Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Correlation of flight and analog investigations of roll coupling
Preliminary attempts at isothermal compression of a supersonic air stream
Visual study of free convection in a narrow vertical enclosure
An analog study of a shock-position diffuser control on a supersonic turbojet engine
Some recent research on the handling qualities of airplanes
Flight and analytical study of roll requirements of a fighter airplane
Factors affecting the maximum lift-drag ratio at high supersonic speeds
Spinning and related problems at high angles of attack for high-speed airplanes
Effects of wing-body geometry on the lateral-flow angularities at subsonic speeds
A wind-tunnel investigation of the development of lift on wings in accelerated longitudinal motion
A variable-geometry annular cascade-type inlet at Mach numbers of 1.9 and 3.05
Low-speed static stability characteristics of a cambered-delta-wing model
Lift-curve slopes determined in flight on a flexible swept-wing jet bomber
An inlet design concept to reduce flow distortion at angle of attack
Evaluation of the use of electrical resistance for detecting overtemperatured S-816 turbine blades
Survey of hydrogen combustion properties
Steady loads due to jet interference on wings, tails, and fuselages at transonic speeds
Characteristics of the Nike-Cajun (CAN) rocket system and flight investigation of its performance
Effects on adjacent surfaces from the firing of rocket jets
Span loadings due to wing twist at transonic and supersonic speeds
Experimental determination of damping in pitch of swept and delta wings at supersonic Mach numbers