Browse TRAIL Inventories

Preliminary Results of Cyclical De-Icing of a Gas-Heated Airfoil

First Landing of Bell X-2 Research Airplane

Total-Pressure-Recovery Characteristics of a Model of the McDonnell XF3H-1 Inlets and Forebody in a Free Jet at a Mach Number of 1.55

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 0.07-Scale Model of the North American MX-770 Missile

A Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Stability of the Antisubmarine Rocket Mk 1 Mod 0

An Investigation Utilizing an Electrical Analogue of Cyclic Deicing of a Hollow Steel Propeller with an External Blade Shoe

Impingement of Cloud Droplets on a Cylinder and Procedure for Measuring Liquid-Water Content and Droplet Sizes in Supercooled Clouds by Rotating Multicylinder Method

Investigations of Air-Cooled Turbine Rotors for Turbojet Engines 1: Experimental Disk Temperature Distribution in Modified J33 Split-Disk Rotor at Speeds up to 6000 RPM

Rocket-Model Investigation of the Rolling Effectiveness of a Fighter-Type Wing-Control Configuration at Mach Numbers From

Experimental Study of Isothermal Wake-Flow Characteristics of Various Flame-Holder Shapes

Empirical Cooling Correlation for an Experimental Afterburner With an Annular Cooling Passage

Cooling Characteristics of an Experimental Tail-Pipe Burner With an Annular Cooling-Air Passage

Analysis of a Pneumatic Probe for Measuring Exhaust-Gas Temperatures with Some Preliminary Experimental Results

Measurements of Pressure Drop with No Heat Addition on Mockup Segments of the General Electric Air-Cooled Aircraft Reactor

Method for Estimating Pitching-Moment Interference of Wing-Body Combinations at Supersonic Speed

A Method for Estimating the Components of Lift of Wing-Body Combinations at Supersonic Speeds

Theoretical Investigation of the Performance of Proportional Navigation Guidance Systems-Effect of Method of Positioning the Radar Antenna on the Speed of Response

General Correlation of Temperature Profiles Downstream of a Heated Air Jet Directed at Various Angles to Air Stream

Investigation at Mach Number 1.91 of Spreading Characteristics of Jet Expanding From Choked Nozzles

Effect of Design Changes of Operating Conditions on Combustion and Operational Performance of a 28-Inch Diameter Ram-Jet Engine

Analysis of a Nuclear-Powered Liquid-Metal Ducted-Fan Cycle

Analysis of a liquid-metal turbine-propeller cycle for propulsion of low-speed nuclear- powered aircraft

Radiant Heat Transfer From Flames in a Single Tubular Turbojet Combuctor

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Contribution of a Vertical Tail to the Directional Stability of a Fighter-Type Airplane

A Thermodynamic Study of the Turbine-Propeller Engine

A Low-Speed Investigation of an Annular Transonic Air Inlet

Radioautographic Method for Examining Distribution of Particles in a Cyclotron Beam

Effect of Temperatures From -70 to 600 Degrees Fahrenheit on Strength of Adhesive-Bonded Lap Shear Specimens of Clad 24S-T3 Aluminum Alloy and of Cotton-and Glass-Fabric Plastic Laminates

Several Combination Probes for Surveying Static and Total Pressure and Flow Direction

A Technique Applicable to the Aerodynamic Design of Inducer-Type Multistage Axial-Flow Compressors

Flight Investigation of Transient Wing Response on a Four-Engine Bomber Airplane in Rough Air With Respect to Center-of-Gravity Accelerations

Corrections for Lift, Drag, and Moment of an Airfoil in a Supersonic Tunnel Having a Given Static Pressure Gradient

X-Ray Instrumentation for Density Measurements in a Supersonic Flow Field

Supersonic Wave Drag of Nonlifting Delta Wings With Linearly Varying Thickness Ratio

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effects of Various Asymmetric Canopy Modifications on the Behavior of Descending Parachutes

A Theoretical Method of Analyzing the Effects of Yaw-Damper Dynamics on the Stability of an Aircraft Equipped With a Second-Order Yaw Damper

An Impulse-Momentum Method for Calculating Landing-Gear Contact Conditions in Eccentric Landings

The Effect of a Simulated Propeller Slipstream on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Unswept Wing Panel With and Without Nacelles at Mach Numbers From 0.30 to 0.86

Estimation of the Maximum Angle of Sideslip for Determination of Vertical-Tail Loads in Rolling Maneuvers

Experimental Determination of Time Constants and Nusselt Numbers for Bare-Wire Thermocouples in High-Velocity Air Streams and Analytic Approximation of Conduction and Radiation Errors

The Effect of Blade-Section Camber on the Static Characteristics of Three NACA Propellers

Interaction of Column and Local Buckling in Compression Members

Short-Bearing Approximation for Full Journal Bearings

Correlation of Tensile Strength, Tensile Ductility, and Notch Tensile Strength With the Strength of Rotating Disks of Several Designs in the Range of Low and Intermediate Ductility

Bending of Thin Plates With Compound Curvature

Buckling of Low Arches or Curved Beams of Small Curvature

A Low-Speed Investigation of a Fuselage-Side Air Inlet for Use at Transonic Flight Speeds

Inviscid Flow About Airfoils at High Supersonic Speeds

Influence of Lubricant Viscosity on Operating Temperatures of 75-Millimeter-Bore Cylindrical-Roller Bearing at High Speeds

The Gust and Gust-Load Experience of a Twin-Engine Low-Altitude Transport Airplane in Operation on a Northern Transcontinental Route

Published Year



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