Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation of Spoiler Ailerons with and Without a Gap Behind the Spoiler on a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Fuselage Combination at Mach Numbers from 0.60 to 1.03

Investigation of low-pressure performance of experimental tubular combustors differing in air-entry-hole geometry

Vapor pressures of concentrated nitric acid solutions in the composition range 83 to 97 percent nitric acid 0 to 6 percent nitrogen dioxide, 0 to 15 percent water, and in the temperature range 20 to 80 C

Lift and center of pressure of wing-body-tail combinations at subsonic, transonic, and supersonic speeds

Stability and control characteristics at low speed of a modified 1/10-scale model of the MX-1554A design

Stability and control characteristics at low speed of a 1/10-scale model of MX-1554A design

Jet effects on flow over afterbodies in supersonic stream

Evaluation of effects of random permeability variations on transpiration-cooled surfaces

Effect of circumferential location on angle of attack performance of twin half-conical scoop-type inlets mounted symmetrically on the RM-10 body of revolution

An investigation of high-frequency combustion oscillations in liquid-propellant rocket engines

An experimental investigation of boundary interference on force and moment characteristics of lifting models in the Langley 16- and 8-foot transonic tunnels

Effect of uneven air-flow distribution to the twin inlets of an axial-flow turbojet engine

Performance of separation nose inlets at Mach number 5.5

Orthotoluidine and triethylamine in rocket engine applications

Tests in the Ames 40- by 80-foot wind tunnel of an airplane configuration with a variable-incidence triangular wing and an all-movable horizontal tail

Tests in the Ames 40- by 80-foot wind tunnel of an airplane configuration with an aspect ratio 3 triangular wing and an all-movable horizontal tail: Longitudinal and lateral characteristics

Preliminary comparison of 17- and 75-millimeter-bore cageless cylindrical roller bearings with conventional cylindrical roller bearings at high speeds

Large-scale flight measurements of zero-lift drag and low-lift longitudinal characteristics of a diamond-wing-body combination at Mach numbers from 0.725 to 1.54

Preliminary flight measurements of the dynamic longitudinal stability characteristics of the Convair XF-92A delta-wing airplane

Preliminary investigation of a variable-area auxiliary air-intake system at Mach numbers from 0 to 1.3

Preliminary experimental investigation of transpiration cooling for an afterburner with a sintered, porous stainless-steel combustion-chamber wall

Pressure distribution at Mach numbers up to 0.90 on a cambered and twisted wing having 40 degrees of sweepback and an aspect ratio of 10, including the effects of fences

Langley full-scale-tunnel tests of the Custer Channel Wing airplane

Lift and Drag Characteristics of the Bell X-5 Research Airplane at 59 Degrees Sweepback for Mach Numbers from 0.60 to 1.03

The lateral control characteristics of constant-percent-chord trailing-edge elevons on a pointed wing of aspect ratio 2 at Mach numbers up to 0.95

Loads experienced in flights of two swept-wing research airplanes in the angle-of-attack range of reduced stability

Low-lift drag and stability data from rocket models of a modified-delta-wing airplane with and without external stores at Mach numbers from 0.8 to 1.36

Longitudinal flight characteristics of the Bell X-5 research airplane at 59 degree sweepback with modified wing roots

Longitudinal-control effectiveness and downwash characteristics at transonic speeds of a 1/30-scale semispan model of the Bell X-5 airplane as determined by the NACA wing-flow method

Measurements of fluctuating pressures on a 1/4-scale model of the X-1 airplane with a 10-percent-thick wing in the Langley 16-foot transonic tunnel

Measurement and analysis of turbulent flow containing periodic flow fluctuations

Hydrodynamic drag of 12- and 21-percent-thick surface-piercing struts

A flight investigation of laminar and turbulent boundary layers passing through shock waves at full-scale Reynolds numbers

Investigation of 75-millimeter-bore deep-groove ball bearing under radial load at high speeds 2: oil inlet temperature, viscosity, and generalized cooling correlation

Investigation at supersonic speeds of the wave drag of seven boattail bodies of revolution designed for minimum wave drag

Theoretical and measured attenuation of mufflers at room temperature without flow, with comments on engine-exhaust muffler design

Theoretical calculations of the effects of finite sideslip at supersonic speeds on the span loading and rolling moment for families of thin sweptback tapered wings at an angle of attack

Theoretical calculation of the pressure distribution, span loading, and rolling moment due to sideslip at supersonic speeds for thin sweptback tapered wings with supersonic trailing edges and wing tips parallel to the axis of wing symmetry

Use of electric analog for calculation of temperature distribution of cooled turbine blades

Strength analysis of stiffened thick beam webs with ratios of web depth to web thickness of approximately 60

Transient temperature distributions in simple conducting bodies steadily heated through a laminar boundary layer

Theoretical investigation of the longitudinal response characteristics of a swept-wing fighter airplane having a pitch-attitude control system

The zero-lift drag of a slender body of revolution (NACA RM-10 research model) as determined from tests in several wind tunnels and in flight at supersonic speeds

Linearized potential theory of propeller induction in a compressible flow

A linear time-temperature relation for extrapolation of creep and stress-rupture data

A modified Reynolds analogy for the compressible turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate

Power-off flare-up tests of a model helicopter rotor in vertical autorotation

Reaction processes leading to spontaneous ignition of hydrocarbons

Pressure distributions about finite wedges in bounded and unbounded subsonic streams

The asymmetric adjustable supersonic nozzle for wind-tunnel application

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