Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Interaction between a supersonic stream and a parallel subsonic stream bounded by fluid at rest
Interaction of oblique shock waves with regions of variable pressure, entropy, and energy
Investigation of statistical nature of fatigue properties
Noise from intermittent jet engines and steady-flow jet engines with rough burning
Flame speeds of methane-air, propane-air, and ethylene-air mixtures at low initial temperatures
General consideration of problems in compressible flow using the hodograph method
Theoretical analysis of hydrodynamic impact of a prismatic float having freedom in trim
Corrosion of magnesium alloy ZK60A in marine atmosphere and tidewater
Three-dimensional supersonic nozzles and inlets of arbitrary exit cross section
Behavior of vortex system behind cruciform wings - motions of fully rolled-up vortices
Analysis of Landing-Gear Behavior
Compressive buckling of simply supported curved plates and cylinders of sandwich construction
Analysis of flow in a subsonic mixed-flow impeller
Evaluation of three methods for determining dynamic characteristics of a turbojet engine
Experiments on transonic flow around wedges
Estimate of slip effect on compressible laminar-boundary-layer skin friction
Supersonic flow with whirl and vorticity in axisymmetric channels
Simple graphical solution of heat transfer and evaporation from surface heated to prevent icing
Survey of the chromium-cobalt-nickel phase diagram at 1200 C
Survey of portions of the cobalt-chromium-iron-nickel quaternary system
Preliminary Investigation of Cyclic De-Icing of an Airfoil Using an External Electric Heater