Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Experiments in External Noise Reduction of a Small Pusher-Type Amphibian Airplane
The Effect of High Viscosity on the Flow Around a Cylinder and Around a Sphere
Translational Motion of Bodies Under the Free Surface of a Heavy Fluid of Finite Depth
Structural Vulnerability of the Boeing B-29 Aircraft Wing to Damage by Warhead Fragments
A Theoretical Analysis of the Effects of Fuel Motion on Airplane Dynamics
Use of Fences to Increase Uniformity of Boundary Layer on Side Walls of Supersonic Wind Tunnels
Radiant Heat Transfer From Flames in a Single Tubular Turbojet Combustor
Some Dynamic Characteristics of a Turbojet Engine for Large Accelerations
Spreading of Exhaust Jet From 16 Inch Ream Jet at Mach Number 2.0
A Meter for Timing the Flow of Very Small Volumes of a Gas
Effect of Geometry on Secondary Flows in Blade Rows
Chordwise and Compressibility Corrections to Slender-Wing Theory
Method and Graphs for the Evaluation of Air-Induction Systems
A Study of Second-Order Supersonic Flow Theory
A Study of the Use of Freon-12 as a Wind-Tunnel Testing Medium at Low Supersonic Mach Numbers
Investigation of an NACA Submerged Inlet at Mach Numbers from 1.17 to 1.99
Observations of Unsteady Flow Phenomena for an Inclined Body Fitted with Stabilizing Fins
On the Application of Transonic Similarity Rules to Wings of Finite Span
Downwash and Sidewash Fields Behind Cruciform Wings
The Excitation of Unstable Perturbations in a Laminar Friction Layer
Wind-Tunnel Corrections at High Subsonic Speeds Particularly for an Enclosed Circular Tunnel