Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Investigation of Supersonic-Compressor Rotors Designed with External Compression
Investigation of transient combustion characteristics in a single tubular combustor
A method for increasing the effectiveness of stabilizing surfaces at high supersonic Mach numbers
Method for studying helicopter longitudinal maneuver stability
Performance of isentropic nose inlets at Mach number of 5.6
Performance of wedge-type boundary layer diverters for side inlets at supersonic speeds
Optimum lifting bodies at high supersonic airspeeds
Organophosphorus compounds in rocket-engine applications
Performance of five low-temperature-ratio ram-jet combustors over range of simulated altitudes
Jet effects on pressure loading of all-movable horizontal stabilizer
Wind pressure distributions at low lift for the XF-92A delta-wing airplane at transonic speeds
A preliminary study of the preparation of slurry fuels from vaporized magnesium
Experimental stress analysis of stiffened cylinders with cutouts: Pure bending
An experimental investigation of wheel spin-up drag loads
Hovering performance of a helicopter rotor using NACA 8-H-12 airfoil sections
Effects of panel flexibility on natural vibration frequencies of box beams
Experimental stress analysis of stiffened cylinders with cutouts: Shear load
Transverse oscillations in a cylindrical combustion chamber
Transient temperature in heat exchangers for supersonic blowdown tunnels