Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation of a Ram-Jet-Powered Helicopter Rotor on the Langley Helicopter Test Tower

Investigation at Transonic Speeds of a Forward-Located Underslung Air Inlet on a Body of Revolution

Wind-tunnel oscillation tests of the Bendix-Friez aerovane anemometer

High-Resolution Autoradiography

Rocket-Model Investigation to Determine the Hinge-Moment and Normal-Force Properties of a Full-Span, Constant-Chord, Partially Balanced Trailing-Edge Control on a 60 Degree Clipped Delta Wing Between Mach Numbers of 0.50 and 1.26

Wind-Tunnel Investigation to Determine the Horizontal- and Vertical-Tail Contributions to the Static Lateral Stability Characteristics of a Complete-Model Swept-Wing Configuration at High Subsonic Speeds

Analogy Between Mass and Heat Transfer with Turbulent Flow

The aerodynamic characteristics of an aspect-ratio-20 wing having thick airfoil sections and employing boundary-layer control by suction

The aerodynamic design and calibration of an asymmetric variable Mach number nozzle with a sliding block for the Mach number range 1.27 to 2.75

Accelerations and passenger harness loads measured in full-scale light-airplane crashes

Aerodynamic characteristics of a two-blade NACA 10-(3)(062)-045 propeller and of a two-blade NACA 10-(3)(08)-045 propeller

An airborne indicator for measuring vertical velocity of airplanes at wheel contact

Preflight Tests and Flight Performance of a 6.5-Inch Diameter Ram-Jet Engine

Performance of Double-Shroud Ejector Configuration With Primary Pressure Ratios From 1.0 to 10

A Preliminary Investigation of the Power Requirements of Slotted Test Sections

Preliminary Results of Stability and Control Investigation of the Bell X-5 Research Airplane

A Preliminary Study by Means of Electrical Frequency-Analysis Techniques of the Response of an Airplane Structure During Buffeting

Experimental Investigation of the Flow Field Behind an Aspect-Ratio-10 Hydrofoil Near the Water Surface

Flight Investigation at Mach Numbers From 0.67 to 1.81 of the Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a 60 Degree Delta-Wing Missile Configuration Having an All-Movable Tail

Exploratory Investigation of Transpiration Cooling to Alleviate Aerodynamic Heating on an 8 Degree Cone in a Free Jet at a Mach Number of 2.05

Flight-Determined Pressure Distributions Over the Wing of the Bell X-1 Research Airplane (10-Percent-Thick Wing) at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds

Flight Determination of the Pressure Recovery and Drag Characteristics of a Twin Side-Inlet Model at Transonic Speeds

Flight Determination of Drag of Normal-Shock Nose Inlets With Various Cowling Profiles at Mach Numbers From 0.9 to 1.5

Flight Determination of Drag of Normal-Shock Nose Inlets With Various Cowling Profiles at Mach Numbers From 0.9 to 1.5

An Experimental Investigation of Wheel Spin-Up Drag Loads

An Experimental Investigation of the Zero-Lift-Drag Characteristics of Symmetrical Blunt-Trailing-Edge Airfoils at Mach Numbers From 2.7 to 5.0

Flight Determination of the Longitudinal Stability in Accelerated Maneuvers at Transonic Speeds for the Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane Including the Effects of an Outboard Wing Fence

Some Effects of Leading-Edge Roughness on the Aileron Effectiveness and Drag of a Thin Rectangular Wing Employing a Full-Span Plain Aileron at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 1.5

Some Experimental Effects of Afterbody Shape on the Zero-Lift Drag of Bodies for Mach Numbers Between 0.8 and 1.3

Preliminary Theoretical Investigation of Several Methods for Stabilizing the Lateral Motion of a High-Speed Fighter Airplane Towed by a Single Cable

Preliminary Results From a Limited Investigation of the Use of Controls During Service Operational Training With Fighter Airplanes

Preliminary Experimental Investigation of the Flight of a Person Supported by a Jet Thrust Device Attached to His Feet

Preliminary Investigation in J33 Turbojet Engine of Several Root Designs for Ceramal Turbine Blades

A Preliminary Investigation at Mach Number 1.91 of an Inlet Configuration Designed for Insensitivity to Positive Angle-of-Attack Operation

Preliminary Investigation of Several Root Designs for Cermet Turbine Blades in Turbojet Engine 2: Root Design Alterations

Preliminary Measurements of Static Longitudinal Stability and Trim for the XF-92A Delta-Wing Research Airplane in Subsonic and Transonic Flight

A Preliminary Investigation at Mach Number 1.91 of a Diffuser Employing a Pivoted Cone to Improve Operation at Angle of Attack

Preliminary Investigation of the Total-Pressure-Recovery Characteristics of a Symmetric and Asymmetric Nose Inlet Over a Wide Range of Angle of Attack at Supersonic Mach Numbers

Preliminary Investigation of the Total-Pressure-Recovery Characteristics of a 15 Degree Semiangle Movable-Cone Variable-Geometry Ram-Jet Inlet at Free-Jet Mach Numbers of 1.62, 2.00, 2.53, and 3.05

Altitude Starting Characteristics of an Afterburner With Autoignition and Hot-Streak Ignition

Time-History Data of Maneuvers Performed by a Lockheed F-94B Airplane During Squadron Operational Training

Transonic Characteristics of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Fuselage Combination: Effect of Longitudinal Wing Position and Division of Wing and Fuselage Forces and Moments

Transonic Aerodynamic Characteristics in Pitch of a W-Wing Having 60 Degree 48 Minute Panel Sweep, Aspect Ratio 3.5, and Taper Ratio 0.25

Transonic Flight Tests to Determine Zero-Lift Drag and Pressure Recovery of Nacelles Located at the Wing Root on a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing and Body Configuration

Transonic Flight Measurement of the Aerodynamic Load on the Extended Slat of the Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane

A Transonic Investigation by the Free-Fall Method of an Airplane Configuration Having 45 Degrees Sweptback Wing and Tail Surfaces

A Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of an Unswept-Wing-Body Combination at Angles of Attack Up to 24 Degrees

The Use of a Leading-Edge Area-Suction Flap to Delay Separation of Air Flow From the Leading Edge of a 35 Degrees Sweptback Wing

Recent Experiences With Flutter Failure of Sweptback, Tapered Wings Having Outboard, Partial-Span Spoiler Controls

The Results of Wind-Tunnel Tests at Low Speeds of a Four-Engine Propeller-Driven Airplane Configuration Having a Wing With 40 Degrees of Sweepback and an Aspect Ratio of 10

Published Year



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