Browse TRAIL Inventories

Preliminary experiments on the elastic compressive buckling of plates with integral waffle-like stiffening

Pressure distribution at low speed on a model incorporating a W wing with aspect ratio 6, 45 degrees sweep, taper ratio 0.6, and an NACA 65A009 airfoil section

Preparation and physical properties of metal slurry fuels

Lateral-control investigation at transonic speeds of retractable spoiler and plug-type spoiler-slot ailerons on a tapered 60 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 2 : transonic-bump method

Lateral and directional dynamic-response characteristics of a 35 degree swept-wing airplane as determined from flight measurements

Loitering and range performance of turbojet-powered aircraft determined by off-design engine cycle analysis

The longitudinal characteristics at Mach numbers up to 0.92 of a cambered and twisted wing having 40 degrees of sweepback and an aspect ratio of 10

The longitudinal characteristics at Mach numbers up to 0.9 of a wing-fuselage-tail combination having a wing with 40 degrees of sweepback and an aspect ratio of 10

Low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a large-scale 45 degree swept-back wing with partial-span slats, double-slotted flaps, and ailerons

Low-speed investigation of the effects of wing leading-edge modifications and several outboard fin arrangements on the static stability characteristics of a large-scale triangular wing

Experimental studies of noise from subsonic jets in still air

Effect of a finite trailing-edge thickness on the drag of rectangular and delta wings at supersonic speeds

An approximate method for determining the displacement effects and viscous drag of laminar boundary layers in two-dimensional hypersonic flow

Investigation of 75-millimeter-bore deep-groove ball bearings under radial load at high speeds 1: oil-flow-studies

A theoretical and experimental investigation of the influence of temperature gradients on the deformation and burst speeds of rotating disks

Theoretical augmentation of turbine-propeller engine by compressor-inlet water injection, tail-pipe burning, and their combination

Summary of acceleration and airspeed data from commercial transport airplanes during the period from 1933 to 1945

A summary of diagonal tension Part I : methods of analysis

A summary of diagonal tension Part II : experimental evidence

Thermal buckling of plates

Altitude operational characteristics of a prototype model of the J47D (RX1-1 and RX1-3) turbojet engines with integrated electronic control

Two-dimensional shear flow in a 90 degrees elbow

Theoretical study of the transonic lift of a double-wedge profile with detached bow wave

A solution of the Navier-Stokes equation for source and sink flows of a viscous heat-conducting compressible fluid

Solutions of laminar-boundary-equations which result in specific-weight-flow profiles locally exceeding free-stream values

Some dynamic effects of fuel motion in simplified model tip tanks on suddenly excited bending oscillations

Some effects of amplitude and frequency on the aerodynamic damping of a model oscillating continuously in yaw

An analysis of the errors in curve-fitting problems with an application to the calculation of stability parameters from flight data

Effect of high-lift devices on the static-lateral-stability derivatives of a 45 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 4.0 and taper ratio 0.6 in combination with a body

Calculations on the forces and moments for an oscillating wing-aileron combination in two-dimensional potential flow at sonic speed

Auxiliary equipment and techniques for adapting the constant-temperature hot-wire anemometer to specific problems in air-flow measurements

An engineering method for estimating notch-size effect in fatigue tests on steel

Fatigue strengths of aircraft materials : axial-load fatigue tests on notched sheet specimens of 24S-T3 and 75S-T6 aluminum alloys and of SAE 4130 steel with stress-concentration factor of 1.5

Influence of structure on properties of sintered chromium carbide

Experimental investigation of the local and average skin friction in the laminar boundary layer on a flat plate at a Mach number of 2.4

Experimental investigation of an NACA 64A010 airfoil section with 41 suction slots on each surface for control of laminar boundary layer

Experimental study of the effects of finite surface disturbances and angle of attack on the laminar boundary layer of an NACA 64A010 airfoil with area suction

Numerical determination of indicial lift and moment functions for a two-dimensional sinking and pitching airfoil at Mach numbers 0.5 and 0.6

Method for calculation of heat transfer in laminar region of air flow around cylinders of arbitrary cross section (including large temperature differences and transpiration cooling)

The planing characteristics of a surface having a basic angle of dead rise of 20 degrees and horizontal chine flare

The planing characteristics of a surface having a basic angle of dead rise of 40 degrees and horizontal chine flare

A study of the transient behavior of shock waves in transonic channels flows

Study of the pressure rise across shock waves required to separate laminar and turbulent boundary layers

Analytical and experimental investigation of fully developed turbulent flow of air in a smooth tube with heat transfer with variable fluid properties

Transonic similarity rules for lifting wings

Use of the boundary layer of a cone to measure supersonic flow inclination

An analysis of the normal accelerations and airspeeds of a two-engine type of transport airplane in commercial operations on routes in the central United States from 1948 to 1950

A theory and method for applying interferometry to the measurement of certain two-dimensional gaseous density fields

Wear and sliding friction properties of nickel alloys suited for cages of high-temperature rolling-contact bearings II : alloys retaining mechanical properties above 600 F

The effects of Reynolds number on the application of NACA 16-series airfoil characteristics to propeller design

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