Browse TRAIL Inventories

Lubricants of Reduced Flammability

An Investigation of the Creep Lifetime of 75S-T6 Aluminum-Alloy Columns

Initial Experiments on Flutter of Unswept Cantilever Wings at Mach Number 1.3

Investigation of a Slat in Several Different Positions on an NACA 64A010 Airfoil for a Wide Range of Subsonic Mach Numbers

The Free-Stream Boundaries of Turbulent Flows

Experimental investigation of notch-size effects on rotating-beam fatigue behavior of 75S-T6 aluminum alloy

Influence of Exposed Area on Stress-Corrosion Cracking of 24S Aluminum Alloy

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds of a Fighter Model Employing a Low-Aspect-Ratio Unswept Wing and a Horizontal Tail Mounted Well Above the Wing Plane - Longitudinal Stability and Control

Vertical Descent and Landing Tests of a 0.13-Scale Model of the Convair XFY-1 Vertically Rising Airplane in Still Air, TED No. NACA DE 368

Preliminary Altitude Performance Data for the J65-B3 Turbojet Engine at Reynolds Number Indices from 0.2 to 0.8

Performance and Boundary-Layer Data From 12 Degree and 23 Degree Conical Diffusers of Area Ratio 2.0 at Mach Numbers Up to Choking and Reynolds Numbers Up to 7.5 X 10(6)

Performance of Air-Launched T-40 Rocket Motors with Two Types of Igniter

Experiments on a Tail-Wheel Shimmy

Static Longitudinal and Lateral Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/15-Scale Model of the Grumman F9F-9 Airplane at a Mach Number of 1.41

Additional Results on the Static Longitudinal and Lateral Stability Characteristics of a 0.05-Scale Model of the Convair F2Y-1 Airplane at High Subsonic Speeds

Flight Determination of the Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of a 0.133-Scale Rocket-Powered Model of the Consolidated Vultee XFY-1 Airplane without Propellers at Mach Numbers from 0.73 to 1.19, TED No. NACA DE 369

A Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Model of the Lockheed XF-104 Airplane

Hydrodynamic Investigation of the the Take-Off Characteristics of a 1/10-Scale Dynamic Model of the Convair XF2Y-1 Airplane

A Thermal Equation for Flame Quenching

Wind-Tunnel Tests of a Model of a Wingless Fin-Controlled Missile to Obtain Static Stability and Control Characteristics Through a Range of Mach Numbers From 0.5 to 0.88

Papers on Shimmy and Rolling Behavior of Landing Gears Presented at Stuttgart Conference October 16 and 17, 1941

Similar Solutions for the Compressible Laminar Boundary Layer with Heat Transfer and Pressure Gradient

High-Temperature Lubricants and Bearings for Aircraft Turbine Engine

Rapid Estimation of Bending Frequencies of Rotating Beams

Summary of 65-Series Compressor-Blade Low-Speed Cascade Data by Use of the Carpet-Plotting Technique

Preliminary Investigation of Stress-Rupture and Tensile Strength of Thermenol, an Iron-Aluminum Alloy

Preliminary Measurements of Turbulence and Temperature Fluctuations Behind a Heated Grid

Speed-Brake Investigation at Low Speed of a 1/10-Scale Model of the MX-1554A Airplane With a Circular Jet Nozzle

Compatibility of Pentaborane With Materials Used for Seals, Gaskets, and Construction

Review of High-Performance Axial-Flow-Compressor Blade-Element Theory

An Analysis of Pressure Studies and Experimental and Theoretical Downwash and Sidewash Behind Five Pointed-Tip Wings at Supersonic Speeds

Comparison Between Theoretical and Experimental Rates of Roll of Two Models with Flexible Rectangular Wings at Supersonic Speeds

Investigation of Conical Subsonic Diffusers for Ram-Jet Engines

Experimental Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds to Determine the Rolling-Stability Derivatives of Three Wing-Fuselage Configurations

Pressure, Recovery and Mass-Flow Performance of Four Annular Nose Inlets Operating in Mach Number Region of 3.1 and Reynolds Number Range of Approximately 0.45 x 10(exp 6) to 2.20 x 10(exp 6)

The Effect of a Change in Body Shape on the Loading of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Body Combination at Transonic Speeds

Static Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of a Composite-Plan-Form-Wing-Model Including Some Comparisons with a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing at Transonic Speeds

Lateral Motions Encountered with the Douglas D-558-II All-Rocket Research Airplane During Exploratory Flights to a Mach Number of 2.0

Quasi-Cylindrical Theory of Wing-Body Interference at Supersonic Speeds and Comparison with Experiment

Application of Pulse Techniques to Strain Gages

Investigation of Turbojet Engine Performance at Speeds and Gas Temperatures Above Rated Using Turbine-Blade External Water-Spray Cooling from Stationary Injection Orifices

Longitudinal Stability Characteristics in Accelerated Maneuvers at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds of the Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane Equipped with a Leading-Edge Wing Chord-Extension

Experimental Investigation of a Five-Stage Axial-Flow Research Compressor with Transonic Rotors in All Stages 1: Compressor Design

Experimental Investigation of a Five-Stage Axial-Flow Research Compressor With Transonic Rotors in All Stages 2: Compressor Over-All Performance

Investigation of a Flow Deflector and an Auxiliary Scoop for Improving Off-Design Performance of Nose Inlets

An Investigation of the Effects of Jet Exhaust and Reynolds Number Upon the Flow Over the Vertical Stabilizer and Rudder of the Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane at Mach Numbers of 1.62, 1.93, and 2.41

Effects of Operating Propellers on the Wing-Surface Pressures of a Four-Engine Tractor Airplane Configuration Having a Wing with 40 Degrees of Sweepback

Effects of Resin Coating Methods and Other Variables on Physical Properties of Glass-Fabric Reinforced Polyesters

Two-Spool Matching Procedures and Equilibrium Characteristics of a Two-Spool Turbojet Engine

Effect at Transonic Speeds of Inboard Spoilers on the Static Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Body Combination Having a Leading-Edge Chord-Extension

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