Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
A network analyzer for solving mine-ventilation-distribution problems
Making ventilation-pressure surveys with altimeters
Coal-mine ventilation without doors to control main air currents
Auxiliary ventilation of continuous miner places
Airflow changes in multiple-fan systems
Methods and costs of sinking a circular concrete-lined ventilation shaft
Methods and costs of shaft sinking in the Coeur d'Alene District, Shoshone County, Idaho
Survey of face ventilation practices in coal mines
A study of dust-control methods for continuous mining of coal
Removing methane (degasification) from the Pocahontas No. 4 coalbed in southern West Virginia
Ventilation of continuous-miner places in coal mines
Electronic monitoring of mine fans
Stoppings for ventilating coal mines
Effects of bleeder entries during atmospheric pressure changes
Miniature bilevel alarm for oxygen-deficient atmospheres
Gas chromatographic analyses of the principal constituents of mine atmospheres
Miniature oxygen deficiency alarm
Radiation-ventilation relationships in six underground uranium mines
Proceedings of the symposium on respirable coal mine dust, Washington D.C., November 3-4, 1969
Methane emission rate studies in a central Pennsylvania mine
Methane emission from U.S. coal mines :a survey
Effect of a surface borehole on longwall gob degasification(Pocahontas No. 3 Coalbed)
Flame spread evaluation of ventilation cloth
Methane control by isolation of a major coal panel :Pittsburgh coalbed
The direct method of determining methane content of coalbeds for ventilation design
Degasification of virgin Pittsburgh coalbed through a large borehole
Bleeder system in virgin area in a Pittsburgh coalbed mine
A continuous-recording methanometer for exhaust fan monitoring
Ventilation eddy zones at a model coal mine working face
Tracer gas as an aid in mine ventilation analysis
Using sulfur hexafluoride as a gaseous tracer to study ventilation systems in mines
Replacing brattice cloth at coal faces with air curtains and diffuser fans,a preliminary study
Methane analyzer system to record continuously the methane content of coal mine ventilation air
A spiral sequential sampler for air and liquids :preliminary results
Three coal mine ventilation studies using sulfur hexafluoride tracer gas
Sampling capability of vacutainers for fixed gases and low-molecular-weight hydrocarbons
Longwall gob degasification with surface ventilation boreholes above the Lower Kittanning coalbed
Brattice window method for measuring leakage through mine stoppings
Shock loss calculations across junctions and splits
Methane emissions from four working places in the Beckley mine, Raleigh County, W. Va.
Hydraulic stimulation of a surface borehole for gob degasification