Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Factors affecting transition at supersonic speeds
Flow Coefficients for Orifices in Base of Transpiration-Cooled Turbine Rotor Blade
Preliminary Transient Performance Data on the J73 Turbojet Engine, 3, Altitude, 45,000 Feet
Preliminary Transient Performance Data on the J73 Turbojet Engine. II - Altitude, 35,000 Feet
Theory of Wing-Body Drag at Supersonic Speeds
Recent Results Pertaining to the Application of the "Area Rule"
Notes on the Prediction of Shock-induced Boundary-layer Separation
Applications of auxiliary air injectors to supersonic wind tunnels
Investigations of the damping in roll of swept and tapered wings at supersonic speeds
Theoretical performance of liquid hydrogen and liquid fluorine as a rocket propellant
Performance of an annular turbojet combustor having reduced pressure losses and using propane fuel
An experimental study of five annular air inlet configurations at subsonic and transonic speeds
Investigations toward simplification of missile control systems
Comparison of the performance of a helicopter-type ram-jet engine under various centrifugal loadings
Experimental Investigation of Radome Icing and Icing Protection
Impingement of Droplets in 90 deg Elbows with Potential Flow
A Method for Determining Cloud-Droplet Impingement on Swept Wings
Comparison of Several Methods of Cyclic De-Icing of a Gas-Heated Airfoil