Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation of an on-off inlet shock-position control on a 16-inch ram-jet engine

The Effect of Blunt-Trailing-Edge Modifications on the High-Speed Stability and Control Characteristics of a Swept-Wing Fighter Airplane

An experimental investigation of reduction in transonic drag rise at zero lift by the addition of volume to the fuselage of a wing-body-tail configuration and a comparison with theory

Experimental investigation of effects of primary jet flow and secondary flow through a zero-length ejector on base and boattail pressures of a body of revolution at free-stream Mach numbers of 1.62, 1.93, and 2.41

Stability and Control Flight Tests of a Vertically Rising Airplane Model Similar to the Lockheed XFV-1 Airplane

Studies of the lateral-directional flying qualities of a tandem helicopter in forward flight

Effects of Fuselage Modifications on the Drag Characteristics of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Convair F-102 Airplane at Transonic Speeds

Preliminary Low-Speed Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Some Aspects of the Aerodynamic Problems Associated with Missiles Carried Externally in Positions Near Airplane Wings

Investigation of the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of the Panto-Base Chase C-123 Airplane

Preliminary Altitude Performance Data of J71-A2 Turbojet Engine Afterburner

Preliminary Altitude Performance Data for the J71-A2 (X-26) Turbojet Engine

Theoretical study of the transonic lift of a double-wedge profile with detached bow wave

A theoretical study of the effect of forward speed on the free-space sound-pressure field around propellers

The zero-lift drag of a slender body of revolution (NACA RM-10 research model) as determined from tests in several wind tunnels and in flight at supersonic speeds

Unsteady oblique interaction of a shock wave with a plane disturbance

A method of measuring jet thrust of turbojet engines in flight installations

Effect of horizontal-tail span and vertical location on the aerodynamic characteristics of an unswept tail assembly in sideslip

Formation and combustion of smoke in laminar flames

Convection of a pattern of vorticity through a shock wave

Low-Speed Longitudinal Stability and Lateral-Control Characteristics of a 0.3-Scale Model of the Republic RF-84F Airplane at a Reynolds Number of 9x10(exp 6)

Effect of ground interference on the aerodynamic and flow characteristics of a 42 degree sweptback wing at Reynolds numbers up to 6.8 x 10(6)

Exact solutions of laminar-boundary-layer equations with constant property values for porous wall with variable temperature

A study of the characteristics of human-pilot control response to simulated aircraft lateral motions

Structural response to discrete and continuous gusts of an airplane having wing bending flexibility and a correlation of calculated and flight results

A visualization study of secondary flows in cascades

Experimental investigation of acceleration characteristics of a turbojet engine including regions of surge and stall for control applications

Comparison of performance of experimental and conventional cage designs and materials for 75-millimeter-bore cylindrical roller bearings at high speed

Effects of sweep and thickness on the static longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a series of thin, low-aspect-ratio, highly tapered wings at transonic speeds: transonic-bump method

Wind-tunnel investigation at low speed of the effects of chordwise wing fences and horizontal-tail position on the static longitudinal stability characteristics of an airplane model with a 35 degree sweptback wing

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds of a Fighter Model Employing a Low-aspect-ratio Unswept Wing and a Horizontal Tail Mounted Well above the Wing Plane - Lateral and Directional Stability

Effect of a Leading-edge Flap upon the Lift, Drag, and Pitching Moment of an Airplane Employing a Thin, Unswept Wing

Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of the Consolidated Vultee XFY-1 Airplane with Windmilling Propellers as Obtained from Flight of 0.133-Scale Rocket-Propelled Model at Mach Numbers from 0.70 to 1.13

Analysis of Rocket, Ram-Jet, and Turbojet Engines for Supersonic Propulsion of Long-Range Missiles 2 - Rocket Missile Performance

Note on the Effects of First-Order Aerodynamic Loads on Propeller Shaft Loads with Emphasis on Counterrotating Propellers

Preliminary Investigation of the Static Longitudinal and Lateral Stability Characteristics of a 0.05-Scale Model of the Convair F2Y-1 Airplane at High Subsonic Speeds

High-Speed Drag and Opening Characteristics of a Kaman Rotochute Model

Vapor pressures and calculated heats of vaporization of concentrated nitric acid solutions in the composition range 71 to 89 percent nitrogen dioxide, 1 to 10 percent water, and in the temperature range 10 to 60 degrees C

A flight evaluation of the stability and control of the X-4 swept-wing semitailless airplane

Flight determination of the drag of conical-shock nose inlets with various cowling shapes and axial positions of the center body at Mach numbers from 0.8 to 2.0

Exploratory engine test of transpiration-cooled turbine-rotor blade with wire-cloth shell

High-altitude performance of an experimental turbular prevaporizing combustor

Investigation of impulse-type supersonic compressor with hub-tip ratio of 0.6 and turning to axial direction I : performance of rotor alone

Investigation of a trailing-edge paddle-control surface on a triangular wing of aspect ratio 2 at subsonic and supersonic speeds

Investigation of a supersonic-compressor rotor with turning to axial direction II : rotor component off-design and stage performance

Investigation of a translating-cone inlet at Mach numbers from 1.5 to 2.0

Internal performance at Mach number to 2.0 of two auxiliary inlets immersed in fuselage boundary layer

Investigation of a high-temperature single-stage turbine suitable for air cooling and turbine stator adjustment 1: design of vortex turbine and performance with stator at design setting

Investigation of a high-temperature single-stage turbine suitable for air cooling and turbine stator adjustment 2: performance of vortex turbine at various stator settings

Investigation of a high-pressure ratio eight-stage axial-flow research compressor with two transonic inlet stages III : individual stage performance characteristics

Investigation of a missile airframe with control surfaces consisting of projecting quadrants of the nose cone

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