Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Turbojet Propulsion-System Research and the Resulting Effects on Airplane Performance
Aerodynamic Design of Axial-Flow Compressors. VII - Blade-Element Flow in Annular Cascades
Loads on thin wings at transonic speeds
A study of means for rationalizing airplane design loads
Landing conditions for large airplanes in routine operations
Some factors affecting the variation of pitching moment with sideslip of aircraft configurations
A survey of unclassified axial-flow-compressor literature
Flight measurements of the vertical-tail loads on the Convair XF-92A delta-wing airplane
A method for simulating the atmospheric entry of long-range ballistic missiles
NACA Conference on engine stall and surge
Preliminary analysis of performance of turbojet engines used as pumps for boundary-layer control
Impingement of Water Droplets on a Sphere
Impingement of Water Droplets on NACA 65A004 Airfoil at 0 Deg Angle of Attack
Performance Characteristics of Several Divergent-Shroud Aircraft Ejectors
Altitude Performance of Modified J71 Afterburner with Revised Engine Operating Conditions
An experimental study of applied ground loads in landing
Stress analysis of circular semimonocoque cylinders with cutouts