Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Choking of a Subsonic Induction Tunnel by the Flow from an Induction Nozzle
Equivalent-Plate Theory for a Straight Multicell Wing
On the Application of Transonic Similarity Rules
Introduction to Electrical-Circuit Analogies for Beam Analysis
A Simple Numerical Method for the Calculation of the Laminar Boundary Layer
Transition Caused by the Laminar Flow Separation
Minimum Ignition of Six Pure Hydrocarbon Fuels of the C₂ and C₆ Series
Investigation of Drag and Pressure Recovery of a Scoop Inlet in the Transonic Speed Range
Handling Qualities of High-Speed Airplanes
Hydrodynamic Directional Behavior of a Swept Planing-Tail Hull
An Investigation of Propeller Vibrations Excited by Wing Wakes
Stresses in a Two-Bay Noncircular Cylinder Under Transverse Loads
Gust-Tunnel Investigation of a Delta-Wing Model With the Leading Edge Swept Back 60 Degrees
Flow Separation From Rods Ahead of Blunt Noses at Mach Number 2.72
Flight Test of a Radial-Burning Solid-Fuel Ram Jet
Force Tests of Three Thin Wings of Moderately Low Aspect Ratio at High Subsonic Mach Numbers
Preliminary Survey of Boundary-Layer Development at a Nominal Mach Number of 5.5