Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Pressure limits of flame propagation of pure hydrocarbon-air mixtures at reduced pressure
Forces and moments on pointed blunt-nosed bodies of revolution at Mach numbers from 2.75 to 5.00
The Ames supersonic free-flight wind tunnel
Empirical cooling correlation for an experimental afterburner with an annular cooling passage
A study of the zero-lift drag-rise characteristics of wing-body combinations near the speed of sound
A study of the flow over a 45 degree sweptback wing-fuselage combination at transonic Mach numbers
Transonic flow past a wedge profile with detached bow wave
Transonic free-flight drag results of full-scale models of 16-inch-diameter ram-jet engines
An analysis of the potentialities of a two-stage counterrotating supersonic compressor
A wind-tunnel investigation of the stability of the antisubmarine rocket MK 1 Mod 0
Experimental investigation of a conservatively designed turbine at four rotor-blade solidities
Experimental investigation of a two-dimensional split-wing ram-jet inlet at Mach number of 3.85
Performance characteristics of one convergent and three convergent-divergent nozzles
Cold-air investigation of a turbine with nontwisted rotor blades suitable for air cooling
Drag of circular cylinders for a wide range of Reynolds numbers and Mach numbers