Browse TRAIL Inventories

Flight Results from a 1/10-Scale Rocket Model of the Lockheed XF-104 Airplane at Transonic Mach Numbers

Longitudinal Control Characteristics of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Convair F-102 Airplane at Transonic Speeds

Aerodynamic load measurements and opening characteristics of automatic leading-edge slats on a 45©� sweptback wing at transonic speeds

The twisting effect at transonic speeds of spoiler ailerons on a 45©� sweptback, aspect-ratio-4, tapered wing

Wind-tunnel investigation at high subsonic speeds to determine the rolling derivatives of two wing-fuselage combinations having triangular winds, including a semiempirical method of estimating the rolling derivatives

Free-flight measurements of the rolling effectiveness and drag of trailing-edge spoilers on a tapered sweptback wing at Mach numbers between 0.6 and 1.4

Subsonic investigation of effects of body indentation on zero-lift drag characteristics of a 45©� sweptback wing-body combination with natural and fixed boundary-layer transition through a range of Reynolds number from 1 x 10⁶ to 8 x 10⁶

Theoretical investigation of some discontinuous yaw dampers

Flight investigation of an aileron and a spoiler on a wing of the X-3 airplane plan form at Mach numbers from 0.5 to 1.6

Effects of overhang balance on the hinge-moment and effectiveness characteristics of an unswept trailing-edge control on a 60 degree delta wing at transonic and supersonic speeds

Aerodynamic characteristics at transonic and supersonic speeds of a rocket-propelled airplane configuration having a diamond-plan-form wing aspect ration 3.08 and a low, swept horizontal tail

Chordwise pressures and section moment force and moment coefficients at high subsonic speeds near midspan of a tapered 35 degree sweptback wing with a flap-type control and an attached tab

The effect of lip shape on a nose-inlet installation at Mach numbers from 0 to 1.5 and a method for optimizing engine-inlet combinations

Free-flight investigation of the full-scale Hughes Falcon missile, D configuration, to determine aileron effectiveness and damping in roll

Free-flight tests of 45 degree swept wings of aspect ratio 3.15 and taper ratio 0.54 to measure wing damping of the first bending mode and to investigate the possibility of flutter at transonic speeds

Effect of nose shape and trailing-edge bluntness on the aerodynamic characteristics of an unswept wing of aspect ratio 3.1, taper ratio 0.4, and 3-percent thickness

Effect of a leading-edge flap upon the lift, drag, and pitching moment of an airplane employing a thin, unswept wing

Effects of diffuser and center-body length on performance of annular diffusers with constant-diameter outer walls and with vortex-generator flow controls

Analysis of rocket, ram-jet, and turbojet engines for supersonic propulsion of long-range missiles 1: rocket-engine performance

Effects of base bleed on the base pressure of blunt-trailing-edge airfoils at supersonic speeds

Free-flight zero-lift drag-rise measurements of equivalent bodies of revolution of several versions of the Douglas XF4D-1 airplane at transonic speeds: TED No. NACA AD 394

Experimental investigation of drag of afterbodies with exiting jet at high subsonic Mach numbers

Cascade investigation of a related series of 6-percent-thick guide-vane profiles and design charts

Drag and longitudinal trim characteristics of a low-tail version of the North American YF-100A airplane as determined from the flight test at low lift of a 0.11-scale rocket-powered model at Mach numbers between 0.75 and 1.78

Minimum drag of 0.11-scale rocket-powered models of the Chance Vought XF8U-1 airplane, with and without nose modifications, at Mach numbers between 0.85 and 1.30 : TED No. NACA DE 392

A summary of the drag and longitudinal trim at low lift of the North American YF-100A airplane at Mach numbers from 0.75 to 1.77 as determined by flight tests of 0.11-scale rocket models

Altitude investigation of 20-inch-diameter ram-jet engine with annular-piloted combustor

Performance of a vaporizing annular turbojet combustor at simulated high altitudes

Preliminary investigation of an annular turbojet combustor having a catalytic-coated liner

A comparison of the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics at Mach numbers up to 0.94 of swept back wings having NACA 4-digit or NACA 64A thickness distributions

Summary of some rocket-model investigations of effects of wing aspect ratio and thickness on aileron rolling effectiveness including some effects of spanwise aileron location for sweptback wings with aspect ratio of 8

Some effects of aileron span, aileron chord, and wing twist on rolling effectiveness as determined by rocket-powered model tests and theoretical estimates

Large-scale low-speed wind-tunnel tests of a model having a 60 degree delta horizontal canard control surface and wing to obtain static-longitudinal-stability and canard surface hinge-moment data

Tests of the Northrop XB-62 Missile in the Ames 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel

Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics to Large Angles of Attack of a Cruciform Missile Configuration at a Mach Number of 2

Preliminary Investigation of a Technique for Stability Studies of a Self-Propelled Model of a Submerged Submarine

Investigation of three low-temperature-ratio combustor configurations in a 48-inch-diameter ram-jet engine

A Method for Prevention of Screaming in Rocket Engines

Variation of Local Liquid-Water Concentration About and Ellipsoid of Fineness Ratio 5 Moving in a Droplet Field

Aerodynamic forces, moments, and stability derivatives for slender bodies of general cross section

Analysis of rocket, ramjet, turbojet engines for supersonic propulsion of long-range missiles. 2: Rocket missile performance

Analysis of rocket, ramjet, and turbojet engines for supersonic propulsion of long-range missiles. 3: Ramjet engine performance

Combined Compressor Coolant Injection and Afterburning for Turbojet Thrust Augmentation

Pumping Characteristics for Several Simulated Variablegeometry Ejectors With Hot and Cold Primary Flow

Experimental Sea-Level Static Investigation of a Short Afterburner

A theoretical study of the effect of forward speed on the free-space sound-pressure field around propellers

Effect of Ice Formations on Section Drag of Swept NACA 63A-009 Airfoil with Partial-Span Leading-Edge Slat for Various Modes of Thermal Ice Protection

A flight investigation of the practical problems associated with porous-leading-edge suction

Investigation of Noise Field and Velocity Profiles of an Afterburning Engine

Thrust and Pumping Characteristics of a Series of Ejector-type Exhaust Nozzles at Subsonic and Supersonic Flight Speeds

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