Browse TRAIL Inventories

Relation of microstructure to high-temperature properties of a wrought cobalt-base alloy stellite 21 (AMS 5385)

The resistance to air flow of porous materials suitable for boundary-layer-control applications using area suction

Section characteristics of an NACA 0006 airfoil with area suction near the leading edge

Organophosphorus Compounds in Rocket-Engine Applications

Preliminary Flight Measurements of the Total-Pressure Recovery of a Split-Wing Ram-Jet Inlet at Mach Numbers from 1.4 to 3.16

Experimental Investigation of Sublimation of Ice at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds and Its Relation to Heat Transfer

Speed-Brake Investigation at Low Speed of a 1/10-Scale Model of the MX-1554A Airplane With a Circular Jet Nozzle

Preliminary Performance Data Obtained in a Full-Scale Free-Jet Investigation of a Side-Inlet Supersonic Diffuser

On the Three-Dimensional Instability of Laminar Boundary Layers on Concave Walls

A Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Performance and of the Static Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/15-Scale Model of the Grumman F9F-9 Airplane, Ted No. NACA DE 390

Summary of the Lift, Drag, and Stability of 1/10-Scale Rocket-Boosted Models of the McDonnell XF3H-1 Airplane for a Mach Number Range of 0.6 to 1.4 as Affected by the Operation of Extensible Rocket Racks

Rocket-Model Investigation of the Longitudinal Stability, Drag, and Duct Performance of a 60 Degree Delta-Wing Canard Aircraft With Twin Side Inlets at Mach Numbers From 0.80 to 1.70

Rocket-Powered-Model Investigation of the Effects of Aeroelasticity on the Rolling Effectiveness of an 8.06-Percent-Scale McDonnell F3H-1 Airplane Wing at Mach Numbers From 0.5 to 1.4

Preliminary Transient Performance Data on the Fuel Control of the XRJ47-W-5 Ram-Jet Engine

A Procedure for the Design of Air-Heated Ice-Prevention Systems

Wind-Tunnel Experiments Concerning the Dynamic Behavior of a Low-Speed Slowly Spinning Fin-Stabilized Rocket

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of the Rolling Stability Derivatives of a 1/10-Scale Model of the Douglas A4D-1 Airplane

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of the Yawing Stability Derivatives of a 1/10-Scale Model of the Douglas A4D-1 Airplane

Design of Combustor for Long-Range Ram-Jet Engine and Performance of Rectangular Analog

Zero-Lift Drag of the Chance Vought Regulus II Missile at Mach Numbers Between 0.8 and 2.2 as Determined From the Flight Tests of Two 0.12-Scale Models

Experimental Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Low-Density Ice

The Effect of Several Jet-Engine Air-Inlet Configurations on the Low-Speed Static Lateral Stability Characteristics of a 1/6- Scale of the MX-1764 Airplane

Effects of Secondary-Air Flow on Annular Base Force of a Supersonic Airplane

Performance of Isentropic Nose Inlets at Mach Number of 5.6

Combustion Performance of Two Experimental Turbojet Annular Combustors at Conditions Simulating High-Altitude Supersonic Flight

Comparison of Free-Flight Measurements of the Zero-Lift Drag Rise of Six Airplane Configurations and Their Equivalent Bodies of Revolution at Transonic Speeds

Comparison of Wind-Tunnel, Rocket, and Flight Drag Measurements for Eight Airplane Configurations at Mach Numbers Between 0.7 and 1.6

Altitude Investigation of Can-Type Flame Holder in 20-Inchdiameter Ram-Jet Combustor

Investigation of Adjustable Supersonic Inlet in Combination With J34 Engine Up to Mach 2.0

Flight Investigation to Evaluate the Roll-Rate Stabilization System of the Naval Ordnance Test Station SIDEWINDER Missile at Mach Numbers From 0.9 to 2.3

Investigation of Effect of Number and Width of Annular Flameholder Gutters on Afterburner Performance

An Investigation of the Longitudinal Stability and Afterbody Pressure Characteristics of Specialized Store Configurations at Transonic Speeds

Effect of Several Jet-Engine Air-Inlet Configurations on the Low-Speed Static Longitudinal Stability Characteristics and Quantity Flow of a 1/6-Scale Model of the MX-1764 Airplane

Influence of Combustion-chamber Length on Afterburner Performance

Impingement of Water Droplets on NACA 65A004 Airfoil at 8 Degree Angle of Attack

Impingement of Water Droplets on an Ellipsoid with Fineness Ratio 5 in Axisymmetric Flow

Free-Flight Investigation of the Full-Scale Hughes Falcon Missile, D Configuration, to Determine Aileron Effectiveness and Damping in Roll

Free-flight Tests of 45 Deg Swept Wings of Aspect Ratio 3.15 and Taper Ratio 0.54 to Measure Wing Damping of the First Bending Mode and to Investigate the Possibility of Flutter at Transonic Speeds

Flight Test of an End-Burning Solid-Fuel Ramjet

Investigation of a 1/4-Scale Model of the Republic F-105 Airplane in the Langley 19-Foot Pressure Tunnel: Influence of Trailing-Edge Flap Span and Deflection on the Longitudinal Characteristics

Cooling Characteristics of a Transpiration-Cooled Afterburner With a Porous Wall of Brazed and Rolled Wire Cloth

A Nonlinear Theory of Bending and Buckling of Thin Elastic Shallow Spherical Shells

An Exploratory Investigation of Some Types of Aeroelastic Instability of Open and Closed Bodies of Revolution Mounted on Slender Struts

A System for Measuring the Dynamic Lateral Stability Derivatives in High-Speed Wind Tunnels

Some Measurements of Noise From Three Solid-Fuel Rocket Engines

Turbulent-Heat-Transfer Measurements at a Mach Number of 3.03

Theoretical Investigation at Subsonic Speeds of the Flow Ahead of a Slender Inclined Parabolic-Arc Body of Revolution and Correlation With Experimental Data Obtained at Low Speeds

Elastic Buckling Under Combined Stresses of Flat Plates With Integral Waffle-Like Stiffening

Burning Times of Magnesium Ribbons in Various Atmospheres

Investigation of Lift, Drag, and Pitching Moment of a 60 Degrees Delta-Wind-Body Combination (AGARD Calibration Model B) in the Langley 9-Inch Supersonic Tunnel

Published Year



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