Browse TRAIL Inventories

Tests in the Ames 40- by 80-foot wind tunnel of the aerodynamic characteristics of airplane models with plain spoiler ailerons

On slender-body theory at transonic speeds

Wind-tunnel investigation at subsonic and supersonic speeds of a fighter model employing a low-aspect-ratio unswept wing and a horizontal tail mounted well above the wing plane - longitudinal stability and control

Preliminary investigation of performance and starting characteristics of liquid fluorine: Liquid oxygen mixtures with jet fuel

Method of designing corrugated surfaces having maximum cooling effectiveness within pressure-drop limitations for application to cooled turbine blades

Analysis of a nuclear-powered ram-jet missile

Force Measurements on Cone-Cylinder Body of Revolution with Various Nose and Fin Configurations at Mach Number 4.0

Performance of a pair of tubular combustors with an external pilot chamber

Performance characteristics of several short annular diffusers for turbojet engine afterburners

Performance of a supersonic ramp inlet with internal boundary-layer scoop

Performance of slurries of 50 percent boron in JP-4 fuel in 5-inch ram-jet burner

Investigation at high subsonic speeds of finned and unfinned bodies mounted at various locations from the wings of unswept- and swept-wing--fuselage models, including measurements of body loads

An investigation at high subsonic speeds of the pressure distributions on a 45 degree sweptback vertical tail in sideslip with and without a 45 degree sweptback horizontal tail located on the fuselage center line

Investigation of compressible flow mixing losses obtained downstream of a blade row

Investigation at high subsonic speeds of the effect of adding various combinations of missiles on the aerodynamic characteristics of sweptback and unswept wings combined with a fuselage

Investigation at high subsonic speeds of the pressure distributions on a 45 degree sweptback horizontal tail mounted at 50-percent and 100-percent vertical-tail span

Effects of additives on corrosion and mass transfer in sodium hydroxide - nickel systems under free-convection conditions

Dynamic corrosion of nickel at 1500 F by sodium hydroxide with various additives in a torrid circulating apparatus

Dynamic corrosion in an iron - stainless steel toroid by sodium at 900 F

Investigation of effect of number and width of annular flame-holder gutter on afterburner performance

Explosion and combustion properties of alkylsilanes I : temperature-composition limits of explosion for methyl-,dimethyl-,trimethyl-,tetramethyl-,and vinylsilane at atmospheric pressure

Cooling characteristics of a transpiration-cooled afterburner with a porous wall of brazed and rolled wire cloth

Ground tests of the elevator power control system and feel device in a Boeing B-47A airplane

Effects of angle of attack and airfoil profile on the two-dimensional flutter derivatives for airfoils oscillating in pitch at high subsonic speeds

Effects of airfoil profile on the two-dimensional flutter derivatives for wings oscillating in pitch at high subsonic speeds

Effect of ignitor design and ignitor spark-gap environment on ignition in a turbojet combustor

Ignition of ammonia and mixed oxides of nitrogen in 200-pound-thrust rocket engines at 160 F

Comparison of Experimental Hydrodynamic Impact Loads and Motions for a V-Step and a Transverse-Step Hydro-Ski

On traveling waves in beams

Comparison of normal load factors experienced with jet fighter airplanes during combat operations with those of flight tests conducted by the NACA during operational training

Effect of channel geometry on the quenching of laminar flames

A study of the use of controls and the resulting airplane response during service training operations of four jet fighter airplanes

Correlation of isothermal contours formed by penetration of jet of liquid ammonia directed normal to an airstream

Drag data for 16-inch-diameter ram-jet engine with double-cone inlet in free flight at Mach numbers from 0.7 to 1.8

Design and test of mixed-flow impellers 4: experimental results for impeller models MF-1 and MF-2 with changes in blade height

Effect of nozzle contour on drag of parabolic afterbodies

Aerodynamic characteristics of several tip controls on a 60 degree wing at a Mach number of 1.61

Aerodynamic characteristics of two flat-bottomed bodies at Mach number of 3.12

Analytical study of losses at off-design conditions for a fixed geometry turbine

Angle-of-attack-supersonic performance of a configuration consisting of a ramp-type scoop inlet located either on top or bottom of a body of revolution

Analytical investigation of off-design performance of a transonic turbine

The aerodynamic characteristics of two series of lifting bodies at Mach number 6.86

Buffeting forces on two-dimensional airfoils as affected by thickness and thickness distribution

Comparison of experimental with calculated results for the lifting effectiveness of a flexible 45 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 6.0 at Mach numbers from 0.8 to 1.3

Comparison of effects of ailerons and combinations of spoiler-slot-deflector arrangements on spin recovery of sweptback-wing model having mass distributed along the fuselage

Analysis of performance of four symmetrical-diagram-type subsonic inlet-stage axial-flow compressors

Aerodynamic characteristics of several flap-type trailing-edge controls on a trapezoidal wing at Mach numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

A comparison of flight measurements with calculations of the horizontal-tail root bending moments for a jet-powered bomber airplane

Comparison of low-speed rotor and cascade performance for medium-camber NACA 65-(C(sub lo)A(sub 10) 10 compressor-blade sections over a wide range of rotor blade-setting angles at solidities. of 1.0 and 0.5

Analysis of off-design operation of high Mach number supersonic turbojet engines

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