Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Materials handling research :penetration of selected/granular materials by wedge-shaped tools
Extraction of silver from refractory ores
Materials handling research :shear properties of several granular materials
Phosphorus removal from Birmingham, Ala., calcareous iron ores
Solid-liquid flow in noncircular pipes
Molten salt electrowinning of magnesium-yttrium alloys
Conversion of ilmenite to rutile by a carbonyl process
Use of cryogens to reclaim nonferrous scrap metals
Purification of yttrium by electrorefining
A study of fragmentation from bench blasting in limestone at a reduced scale
Hydrogenating shale oil at low space velocity
Emission characteristics of an aircraft auxiliary power unit
Beneficiation of Calico District, California, silver-barite ores
Continuous heavy liquid concentration of high-clay potash ores
Phase-contrast enhancement without spatial filters for seismic holography
Better coke by using antifissurants :results for Illinois no. 6 and high splint coals
Analysis of the geometry of fractures in San Manuel Copper Mine, Arizona
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during fiscal year 1972
Development of a portable radon detector
Solvent extraction of nitrate from titanium leacher effluent
Methods and evaluation of explosive fracturing in oil shale
Characterization of the valence state of iron in coal dust
Analysis of trace elements in coal by spark-source mass spectrometry
Autogenous smelting of copper sulfide concentrate
Oxidation of cement copper by flash roasting
Radioactive tracer pulse method of evaluating fracturing of underground oil shale formations
Establishing standards for effective wire rope clip installation
Preparation of samarium-cobalt permanent magnets
Decomposition of hydrogen sulfide in an electrical discharge
Thermodynamic properties of three sodium titanates
Radical species profiles for a methane-oxygen-argon flame
Procedures used for sampling fracture orientations in an underground coal mine
Resource recovery from raw urban refuse
Hazard from engines rebreathing exhaust in confined space
Recovery of zinc, copper, silver, and iron from zinc smelter residue
Rock damage from small charge blasting in granite
Ionic and neutral reactions in glow discharges of a He-SO₂-CO mixture
Nuclear gages for monitoring the coalbed of commercial-scale pressurized gas producers
Methane control by isolation of a major coal panel :Pittsburgh coalbed
An algorithm for calculating multiphase chemical equilibrium
Minimum extinguishant and maximum oxygen concentrations for extinguishing coal dust-air explosions
Sulfur dioxide emission control by hydrogen sulfide reaction in aqueous solution :the citrate system