Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation at Mach numbers 1.5 and 1.7 of twin-duct side intake system with two-dimensional 6 degree compression ramps mounted on a supersonic airplane

Effects of additives on pressure limits of flame propagation of propane-air mixtures

Investigation of distribution of losses in a conservatively designed turbine

Effect of diffuser design, diffuser-exit velocity profile and fuel distribution on altitude performance of several afterburner configurations

An extension of the investigation of the effects of heat transfer on boundary-layer transition on a parabolic body of revolution (NACA RM-10) at a Mach number of 1.61

Diffusion factor for estimating losses and limiting blade loadings in axial-flow-compressor blade elements

A theoretical analysis of the distortion of fuel-spray-particle paths in a helicopter ram-jet engine due to centrifugal effects

Experimental investigation of the zero-lift drag of a fin-stabilized body of fineness ratio 10 at Mach numbers between 0.6 and 10

An experimental investigation of the transonic-flow-generation and shock-wave-reflection characteristics of a two-dimensional wind tunnel with 24-percent-open, deep, multislotted walls

Evaluation of ethyl ether as an ignition aid for turbojet engine fuels

An experimental investigation of the applicability of the hypersonic similarity law to bodies of revolution

Effect of engine and control limits on steady-state and transient performance of turbojet engine with variable-area exhaust nozzle

Effect of drawbar upstream location on air velocity distribution at the inlet face of reactor segment designed by the General Electric Company

The effect of nacelle combinations and size on the zero-lift drag of a 45 degree sweptback wing and body configuration as determined by free-flight tests at Mach numbers between 0.8 and 1.3

Effect of flame-holder design on altitude performance of louvered-liner afterburner

Effect of fuels on combustion efficiency of 5-inch ram-jet-type combustor

A correlation by means of transonic similarity rules of the experimentally determined characteristics of 18 cambered wings of rectangular plan form

Design procedure and limited test results for a high solidity, 12-inch transonic impeller with axial discharge

A design and performance study of the nuclear direct-air-cycle supersonic airplane, including the effects of operating temperatures and fuel plate material and thickness

Design and test of mixed-flow impellers 3: design and experimental results for impeller model MFI-2A and comparison with impeller model MFI-1A

Design considerations for mixed-flow centrifugal compressors with high weight-flow rates per unit frontal area

Effect of particle size and stabilizing additives on the combustion properties of magnesium slurry

Analytical studies of the response to longitudinal control of three airplane configurations in landing approaches

An analytical study of sideslip angles and vertical-tail loads in rolling pullouts as affected by some characteristics of modern high-speed airplane configurations

An analytical study of the comparative performance of six air-induction systems for turbojet-powered airplanes designed to operate at Mach numbers up to 2.0

Air-flow characteristics of brazed and rolled wire filter cloth for transpiration-cooled afterburners

Buffeting of a vertical tail on an inclined body at supersonic Mach numbers

Burning rates of single fuel drops and their application to turbojet combustion process

A cascade-general-momentum theory of operation of a supersonic propeller annulus

Analysis of part-speed operation for high-pressure-ratio multistage axial-flow compressors

Static lateral stability characteristics of an airplane model having a 47.7 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 6 and the contribution of various model components at a Reynolds number of 4.45 x 10(exp 6)

Analysis of several methods of pumping cooling air for turbojet engine afterburners

Analytical evaluation of effect of equivalence ratio inlet-air temperature and combustion pressure on performance of several possible ram-jet fuels

Behavior of forged S-816 turbine blades in steady-state operation of J33-9 turbojet engine with stress-rupture and metallographic evaluations

A comparison of gust loads measured in flight on a swept-wing airplane and an unswept-wing airplane

Component tests to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of an all-moveable 70 degree delta canard-type control in the presence of a body at a Mach number of 1.61

Comparison of measured and predicted indicated angles of attack near the fuselages of a triangular-wing wind-tunnel model and a swept-wing fighter airplane in flight

A transonic wind-tunnel investigation of the effects of body indentation, as specified by the transonic drag-rise rule, on the aerodynamic characteristics and flow phenomena of an unswept-wing-body combination

Characteristics of a canard-type missile configuration with an underslung scoop inlet at Mach numbers from 1.5 to 2.0

Effect of variations in Reynolds number on the aerodynamic characteristics of three bomb or store shapes at a Mach number of 1.62 with and without fins

Evaporation and spreading of isooctane sprays in high velocity air streams

The effects of leading-edge extensions, a trailing-edge extension, and a fence on the static longitudinal stability of a wing-fuselage-tail combination having a wing with 35 degrees of sweepback and an aspect ratio of 4.5

Effective thermal conductivities of magnesium oxide stainless steel, and uranium oxide powders

The effects of nacelles and of extended split flaps on the longitudinal characteristics of a wing-fuselage-tail combination having a wing with 40 degrees of sweepback and an aspect ratio of 10

Estimation of water landing loads on hydro-ski-equipped aircraft

Effects of trailing-edge bluntness on the lift, drag, and pitching-moment characteristics of unswept, 45 degree swept, and 45 degree delta wings at Mach numbers of 1.41, 1.62, and 1.96

Experimental investigation of laminar-boundary-layer control on an airfoil section equipped with suction slots located at discontinuities in the surface pressure distribution

Experimental investigation of physical and combustion properties of several residual fuel oils and magnesium - fuel-oil slurries in a ram-jet-type combustor

Experimental investigation of screeching combustion in full-scale afterburner

Experimental investigation of several water-injection configurations for turbine-blade spray cooling in a turbojet engine

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