Browse TRAIL Inventories

Drag Measurements at Low Lift of a Four-Nacelle Airplane Configuration Having a Longitudinal Distribution of Cross-Sectional Area Conductive to Low Transonic Drag Rise

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds of a Model of a Tailless Fighter Airplane Employing a Low-Aspect-Ratio Swept-Back Wing-Stability and Control

Icing Protection for a Turbojet Transport Airplane: Heating Requirements, Methods of Protection, and Performance Penalties

Analysis of Heat Transfer and Fluid Friction for Fully Developed Turbulent Flow of Supercritical Water With Variable Fluid Properties in a Smooth Tube

Measurement and Analysis of Turbulent Flow Containing Periodic Flow Fluctuations

The Effect of Blade-Section Camber on the Stall-Flutter Characteristics of Three NACA Propellers at Zero Advance

Physical Properties of Concentrated Nitric Acid

The Planing Characteristics of Two v-Shaped Prismatic Surfaces Having Angles of Dead Rise of 20 Degrees and 40 Degrees

On the Development of Turbulent Wakes from Vortex Streets

A Preliminary Study of the Problem of Designing High-Speed Airplanes With Satisfactory Inherent Damping of the Dutch Roll Oscillation

A Rapid Method for Estimating the Separation Point of a Compressible Laminar Boundary Layer

Study of Motion of Model of Personal-Owner or Liaison Airplane Through the Stall and Into the Incipient Spin by Means of a Free-Flight Testing Technique

Some Exact Solutions of Two-Dimensional Flows of Compressible Fluid With Hodograph Method

The Design of Variable Mach Number Asymmetric Supersonic Nozzles by Two Procedures Employing Inclined and Curved Sonic Lines

Determination of the Flying Qualities of the Douglas DC-3 Airplane

Charts Relating the Compressive Buckling Stress of Longitudinally Supported Plates to the Effective Deflectional and Rotational Stiffness of the Supports

An Approximate Method of Calculating the Deformations of Wings Having Swept, M or W, ? And Swept-Tip Plan Forms

Flight Investigation of the Effect of Transient Wing Response on Wing Strains of a Four-Engine Bomber Airplane in Rough Air

Analysis of Turbulent Heat Transfer and Flow in the Entrance Regions of Smooth Passages

An Analysis of Turbojet-Engine-Inlet Matching

An Exploratory Investigation of Some Types of Aeroelastic Instability of Open and Closed Bodies of Revolution Mounted on Slender Struts

Study of the Supersonic Propeller

A Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Trim and Dynamic Response Characteristics of the Horizontal Tail of a 1/7-Scale Model of the Complete Tail of the Grumman XF10F-1 Airplane

Pressure Drag of Bodies at Mach Numbers Up to 2.0

A Special Investigation to Develop a General Method for Three-Dimensional Photoelastic Stress Analysis

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of the Yawing Stability Derivatives of a 1/9-Scale Powered Model of the Convair XFY-1 Vertically Rising Airplane, TED No. NACA DE 373

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of the Static Longitudinal and Lateral Stability Characteristics of a 1/9-Scale Powered Model of the Convair XFY-1 Vertically Rising Airplane

Analytical Derivation and Experimental Evaluation of Short-Bearing Approximation for Full Journal Bearing

Equations, Tables, and Charts for Compressible Flow

A Compilation of Summaries From NACA Reports on Fuels Research, 1945-1952

Effect of Capture on the Slowing-Down Length of Neutrons in Hydrogenous Mixtures Containing Uranium

Transonic Flow Past Cone Cylinders

Investigation of an Axial-Flow-Compressor Rotor With Circular-Arc Blades Operating Up to a Rotor-Inlet Relative Mach Number of 1.22

Preliminary Experiments with Pilot Burners for Ram-Jet Combustors

Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Cascading on the Oscillating Lift Force of an Airfoil Vibrated in Bending

Supersonic Flow Past Oscillating Airfoils Including Nonlinear Thickness Effects

Correlation by the Hypersonic Similarity Rule of the Pressure Distributions and Wave Drags for Minimum-Drag Nose Shapes at Zero Angle of Attack

A Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effect of Modifications to an Indented Body in Combination With a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing

A Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effects of Longitudinal Wing Location and Varying Body Size on the Interference Characteristics of a 45 Degrees Sweptback Wing

Correlation of Flight and Wind-Tunnel Measurements of Roll-Off in Low-Speed Stalls on a 35 Degree Swept-Wing Aircraft

Dynamic Characteristics of a Single-Spool Turbojet Engine

Preliminary Results of an Investigation of the Effects of Spinner Shape on the Characteristics of an NACA D-Type Cowl Behind a Three-Blade Propeller, Including the Characteristics of the Propeller at Negative Thrust

Transverse Vibrations of Hollow Thin-Walled Cylindrical Beams

Investigation of Aerodynamic and Icing Characteristics of a Flush Alternate-Inlet Induction-System Air Scoop

Altitude Investigation of Several Afterburner Configurations for the J40-WE-8 Turbojet Engine

Experimental Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Air-to-Air Missile Employing Cruciform Wings and Tail of Rectangular Plan Form at Mach Numbers of 1.4 and 1.9

Comparison of Calculated and Measured Thermal Distortions in a Reactor Control Rod for Temperature Patterns Simulating Two Reactor Operating Conditions

Performance of a Normal-Shock Scoop Inlet with Boundary-Layer Control

The Synthesis of Butylsilanes by a Large-Scale Reduction with Lithium Aluminum Hydride

Control Hinge-Moment and Effectiveness Characteristics of a Horn-Balanced, Flap-Type Control on a 55 Degree Sweptback Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio 3.5 at Mach Numbers of 1.41, 1.62, and 1.96

Published Year



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