Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation of a 10-stage subsonic axial-flow research compressor V : effect of reducing inlet-guide-vane turning on over-all and inlet-stage performance

Investigation of a 10-stage subsonic axial-flow research compressor VI : performance evaluation and flow distributions in the first, fifth, and tenth stages

An investigation of a supersonic aircraft configuration having a tapered wing with circular-arc sections and 40 degree sweepback : aerodynamic characteristics of the configuration equipped with a canard control surface at a Mach number of 1.89

Investigation of Supersonic-Compressor Rotors Designed with External Compression

Investigation of three highly loaded subsonic-inlet-stage axial-flow compressors employing varying radial gradients of energy addition

Investigation of three low-temperature-ratio combustor configurations in a 48-inch-diameter ram-jet engine

Investigation of transient combustion characteristics in a single tubular combustor

Investigation to Mach number 2.0 of shock-positioning control systems for a variable-geometry inlet in combination with a J34 turbojet engine

A method for increasing the effectiveness of stabilizing surfaces at high supersonic Mach numbers

Method for studying helicopter longitudinal maneuver stability

Thrust and pumping characteristics of a series of ejector-type exhaust nozzles at subsonic and supersonic flight speeds

Pressure distributions on triangular and rectangular wings to high angles of attack Mach numbers 1.45 and 1.97

Performance of isentropic nose inlets at Mach number of 5.6

Performance of two air-cooled turbojet engines determined analytically from engine component performance for a range of cooling-air weight flows

Performance of wedge-type boundary layer diverters for side inlets at supersonic speeds

Optimum lifting bodies at high supersonic airspeeds

Organophosphorus compounds in rocket-engine applications

Performance of mixed-flow impeller, model MFI-1B, with diffuser vanes at equivalent impeller speeds from 1100 to 1700 feet per second

Performance of five low-temperature-ratio ram-jet combustors over range of simulated altitudes

Tests in the Ames 40- by 80-foot wind tunnel of the effects of varying wing modifications on the longitudinal characteristics of two-triangular wing airplane models with and without horizontal tails

Matrix methods for determining the longitudinal-stability derivatives of an airplane from transient flight data

Jet effects on pressure loading of all-movable horizontal stabilizer

Wind pressure distributions at low lift for the XF-92A delta-wing airplane at transonic speeds

Preliminary investigation of a technique for stability studies of a self-propelled model of a submerged submarine

Preliminary investigation of an asymmetric swept nose inlet of circular projection at Mach number 3.85

A preliminary study of the preparation of slurry fuels from vaporized magnesium

Preliminary wind tunnel investigation of two types of jet-exit configurations for control of aircraft

Preliminary investigation at subsonic and transonic speeds of the aerodynamic characteristics of a biplane composed of a sweptback and a sweptforward wing joined at the tips

Preliminary drag measurements of the consolidated Vultee XF-92A delta-wing airplane in flight tests to a Mach number of 1.01

Lift and drag characteristics of the Douglas X-3 research airplane obtained during demonstration flights to a Mach number of 1.20

Lateral control characteristics of two structural similar flexible wings with 45 degrees sweep: a sweptback wing and a wing with M plan form

Lift and drag characteristics of the Douglas D-558-II research airplane obtained in exploratory flights to a Mach number of 2.0

Longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics to large angles of attack of a cruciform missile configuration at a Mach number of 2

A low-speed investigation of the aerodynamic, control, and hinge-moment characteristics of two types of controls and balancing tabs on a large-scale thin delta-wing-fuselage model

Measurement of heat-transfer and friction coefficients for flow of air in noncircular ducts at high surface temperatures

Measurements of normal-force-coefficient fluctuation on four 9-percent-thick airfoils having different locations of maximum thickness

Experimental stress analysis of stiffened cylinders with cutouts: Pure bending

An experimental investigation of wheel spin-up drag loads

The hydrodynamic characteristics of modified rectangular flat plates having aspect ratios of 1.00 and 0.25 and operating near a free water surface

Hovering performance of a helicopter rotor using NACA 8-H-12 airfoil sections

Dynamic stability and control characteristics of a cascade-wing vertically rising airplane model in take-offs, landings, and hovering flight

Effects of panel flexibility on natural vibration frequencies of box beams

An experimental study of porosity characteristics of perforated materials in normal and parallel flow

Experimental stress analysis of stiffened cylinders with cutouts: Shear load

Theoretical and experimental investigation of heat transfer by laminar natural convection between parallel plates

Transverse oscillations in a cylindrical combustion chamber

Theoretical investigation of the effects upon lift of a gap between wing and body of a slender wing-body combination

Transient temperature in heat exchangers for supersonic blowdown tunnels

A theoretical investigation of the aerodynamics of wing-tail combinations performing time-dependent motions at supersonic speeds

Turbulent boundary-layer and skin-friction measurements in axial flow along cylinders at Mach numbers between 0.5 and 3.6

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