Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa oven 1952-53
Washability characteristics of coals from the Black Mesa Field, Ariz.
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during fiscal year 1954
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during fiscal year 1955
Washability characteristics of coal from San Juan County, N. Mex.
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :(collected during the fiscal year 1958)
Evaluation of an acid-extraction method for determining mineral matter in American coals
Solvent extraction of coals by abietic acid at atmospheric pressure
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :(collected during the fiscal year 1960)
Low-temperature carbonization assays of coals and relation of yields to analyses
Using a centrifuge for float-and-sink testing fine coal
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during fiscal year 1961
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during the fiscal year 1962
Coking-rate study on a commercial blend of western coals
Advances in coal spectrometry :mass spectrometry
Densimetric method in studying coal and coke structure
Bulk density studies on a commercial blend of western coking coals
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during the fiscal year 1963
Influence of certain processing variables on the determination of moisture in coal
Heat content and specific heat of coals and related products
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal collected during fiscal year 1964
Phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, and potassium in U.S. coals
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during the fiscal year 1965
Reaction of coal in argon and argon-hydrogen plasmas
Sulfur content of United States coals
Direct determination of oxygen in coal
Method for determination of fluorine in coal
Electrochemical reduction of coal
Chemical reactions produced by exposing coal derivatives to ultrasonic energy
Chloroform extractions of coals and chars
Spectrochemical analysis of coal ash
Analysis of mineral matter in coals by x-ray fluorescence
Colorimetric method for arsenic in coal
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during fiscal year 1967
Major ash constituents in U.S. coals
Spectrochemical analyses of coal ash for trace elements
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during fiscal year 1969
Prediction of coal grindability from exploration data
Colorimetric determination of beryllium in coal
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during fiscal year 1970
Forecasting the properties of coal seams in place
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during the fiscal year 1971
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coalcollected during fiscal year 1973
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during fiscal year 1972