Browse TRAIL Inventories

Flight Tests of a 0.13-Scale Model of the Convair XFY-1 Vertically Rising Airplane with the Lower Vertical Tail Removed, TED No. DE 368

Experimental Determination of Linear Dynamics of Two-Spool Turbojet Engines

Design and Evaluation of a Turbojet Exhaust Simulator, Utilizing a Solid-Propellant Rocket Motor, for Use in Free-Flight Aerodynamic Research Models

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Circular Cylinder at Mach Number 6.86 and Angles of Attack Up to 90 Degrees

Average Skin-Friction Drag Coefficients From Tank Tests of a Parabolic Body of Revolution (NACA RM-10)

Interim Report on Free-Spinning-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/25-Scale Model of the McDonnell F3H-1N Airplane, TED No. NACA AD 3100

Flight Measurements of Average Skin-Friction Coefficients on a Parabolic Body of Revolution (NACA RM-10) at Mach Numbers from 1.0 to 3.7

Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics at Transonic Speeds of a 1/30-Scale Model of the Republic XF-103 Airplane

On Force-Deflection Diagrams of Airplane Shock Absorber Struts: First, Second, and Third Partial Reports

Analysis of Turbulent Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, and Friction in Smooth Tubes at High Prandtl and Schmidt Numbers

Take-Off and Landing Characteristics of a 0.13-Scale Model of the Convair XFY-1 Vertically Rising Airplane in Steady Winds, TED No. NACA DE 368

Supplementary Investigation in the Free-Spinning Tunnel of a 1/24-Scale Model of the Grumman F9F-6 Airplane Incorporating only Flaperons for Lateral Control, TED No. NACA DE 364

Summary of Turbulence Data Obtained During United Air Lines Flight Evaluation of an Experimental C Band (5.5 cm) Airborne Weather Radar

An Investigation in the Ames 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel of a YT-56A Turboprop Engine Incorporating a Decoupler and a Controlled-Feathering Device

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effects on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Modifications to a Model of a Bomb Mounted on a Wing-Fuselage Model and to a Model of the Bomb Alone

Effect of Variable Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity on High-Speed Slip Flow Between Concentric Cylinders

Recovery corrections for butt-welded, straight-wire thermocouples in high-velocity, high-temperature gas streams

Statistical survey of icing data measured on scheduled airline flights over the United States and Canada from November 1951 to June 1952

Experimental investigation of external water-spray cooling in a turbojet engine utilizing several injection configurations including orifices in the rotor-blade bases

Application of oblique-shock sensing system to ram-jet-engine flight Mach number control

Static sea-level performance of an axial-flow-compressor turbojet engine with an air-cooled turbine

A survey of methods for turbojet thrust measurement applicable to flight installation

Combustion of aluminum borohydride in a supersonic wind tunnel

Correlation of turbojet combustor carbon formation with smoke-volatility index, smoke point, and NACA K factor

Transient and steady-state performance of a single turbojet combustor with four different fuel nozzles

Average bond energies between boron and elements of the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh groups of the periodic table

Effects of an inset tab on the hinge-moment and effectiveness characteristics of an unswept trailing-edge control on a 60©� delta wing at Mach numbers from 0.75 to 1.96

Characteristics of loads in rough air at transonic speeds of rocket-powered models of a canard and a conventional-tail configuration

An aerodynamic and hydrodynamic investigation of two multi-jet water-based aircraft having low transonic drag rise

Loads associated with spoilers at supersonic speeds

Loads on wings due to spoilers at subsonic and transonic speeds

Vertical and drag ground-reaction forces developed in landing impacts of a large airplane

A free-flight investigation at high subsonic and low supersonic speeds of the rolling effectiveness and drag of three spoiler controls having potentially low actuating-force requirements

The rolling moment due to sideslip of swept wings at subsonic and transonic speeds

Analysis of aerodynamic blade-loading-limit parameters for NACA 65-(C[sub zeta]₀A₁₀) 10 compressor-blade sections at low speeds

An experimental study of a method of designing the sweptback-wing - fuselage juncture for reducing the drag at transonic speeds

Aerodynamic-heating data obtained from free-flight tests between Mach numbers of 1 and 5

Effect of surface roughness on characteristics of spherical shock waves

Some observations on loss of static strength due to fatigue cracks

Preliminary investigation of the failure of pressurized stiffened cylinders

Summary of recent theoretical and experimental work on box-beam vibrations

Preliminary investigation of the compressive strength and creep lifetime of 2024-T3 (formerly 24S-T3) aluminum-alloy plates at elevated temperatures

Tensile properties of some sheet materials under rapid-heating conditions

A study of the response of panels to random acoustic excitation

A free-flight investigation of the effects of simulated sonic turbojet exhaust on the drag of a boattail body with various jet sizes from Mach number 0.87 to 1.50

Free-flight measurements of aerodynamic heat transfer to Mach number 3.9 and of drag to Mach number 6.9 of a fin-stabilized cone-cylinder configuration

Initial experimental investigation of the aerodynamic load on the wing of a model caused by a blast-induced gust that increases the angle of attack into the stall region

Calculated effects of the lateral acceleration derivatives on the dynamic lateral stability of a delta-wing airplane

A low-speed investigation of a thin 60©� delta wing equipped with a double slotted flap to determine the chordwise pressure distribution and the effect of vane size

Application of nonlinear aerodynamic stability characteristics to simplify missile control and guidance systems

Published Year



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