave drag
Generalized indical forces on deforming rectangular wings in supersonic flight
Analog study of interacting and noninteracting multiple-loop control systems for turbojet engines
A method for simulating the atmospheric entry of long-range ballistic missiles
Flight measurements of wing loads on the Convair XF-92A delta-wing airplane
Free-jet performance configurations of the XRJ43-MA-3 ram-jet engine
Interaction of a jet and flat plate located in an airstream
A method for the analysis of compounds containing boron, carbon, and hydrogen
Controls for supersonic missiles
Preliminary free-jet performance of XRJ43-MA-3 ram-jet engine at Mach number of 2.50
Effect of ejector performance of varying diameter ratio by simulated iris flaps