Browse TRAIL Inventories

Experiments in External Noise Reduction of a Small Pusher-Type Amphibian Airplane

Experiments to Determine Neighborhood Reactions to Light Airplanes With and Without External Noise Reduction

On the Representation of the Stability Region in Oscillation Problems With the Aid of the Hurwitz Determinants

Preliminary Air-Flow and Thrust Calibrations of Several Conical Cooling-Air Ejectors with a Primary to Secondary Temperature Ratio of 1.0, 2: Diameter Ratios of 1.06 and 1.40

The Effect of High Viscosity on the Flow Around a Cylinder and Around a Sphere

Translational Motion of Bodies Under the Free Surface of a Heavy Fluid of Finite Depth

Structural Vulnerability of the Boeing B-29 Aircraft Wing to Damage by Warhead Fragments

A Theoretical Analysis of the Effects of Fuel Motion on Airplane Dynamics

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Low-Speed Static Stability and Control Characteristics of a Model of the Bell MX-776 (RASCAL) in Combined Angle of Attack and Sideslip

Pressure Recovery, Drag, and Subcritical Stability Characteristics of Conical Supersonic Diffusers With Boundary-Layer Removal

Investigation in the Ames Supersonic Free-Flight Wind Tunnel of the Static Longitudinal Stability of the Hermes A-3B Missile at a Mach Number of 5.0

Method for Calculation of Laminar Heat Transfer in Air Flow Around Cylinders of Arbitrary Cross Section (Including Large Temperature Differences and Transpiration Cooling)

A Wind-Tunnel Investigation to Determine the Effect of Various Head Designs on the Aerodynamic Characteristics in Pitch of the Army Ordnance Corps T205 3.5-Inch Heat Rocket

Investigation of Spinning and Tumbling Characteristics of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Consolidated Vultee XFY-1 Airplane in the Free-Spinning Tunnel, TED No. NACA DE 370

Preliminary Results Obtained from Flight Test of a 1/7-Scale Rocket-Powered Model of the Grumman XF10F Airplane Configuration in the Swept-Wing Condition, TED No. NACA DE 354

Experimental Investigation of Axial-Flow Compressor Stator Blades Designed to Obtain High Turning Angles by Means of Boundary-Layer Suction

Use of Fences to Increase Uniformity of Boundary Layer on Side Walls of Supersonic Wind Tunnels

Radiant Heat Transfer From Flames in a Single Tubular Turbojet Combustor

Some Dynamic Characteristics of a Turbojet Engine for Large Accelerations

Spreading of Exhaust Jet From 16 Inch Ream Jet at Mach Number 2.0

A Meter for Timing the Flow of Very Small Volumes of a Gas

A Study of the Application of Power-Spectral Methods of Generalized Harmonic Analysis to Gust Loads on Airplanes

Effect of Geometry on Secondary Flows in Blade Rows

Chordwise and Compressibility Corrections to Slender-Wing Theory

Lift, Drag, and Pitching Moment of Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds: Plane Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio 3 With Air-to-Air Missile Models Mounted Externally

Method of Estimating the Stick-Fixed Longitudinal Stability of Wing-Fuselage Configurations Having Unswept or Swept Wings

Method and Graphs for the Evaluation of Air-Induction Systems

A Study of Second-Order Supersonic Flow Theory

An Investigation at Mach Numbers 2.98 and 2.18 of Axially Symmetric Free-Jet Diffusion with a Ram-Jet Engine

Some Wind-Tunnel Results of an Investigation of the Flutter of Sweptback- and Triangular-Wing Models at Mach Number 1.3

Use of Choked Nozzle Technique and Exhaust Jet Diffuser for Extending Operable Range of Jet-Engine Research Facilities

A Study of the Use of Freon-12 as a Wind-Tunnel Testing Medium at Low Supersonic Mach Numbers

Low-Speed Lateral-Control Investigation of a Flap-Type Spoiler Aileron With and Without a Deflector and Slot on a 6-Percent-Thick, Tapered, 45 Degree Sweptback Wing of Aspect Ratio 4

An Application of the Rocket-Propelled-Model Technique to the Investigation of Low-Lift Buffeting and the Results of Preliminary Tests

Effects of Some Primary Variables of Rectangular Vortex Generators on the Static-Pressure Rise Through a Short Diffuser

Supplementary Free-Spinning-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/20-Scale Model of the McDonnell F2H-3 Airplane with External Stores Installed: TED No. NACA DE 2393

Hinge-Moment and Other Aerodynamic Characteristics at Transonic Speeds of a Quarter-Span Spoiler on a Tapered 45 Degree Sweptback Wing of Aspect Ratio 3

Investigation of an NACA Submerged Inlet at Mach Numbers from 1.17 to 1.99

Observations of Unsteady Flow Phenomena for an Inclined Body Fitted with Stabilizing Fins

Tests at Mach Number 1.62 of a Series of Missile Configurations Having Tandem Cruciform Lifting Surfaces

The Forces and Pressure Distribution at Subsonic Speeds on a Cambered and Twisted Wing Having 45 Degrees of Sweepback and Aspect Ratio of 3 and a Taper Ratio of 0.5

Small-Scale Transonic Investigation of the Effects of Full-Span and Partial-Leading-Edge Flaps on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 50 Degree 38 Foot Sweptback Wing of Aspect Ratio 2.98

On the Application of Transonic Similarity Rules to Wings of Finite Span

An Investigation at Mach Numbers of 1.62 and 1.93 of the Lift Effectiveness and Integrated Downwash Characteristics of Several In-Line Missile Configurations Having Equal-Span Wings and Tails

Control Hinge-Moment and Effectiveness Characteristics of a 60 Degree Half-Delta Tip Control on a 60 Degree Delta Wing at Mach Numbers of 1.41 and 1.96

Downwash and Sidewash Fields Behind Cruciform Wings

Friction and Wear

The Excitation of Unstable Perturbations in a Laminar Friction Layer

Wind-Tunnel Corrections at High Subsonic Speeds Particularly for an Enclosed Circular Tunnel

Calculation of the Lateral-Dynamic Stability of Aircraft

Published Year



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