Browse TRAIL Inventories

Factors affecting transition at supersonic speeds

Two-dimensional low-speed cascade investigation of NACA compressor blade sections having a systematic variation in mean-line loading

Effect of longitudinal wings position on the pressure characteristics at transonic speeds of a 45©� sweptback wing-fuselage model

Average skin-friction drag coefficients from tank tests of a parabolic body of revolution (NACA RM-10)

Fuel characteristics pertinent to the design of aircraft fuel systems.Supplement 1 - Additional information on MIL-F-7914(AER) Grade JP-5 fuel and several fuel oils

Flow Coefficients for Orifices in Base of Transpiration-Cooled Turbine Rotor Blade

Preliminary Transient Performance Data on the J73 Turbojet Engine, 3, Altitude, 45,000 Feet

Preliminary Transient Performance Data on the J73 Turbojet Engine. II - Altitude, 35,000 Feet

Theory of Wing-Body Drag at Supersonic Speeds

Recent Results Pertaining to the Application of the "Area Rule"

Rocket-Model Investigation of the Longitudinal Stability, Drag, and Duct Performance Characteristics of the North American MX-770 (X-10) Missile at Mach Numbers from 0.80 to 1.70

Notes on the Prediction of Shock-induced Boundary-layer Separation

Rocket-model investigation of longitudinal stability and drag characteristics of an airplane configuration have a 60©� delta wing and a high unwept horizontal tail

Wind-tunnel investigation at high subsonic speeds of the effect of spoiler profile on the lateral control characteristics of a wing-fuselage combination winter quarter-chord line swept back 32.6©� and NACA 65A006 airfoil section

Control hinge-movement and effectiveness characteristics of several interchangeable tip controls on a 60©� delta wing at Mach numbers of 1.41, 1.62, and 1.96

Wind-tunnel investigation at low speed of the effect of varying the ratio of body diameter to wing span from 0.1 to 0.8 on the aerodynamic characteristics in pitch of the 45©� sweptback-wing--body combination

An experimental and theoretical investigation at high subsonic speeds of the effects of horizontal-tail height on the aerodynamic characteristics in sideslip of an unswept, untapered tail assembly

Comparison of theoretically and experimentally determined effects of oxide coatings supplied by fuel additives on uncooled turbine-blade temperature during transient turbojet-engine operation

Applications of auxiliary air injectors to supersonic wind tunnels

Investigations of the damping in roll of swept and tapered wings at supersonic speeds

Effect of vertical position of the wing on the aerodynamic characteristics of three wing-body combinations

Experimental and theoretical investigation of rotating-stall characteristics of single-stage axial-flow compressor with hub-tip ratio of 0.76

Theoretical performance of mixtures of liquid ammonia and hydrazine as fuel with liquid fluorine as oxidant for rocket engines

Theoretical performance of liquid hydrogen and liquid fluorine as a rocket propellant

The influence of vortex generators on the performance of a short 1.9:1 straight-wall annular diffuser with a whirling inlet flow

Performance Characteristics of a 24 Degree Straight-Outer-Wall Annular-Diffuser-Tailpipe Combination Utilizing Rectangular Vortex Generators for Flow Control

Effects of wing elasticity on the aerodynamic characteristics of an airplane configuration having 45 degrees sweptback wings as obtained from free-flight rocket-model tests at transonic speeds

Free-jet altitude investigation of a 20-inch ram-jet combustor with a rich inner zone of combustion for improved low-temperature-ratio operation

Effect of liner air-entry holes, fuel state, and combustor size on performance of an annular turbojet combustor at low pressures and high air-flow rates

Effect of fuel injectors and liner design on performance of an annular turbojet combustor with vapor fuel

Performance of an annular turbojet combustor having reduced pressure losses and using propane fuel

An engineering method for the determination of aeroelastic effects upon the rolling effectiveness of ailerons on swept wings

Small-scale transonic investigation of a 45 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 4 with combinations of nose-flap deflections and wing twist

The effect of initial rate of subsonic diffusion on the stable subcritical mass-flow range of a conical shock diffuser

An experimental study of five annular air inlet configurations at subsonic and transonic speeds

Investigations toward simplification of missile control systems

A study of the use of various high-lift devices on the horizontal tail of a canard airplane model as a means of increasing the allowable center-of-gravity travel

Comparison of the performance of a helicopter-type ram-jet engine under various centrifugal loadings

Impingement of Cloud Droplets on Aerodynamic Bodies as Affected by Compressibility of Air Flow Around the Body

Procedure for Measuring Liquid-Water Content and Droplet Sizes in Supercooled Clouds by Rotating Multicylinder Method

De-Icing and Runback Characteristics of Three Cyclic Electric, External De-Icing Boots Employing Chordwise Shedding

Impingement of Water Droplets on a Cylinder in an Incompressible Flow Field and Evaluation of Rotating Multicylinder Method for Measurement of Droplet-Size Distribution, Volume-Median Droplet-Size, and Liquid-Water Content in Clouds

Experimental Investigation of Radome Icing and Icing Protection

Experimental Investigation of Laminar-Boundary-Layer Control on an Airfoil Section Equipped With Suction Slots Located at Discontinuities in the Surface Pressure Distribution

Impingement of Droplets in 90 deg Elbows with Potential Flow

Impingement of Water Droplets on NACA 65A004 Airfoil and Effect of Change in Airfoil Thickness from 12 to 4 Percent at 4 deg Angle of Attack

A Method for Determining Cloud-Droplet Impingement on Swept Wings

Comparison of Several Methods of Cyclic De-Icing of a Gas-Heated Airfoil

Component and over-all performance evaluation of a J47-GE-25 turbojet engine over a range of engine-inlet Reynolds number indices

A Brief Investigation of the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a 1/13.33-Scale Powered Dynamic Model of a Preliminary Design of the Martin XP6M-1 Flying Boat, TED No. NACA DE-385

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