Browse TRAIL Inventories

A Study of Inviscid Flow About Airfoils at High Supersonic Speeds

A Study of Visual Interception Attacks on a Nonmaneuvering Airplane Target

Pressure and Force Characteristics at Transonic Speeds of a Submerged Divergent-Walled Air Inlet on a Body of Revolution

Pressure Distributions on Three Bodies of Revolution to Determine the Effect of Reynolds Number Up to and Including the Transonic Speed Range

Some Information on the Strength of Thick-Skin Wings With Multiweb and Multipost Stabilization

Some Measurements of Buffeting Encountered by Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane in the Mach Number Range From 0.5 to 0.95

Some Measurements of Flying Qualities of a Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane During Flights to Supersonic Speeds

Some Measurements of the Buffet Region of a Swept-Wing Research Airplane During Flight to Supersonic Mach Numbers

Theoretical Calculations of the Stability Derivatives at Supersonic Speeds for a High-Speed Airplane Configuration

The Use of Area Suction for the Purpose of Improving Trailing-Edge Flap Effectiveness on a 35 Degree Sweptback Wing

The Variation of Atmospheric Turbulence With Altitude and Its Effect on Airplane Gust Loads

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Ram-Jet Missile Model Having a Wing and Canard Surfaces of Delta Plan Form With 70 Degree Swept Leading Edges: Force and Moment Characteristics of Various Combinations of Components at a Mach Number of 1.6

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at High and Low Subsonic Mach Numbers of Two Unswept Wings Having NACA 2-006 and NACA 65A006 Airfoil Sections

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of a Spoiler-Slot Deflector Combination on an NACA 65A006 Wing With Quarter-Chord Line Swept Back 32.6 Degrees

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of the Static Longitudinal and Static Lateral Stability Characteristics of a Wing-Fuselage Combination Having a Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio 2.31 and an NACA 65A003 Airfoil

The Vertical-Tail Loads Measured During a Flight Investigation on a Jet-Powered Bomber Airplane

Wake Surveys in the Slipstream of a Full-Scale Supersonic-Type Three-Blade Propeller at Mach Numbers to 0.96

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effects of a Fence and a Leading-Edge Notch on the Aerodynamic Loading Characteristics in Pitch of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing at High Subsonic Speeds

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effects of Geometric Dihedral on the Aerodynamic Characteristics in Pitch and Sideslip of an Unswept- and a 45 Degree Sweptback-Wing-Fuselage Combination at High Subsonic Speeds

Aileron and Elevator Hinge Moments of the Bell X-1 Airplane Measured in Transonic Flight

Altitude Investigation of Thrust Augmentation Using Water-Alcohol Injection Into the Combustion Chambers of an Axial-Flow Turbojet Engine

The Calculation of Pressure on Slender Airplanes in Subsonic and Supersonic Flow

Wind-Tunnel Investigation to Determine the Aerodynamic Characteristics in Steady Roll of a Model at High Subsonic Speeds

Thermal-Shock Resistance of a Ceramic Comprising 60 Percent Boron Carbide and 40 Percent Titanium Diboride

A Brief Hydrodynamic Investigation of a Navy Seaplane Design Equipped With a Hydro-Ski

Calculated Lateral Frequency Response and Lateral Oscillatory Characteristics for Several High-Speed Airplanes in Various Flight Conditions

Data on Spoiler-Type Ailerons

The Design of Brittle-Material Blade Roots Based on Theory and Rupture Tests of Plastic Models

Effect of Certain Combinations of Wall Contouring and Design Exit Velocity Distribution on Prediction of Turbine-Nozzle Mass Flow

Experimental Determination of Gas Motion Accompanying Screeching Combustion in a 6-Inch Simulated Afterburner

Effect of Inlet-Air Temperature on Performance of a 16-Inch Ram-Jet Combustor

Effect of Reduction in Thickness From 6 to 2 Percent and Removal of the Pointed Tips on the Subsonic Static Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of a 60-Degree Triangular Wing in Combination With a Fuselage

Effects of Compressibility at Mach Numbers Up to 0.8 on Internal-Flow Characteristics of a Cowling-Spinner Combination Equipped With an Eight-Blade Dual-Rotation Propeller

Effects of Fuel Temperature and Fuel Distribution on the Combustion Efficiency of a 16-Inch Ram-Jet Engine at a Simulated Mach Number of 2.9

Effect of Fuel-Air Ratio Concentration in Combustion Zone on Combustion Performance of a 16-Inch Ram-Jet Engine

Effect of Fuel Injector Location and Mixture Control on Performance of a 16-Inch Ram-Jet Can-Type Combustor

Downwash Behind a Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio 3 - Transonic Bump Method

Drag Measurements at Low Lift of a Four-Nacelle Airplane Configuration Having a Longitudinal Distribution of Cross-Sectional Area Conducive to Low Transonic Drag Rise

Flight Measurements of the Stability Characteristics of the Bell X-5 Research Airplane in Sideslips at 59 Degrees Sweepback

Comparative Tensile Strengths at 1200 Degrees F of Various Root Designs for Cermet Turbine Blades

Compressible-Flow Solutions for the Actuator Disk

A Comparison of Several Systems of Boundary-Layer Removal Ahead of a Typical Conical External-Compression Side Inlet at Mach Numbers of 1.88 and 2.93

Calculation of Aerodynamic Forces on an Inclined Dual-Rotating Propeller

The Calculated and Experimental Incremental Loads and Moments Produced by Split Flaps of Various Spans and Spanwise Locations on a 45 Degrees Sweptback Wing of Aspect Ratio 8

Analysis of Off-Design Performance of a 16-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor With Various Blade Modifications

Longitudinal Stability, Control Effectiveness, and Drag Characteristics at Transonic Speeds of a Rocket-Propelled Model of an Airplane Configuration Having an Unswept Tapered Wing of Aspect Ratio 3.0 and NACA 65A004.5 Airfoil Sections

Low-Lift Buffet Characteristics Obtained From Flight Tests of Unswept Thin Intersecting Surfaces and of Thick 35 Degree Sweptback Surfaces

Low-Speed Aileron Effectiveness as Determined by Force Tests and Visual-Flow Observations on a 52 Degree Sweptback Wing With and Without Chord-Extensions

Maximum Altitude and Maximum Mach Number Obtained With the Modified Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane During Demonstration Flights

Longitudinal Stability and Wake-Flow Characteristics of a Twisted and Cambered Wing-Fuselage Combination of 45 Degree Sweepback and Aspect Ratio 8 With a Horizontal Tail and Stall-Control Devices at a Reynolds Number of 4.0 X 10 (Exp 6)

Published Year



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