Browse TRAIL Inventories

Enthalpy of formation and low-temperature heat capacities of basic aluminum sulfite (A1₂O₃.20SO₂.5.3H₂0)

Vibrations from underground blasting

Land utilization and reclamation in the mining industry, 1930-71,

Fuel and energy data :United States by States and regions, 1972

Source and control of nitride inclusions in titanium

Relationships of earth fracture systems to productivity of a gas storage reservoir

Summary of mining and petroleum laws of the world(in 5 parts)

Summary of mining and petroleum laws of the world(in 5 parts) :

Waste lubricating oil research :some innovative approaches to reclaiming used crankcase oil

Recycling of plastics from urban and industrial refuse

Ultraviolet-visible and infrared emission spectra of propagating methane-coal-dust inhibitor flames

Degasification of the Mary Lee coalbed near Oak Grove, Jefferson County, Ala.,by vertical borehole in advance of mining

Recovery of feldspar and glass sand from Georgia waste granite fines

Tunneling machine research :interaction between disk-cutter grooves in rocks

Spark-shower radiance of metal grinding sparks

Methane emission from U.S. coal mines in 1973,a survey: a supplement to IC 8558

Mineral resources of the Black Hills area, South Dakota and Wyoming,

Basic estimated capital investment and operating costs for underground bituminous coal mines.Mines with annual production of 1.03 to 3.09 million tons from a 48-inch coalbed,

Availability of U.S. primary lead resources, by Paul McIlroy [and others.

The reserve base of bituminous coal and anthracite for underground mining in the eastern United States,

Bureau of Mines test procedures for rocks,

Computer program for nonlinear regression using least squares,

Technology and use of lignite.Proceedings: Bureau of Mines-University of North Dakota Symposium, Grand Forks, N. Dak., May 9-10, 1973.

Well-logging techniques for mineral deposit evaluation: a review,

Bureau of Mines energy program, 1973,

Technologic and related trends in the mineral industries, 1973,

The Bureau of Mines Minerals Availability System and Resource classification manual,

Revised and updated cost estimates for producing alumina from domestic raw materials,

Comparative porphyry copper mining and processing costs - Alaska and Arizona.

The U.S. zinc industry: a historical perspective,

Aqueous reduction of chalcopyrite concentrate with metals

Seepage-environmental analysis of the slime zone of a tailings pond

Thermal diffusivity of six igneous rocks at elevated temperatures and reduced pressures

A continuous-recording methanometer for exhaust fan monitoring

Preliminary investigation of desilication of minerals with sulfur and carbon

Room temperature tensile properties of titanium and seven titanium alloys prepared by skull casting

Continuous heavy liquid concentration of brucite

Coal mine dust incombustibles content analyzer using a gamma-ray backscatter technique

Compound-type separation and characterization studies for a 370©® to 530©® C distillate of Recluse, Wyo., crude oil

Improved electrical resistivity field system for shallow earth measurements

Low-temperature heat capacities of sphalerite and wurtzite,

Reducing surface hot shortness of copper-containing steels using silicon additions and controlled reheating conditions.

Recovering vanadium from dolomitic Nevada shale

Identification of [gamma]-valerolactone in waste water from an oil-shale in situ retort

Recovery of lead from galena by a leach electrolysis procedure

Methods and costs for stabilizing fine-sized mineral wastes

Oil shale retorting in a 150-ton batch-type pilot plant

Coal mine combustion products:neoprenes, polyvinyl chloride compositions, urethane foam, and wood

Elemental composition of coal mine dust

Ventilation eddy zones at a model coal mine working face

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