Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Altitude performance of annular combustor type turbojet engine with JFC-2 fuel
Altitude wind tunnel investigation of high-temperature afterburners
Two-dimensional chord-wise load distributions at transonic speeds
An active particle diffusion theory of flame quenching for laminar flames
Low speed stability characteristics of a complete model with a wing of W plan form
Low-speed tests of a free-to-yaw model in two wind tunnels of different turbulence
A survey of the aircraft-noise problem with special reference to its physical aspects
Two-dimensional flow on general surfaces of revolution in turbomachines
Critical study of integral methods in compressible laminar boundary layers
Calculation of aerodynamic forces on a propeller in pitch or yaw
Effects of Aspect Ratio on Air Flow at High Subsonic Mach Numbers
Flame speeds of 2,2,4-trimethylpentane-oxygen-nitrogen mixtures
Torsion tests of aluminum-alloy stiffened circular cylinders
Flow surfaces in rotating axial-flow passages
Fundamental effects of cold-work on some cobalt-chromium-nickel-iron base creep-resistant alloys
Investigation of laminar boundary layer in compressible fluids using the Crocco method
Investigation of a diffraction-grating interferometer for use in aerodynamic research