Browse TRAIL Inventories

Experimental performance of liquid fluorine-liquid ammonia propellant combination in 1000-pound-thrust rocket engines

Effect of a wing leading-edge flap and chord-extension on the high subsonic control characteristics of a spoiler-slot-deflector control located at two spanwise positions

Effects of high-lift devices and horizontal-tail location on the low-speed characteristics of a large-scale 45 degree swept-wing airplane configuration

Investigation of the effects of profile shape on the aerodynamic and structural characteristics of thin, two-dimensional airfoils at supersonic speeds

Flight investigation of the effects of horizontal-tail height, moment of inertia, and control effectiveness on the pitch-up characteristics of a 35 degree swept-wing fighter airplane at high subsonic speeds

Flight investigation of the effects of a partial-span leading-edge chord extension on the aerodynamic characteristics of a 35 degree swept-wing fighter airplane

Free-flight measurements of the rolling effectiveness and operating characteristics of a bellows-actuated split-flap aileron on a 60 degree delta wing at Mach numbers between 0.8 and 1.8

Summary of free-flight performance of a series of ram-jet engines at Mach numbers from 0.80 to 2.20

Investigation of a 1/4-scale model of the Republic F-105 airplane in the Langley 19-foot pressure tunnel : influence of trailing-edge flap span and deflection on the longitudinal characteristics

Investigation of a 1/4-Scale Model of the Republic F-105 Airplane in the Langley 19-Foot Pressure Tunnel: Longitudinal Stability and Control of the Model Equipped with a Supersonic-Type Elliptical Wing-Root Inlet

Transonic wind-tunnel investigation of the effect of body indentation for boattail and cylindrical afterbody shapes on the aerodynamic characteristics of an unswept-wing-body combination

A transonic wind-tunnel investigation of the effects of twist and camber with and without incidence, twist and body indentation on the aerodynamic characteristics of a 45 degree sweptback wing-body configuration

A summary of information on support interference at transonic and supersonic speeds

Altitude performance and operational characteristics of an XT38-A-2 turboprop engine

Altitude-chamber investigation of J73-GE-1A turbojet engine component performance

Altitude investigation of can-type flame holder in 20-inch-diameter ram-jet combustor

The transonic aerodynamic characteristics of structurally related wings of low aspect ratio having a spanwise variation in thickness ratio-transonic bump technique

Altitude performance characteristics of the J73-GE-1A turbojet engine

Altitude performance of compressor, turbine, and combustor components of 600-B9 turbojet engine

Altitude performance of compressor, combustor, and turbine components of XT38-A-2 turboprop engine

Altitude-wind-tunnel investigation of several afterburner configurations having moderately high burner-inlet velocities

Additional fatigue tests on effects of design details in 355-T6 sand-cast aluminum alloy

Aerodynamic characteristics at Mach number of 2.01 of two cruciform missile configurations having 70 degree delta wings with length-diameter ratios of 14.8 and 17.7 with several canard controls

The transonic characteristics of unswept wings having aspect ratios of 4, spanwise variations in thickness ratio, and variations in plan-form taper-transonic-bump technique

Tooth-type noise-suppression devices on a full-scale axial-flow turbojet engine

Low-speed measurement of static stability and damping derivatives of a 60 degree delta-wing model for angles of attack of 0 degrees to 90 degrees

Low-velocity turning as a means of minimizing boundary-layer accumulations resulting from secondary flows within turbine stators

Methods for obtaining desired helicopter stability characteristics

Methods of predicting helicopter stability

An exploratory investigation of skin friction and transition on three bodies of revolution at a Mach number of 1.61

Investigation of Mach number changes obtained by discharging high-pressure pulse through wind tunnel operating supersonically

An investigation of lamellar structures and minor phases in eleven cobalt-base alloys before and after heat treatment

An investigation of a wing-propeller configuration employing large-chord plain flaps and large-diameter propellers for low-speed flight and vertical take-off

An investigation of a lifting 10-percent-thick symmetrical double-wedge airfoil at mach number up to 1

The influence of wheel spin-up on landing-gear impact

Infrared spectra of 47 dicyclic hydrocarbons

Investigation of static strength and creep behavior of an aluminum-alloy multiweb box beam at elevated temperatures

Investigation of nickel-aluminum alloys containing from 14 to 34 percent aluminum

A method for evaluating the effects of drag and inlet pressure recovery on propulsion-system performance

A method for measuring the product of inertia and the inclination of the principal longitudinal axis of inertia of an airplane

A method for estimating variations in the roots of the lateral-stability quartic due to changes in mass and aerodynamic parameters of an airplane

Comparison between theory and experiment for interference pressure field between wing and body at supersonic speeds

Oscillating pressures near a static pusher propeller at tip Mach numbers up to 1.20 with special reference to the effects of the presence of the wing

A new method of analyzing extreme-value data

A new hodograph for free-streamline theory

Preliminary results from flow-field measurements around single and tandem rotors in the langley full-scale tunnel

Present status of information relative to the prediction of shock-induced boundary-layer separation

Lift and pitching moment at supersonic speeds due to constant vertical acceleration for thin sweptback tapered wings with streamwise tips : supersonic leading and trailing edges

Liquefaction of air in the Langley 11-inch hypersonic tunnel

Lift and moment coefficients expanded to the seventh power of frequency for oscillating rectangular wings in supersonic flow and applied to a specific flutter problem

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