Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation of the Low-Speed Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/10-Scale Model of the Convair YF-102 Airplane in the Langley Free-Flight Tunnel

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Static Lateral Stability Characteristics of Wing-Fuselage Combinations at High Subsonic Speeds

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of the Pitching Stability Derivatives of a 1/9-Scale Powered Model of the Convair XFY-1 Vertically Rising Airplane, TED No. NACA DE 373

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of the Rolling Stability Derivatives of a 1/9-Scale Powered Model of the Convair XFY-1 Vertically Rising Airplane, TED No. NACA DE 373

Relative importance of various sources of defect-producing hydrogen introduced into steel during application of vitreous coatings

Secondary flows and boundary-layer accumulations in turbine nozzles

Survey of portions of the chromium-cobalt-nickel-molybdenum quaternary system at 1,200 degrees c

Lateral Oscillatory Characteristics of the Republic F-91 Airplane Calculated by Using Low-Speed Experimental Static and Rotary Derivatives

A Study of the Motion and Aerodynamic Heating of Missiles Entering the Earth's Atmosphere at High Supersonic Speeds

Dynamics of mechanical feedback-type hydraulic servomotors under inertia loads

Prediction of flame velocities of hydrocarbon flames

Charts and approximate formulas for the estimation of aeroelastic effects of the lateral control of swept and unswept wings

Charts and approximate formulas for the estimation of aeroelastic effects on the loading of swept and unswept wings

Considerations on the effect of wind-tunnel walls on oscillating air forces for two-dimensional subsonic compressible flow

Comparison of effectiveness of convection-, transpiration-, and film-cooling methods with air as coolant

Study of inadvertent speed increases in transport operation

Application of a channel design method to high-solidity cascades and tests of an impulse cascade with 90 degrees of turning

Preliminary Appraisal of Ferrocene as an Igniting Agent for JP-4 Fuel and Fuming Nitric Acid

A comparison of the experimental subsonic pressure distributions about several bodies of revolution with pressure distributions computed by means of the linearized theory

A Brief Hydrodynamic Investigation of a 1/24-Scale Model of the DR-77 Seaplane

Calculated spanwise lift distributions, influence functions, and influence coefficients for unswept wings in subsonic flow

A vector study of linearized supersonic flow applications to nonplanar problems

Reciprocity relations in aerodynamics

Laminar boundary layer on cone in supersonic flow at large angle of attack

Displacement effect of a three-dimensional boundary layer

Diffusion of heat from a line source in isotropic turbulence

Investigation of a Related Series of Turbine-Blade Profiles in Cascade

Flight Determination of the Static Longitudinal Stability Boundaries of the Bell X-5 Research Airplane with 59 Deg Sweepback

Flame velocities of propane- and ethylene-oxygen-nitrogen mixtures

A flight study of the effects on tracking performance of changes in the lateral-oscillatory characteristics of a fighter airplane

Flight measurements of the horizontal-tail loads on a swept-wing fighter airplane at transonic speeds

Free-flight-tunnel investigation of the low-speed stability and control characteristics of a model having a fuselage of relatively flat cross section

Free-jet investigation of a 20-inch ram-jet combustor utilizing high-heat-release pilot burner

Techniques for determining thrust in flight for airplanes equipped with afterburners

Engineering method of ram-jet thrust determination based on experimentally obtained combustor parameters

Effect of fuel volatility characteristics on ignition-energy requirements in a turbojet combustor

Investigation of Liquid Fluorine-Liquid Ammonia Propellant Combination in a 100-Pound-Thrust Rocket Engine

Investigation of a supersonic-compressor rotor with turning to axial direction 1: rotor design and performance

Investigation of a 10-stage subsonic axial-flow research compressor 3: investigation of rotating stall, blade vibration and surge at low and intermediate compressor speeds

Investigation of a 10-stage subsonic axial-flow research compressor IV : individual stage performance characteristics

An investigation of a four-blade single-rotation propeller in combination with an NACA 1-series D-type cowing at Mach numbers up to 0.83

Investigation of a high-pressure-ratio eight-stage axial-flow research compressor with two transonic inlet stages I : aerodynamic design

Investigation of a chromium plus aluminum oxide metal-ceramic body for possible gas turbine blade application

Investigation of a high-pressure-ratio eight-stage axial-flow research compressor with two transonic inlet stages II : preliminary analysis of over-all performance

Initial flutter tests in the Langley transonic blowdown tunnel and comparison with free-flight flutter results

An investigation of three NACA 1-series nose inlets at subsonic and transonic speeds

A flight comparison of a submerged inlet and a scoop inlet at transonic speeds

Investigation of water-spray cooling of turbine blades in a turbojet engine

Investigation to determine effects of rectangular vortex generators on the static pressure drop through a 90 degrees circular elbow

An investigation of some factors affecting the drag of relatively large nonlifting bodies of revolution in a slotted transonic wind tunnel

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