Browse TRAIL Inventories

Solvent extraction of nickel and copper from laterite-ammoniacal leach liquors

The theory of flammability limits :radiative losses and selective diffusional demixing

Safe, effective hangup clearance for underground mines

Results of EPA extraction procedure toxicity test applied to copper reverberatory slags

Thermodynamics of calcination of calcite

A microseismic system for monitoring slope stability

Firing an iron ore pelletizing kiln with low-Btu gas from lignite

Recovery of ultrafine barite from mill wastes

Probability of encountering coalbed discontinuities during vertical and horizontal borehole drilling

Radon emanation from stopes backfilled with cemented uranium mill tailings

Anion characterization of Florida phosphate rock mining materials and U.S. cement kiln dust by ion chromatography

Weathering of a base-metal sulfide leaching residue

Introduction of sulfur into copper converter slags to produce copper matte

Recovery of zinc and sulfur from sphalerite concentrates by reaction with sulfuric acid

Electrokinetic densification of solids in a coal mine sediment pond -a feasibility study (in two parts).

Inhibition and extinction of coal dust and methane explosions

Calcination of aluminum nitrate nonahydrate in a fluidized bed

Design criteria for sheathed permissible explosive charge for open shooting in flammable atmospheres

Stability relationships between petalite (LiA1Si₄O₁₀) and spodumene (LiA1Si₂O₆)

Recovery of platinum-group metals from Stillwater Complex, Mont., flotation concentrates by matte smelting and leaching

Recovery of scheelite and byproduct sphalerite from western U.S. tactite ores

Refractory properties of brick produced from beneficiated chrome-containing furnace linings

Sulfur hexafluoride as a mine ventilation research tool :recent field applications

Stripping SO₂-loaded citrate solutions with pressurized steam

Fire and explosion properties of oil shale

Flammability of mixed gases

Sand bed dewatering of alumina miniplant tailings

Degasification study from an air shaft in the Beckley Coalbed

Size and shape characterization of fibrous zeolites by electron microscopy

Hydrometallurgical treatment of arsenic-containing lead-smelter flue dust

Beneficiation of a phosphate ore produced by borehole mining

Laboratory investigations on the behavior of accessory elements in lead blast furnace smelting

Building seals by pneumatic stowing in mine closure operations

Application of carbonate-silica flotation techniques to western phosphate materials

Reactivity of ANFO with pyrite containing weathering products-evaluation of additional inhibitors

Investigation of methane emissions from an advancing face in the Belle Isle domal salt mine, Louisiana

Laboratory testing of a radial-axial loading splitting tool

Recovery of tungsten from a hydrothermally altered deposit

Physical beneficiation of titanium plant solid wastes :recovery of titanium minerals and coke

Statistical approach to the analysis of bias and precision in reusable gas-detecting devices

Atmospheric pressure desilication of leach liquors from lime-sinter processing of anorthosite

Chromium recovery from nickel-cobalt laterite and laterite leach residue

Relative enthalpies of Ni₃S₂

Electrochemical determination of thermodynamic properties of manganomanganic oxide and manganese sesquioxide

A case history of a major rock burst

An evaluation of used aluminum smelter potlining as a substitute for fluorspar in basic oxygen steelmaking

Economic analysis of surface mining mobile equipment fire protection systems

Recovery of iron and copper from copper smelting furnace slags by carbon injection

Performance evaluation of electromagnetic techniques for the location of trapped miners

Operation of a mineral recovery unit on brine from the Salton Sea known geothermal resource area

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