Browse TRAIL Inventories

Aerodynamic characteristics in pitch of several triple-body missile configurations at Mach numbers 0.6 to 1.4

Correlation of flight and analog investigations of roll coupling

Preliminary attempts at isothermal compression of a supersonic air stream

Investigation at supersonic and subsonic Mach numbers of auxiliary inlets supplying secondary air flow to ejector exhaust nozzles

Effect of diameter of closed-end coolant passages on natural-convection water cooling of gas-turbine blades

Criteria for initial flow reversal in symmetrical twin-intake air-induction systems operating at supersonic speeds

Visual study of free convection in a narrow vertical enclosure

Internal performance characteristics of short convergent-divergent exhaust nozzles designed by the method of characteristics

An analog study of a shock-position diffuser control on a supersonic turbojet engine

Some recent research on the handling qualities of airplanes

Wind-tunnel investigation of the static longitudinal and lateral stability of a 1/62-scale model of the X-1E at supersonic speeds

A flight and analytical study of methods for reducing automatic-interceptor tracking errors caused by target maneuvers

Flight and analytical study of roll requirements of a fighter airplane

Effects of two leading-edge modifications on the aerodynamic characteristics of a thin low-aspect-ratio delta wing at transonic speeds

Flight determination of drag and pressure recovery of two scoop inlets located at maximum-body-diameter station at Mach numbers from 0.8 to 1.8

Factors affecting the maximum lift-drag ratio at high supersonic speeds

Spinning and related problems at high angles of attack for high-speed airplanes

Effects of wing-body geometry on the lateral-flow angularities at subsonic speeds

A simplified method for approximating the transient motion in angles of attack and sideslip during a constant rolling maneuver

Flutter investigation at low speed of a 40 degree sweptback wing with pylon-mounted stores, tested as a semispan-cantilever wing and as a full-span wing on a towed airplane model

A wind-tunnel investigation of the development of lift on wings in accelerated longitudinal motion

Wind-tunnel investigation of damping in roll at supersonic speeds of triangular wings at angles of attack

A variable-geometry annular cascade-type inlet at Mach numbers of 1.9 and 3.05

Transonic investigation of aerodynamic characteristics of a swept-wing fighter-airplane model with leading-edge droop in combination with outboard chord-extensions and notches

An investigation of the hydrodynamic characteristics of a dynamic model of a transonic seaplane design having a planing-tail hull

Low-speed static stability characteristics of a cambered-delta-wing model

Lift-curve slopes determined in flight on a flexible swept-wing jet bomber

Investigation at transonic speeds of the loading over a 45 degree sweptback wing having an aspect ratio of 3, a taper ratio of 0.2, and NACA 65A004 airfoil sections

Effects of wing-tip droop on the longitudinal characteristics of two highly swept wing-body combinations at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 1.4

A buffet investigation at high subsonic speeds of wing-fuselage-tail combinations having sweptback wings with NACA 64A thickness distributions, fences, a leading-edge extension, and body contouring

A study of liquid boric oxide particle growth rates in a gas stream from a simulated jet engine combustor

Theoretical analysis of total-pressure loss and airflow distribution for tubular turbojet combustors with constant annulus and liner cross-sectional areas

Investigation of an asymmetric "penshape" exit having circular projections and discharging into quiescent air

An inlet design concept to reduce flow distortion at angle of attack

Evaluation of the use of electrical resistance for detecting overtemperatured S-816 turbine blades

Survey of hydrogen combustion properties

Airplane motions and loads induced by flying through the flow field generated by an airplane at low supersonic speeds

Transonic wind-tunnel investigation of aerodynamic-loading characteristics of a 2-percent-thick trapezoidal wing in combination with basic and indented bodies

Wind-tunnel investigation of effects of ventral fins at two positions on lateral-stability derivatives of 45©� high-wing model oscillating in yaw

Steady loads due to jet interference on wings, tails, and fuselages at transonic speeds

Characteristics of the Nike-Cajun (CAN) rocket system and flight investigation of its performance

Effects of wing inboard plan-form modifications on lift, drag, and longitudinal stability at Mach numbers from 1.0 to 2.3 of a rocket-propelled free-flight model with a 52.5 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 3

Flight investigation of a ram jet burning magnesium slurry fuel and having a conical shock inlet designed for a Mach number of 4.1

Investigation of transonic flutter characteristics of a thin 10 degree sweptback wing having an aspect ratio of 4 and a taper ratio of 0.6

Flutter at very high speeds

Effects on adjacent surfaces from the firing of rocket jets

Span loadings due to wing twist at transonic and supersonic speeds

Investigation at Mach numbers from 0.80 to 1.43 of pressure and load distributions over a thin 45©� sweptback highly tapered wing in combination with basic and indented bodies

Aerodynamic characteristics of a spoiler-slot-deflector control on a 45©� sweptback wing at Mach numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

Experimental determination of damping in pitch of swept and delta wings at supersonic Mach numbers

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