Browse TRAIL Inventories

Free-flight measurements of some effects of aileron span, chord, and deflection and of wing flexibility on the rolling effectiveness of ailerons on sweptback wings at Mach numbers between 0.8 and 1.6

Summary of some effective aerodynamic twisting-moment coefficients of various wing-control configurations at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 1.7 as determined from rocket-powered models

A pressure-distribution investigation of a fineness-ratio-12.2 parabolic body of revolution (NACA RM-10) at M = 1.59 and angles of attack up to 36 degrees

Reciprocity relations in aerodynamics

Simple Graphical Solution of Heat Transfer and Evaporation From Surface Heated to Prevent Icing

A Probability Analysis of the Meteorological Factors Conducive to Aircraft Icing in the United States

Experimental Investigation of Boundary-Layer Suction Through Slots to Obtain Extensive Laminar Boundary Layers on a 15 Percent-Thick Airfoil Section at High Reynolds Numbers

Effect of Various Blade Modifications in Performance of a 16-Stage Axial-flow Compressor. IV - Effect on Over-all Performance Characteristics of Decreasing Twelfth through Fifteenth Stage Stator-blade Angles 3 deg and Increasing Stator Angles in the Inlet Stages

A Photographic Study of Freezing of Water Droplets Falling Freely in Air

Preliminary Survey of Icing Conditions Measured During Routine Transcontinental Airline Operation

Impingement of Water Droplets on an NACA 65(sub 1) -212 Airfoil at an Angle of Attack of 4 Deg

The Calculated and Measured Performance Characteristics of a Heated-Wire Liquid-Water-Content Meter for Measuring Icing Severity

Experimental Investigation of Average Heat-Transfer and Friction Coefficients for Air Flowing in Circular Tubes Having Square-Thread-Type Roughness

Experimental and theoretical determination of thermal stresses in a flat plate

Flow characteristics over a lifting wedge of finite aspect ratio with attached and detached shock waves at a Mach number of 1.40

Investigation of hydrocarbon ignition

A blade-element analysis for lifting rotors that is applicable for large inflow and blade angles and any reasonable blade geometry

Landing characteristics in waves of three dynamic models of flying boats

Effect of compressibility on the flow past a two-dimensional bump

Effect of changing passage configuration on internal-flow characteristics of a 48-inch centrifugal compressor

Effect of open circular holes on tensile strength and elongation of sheet specimens of a magnesium alloy

Experimental investigation of free-convection heat transfer in vertical tube at large Grashof numbers

Internal-liquid-film-cooling experiments with air-stream temperatures to 2000 degrees F. in 2- and 4-inch-diameter horizontal tubes

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Low-Speed Static Longitudinal Characteristics of the Republic RF-84F Airplane

Sound from a two-blade propeller at supersonic tip speeds

Tank Investigation of the Grumman JRF-5 Airplane Equipped with Twin Hydro-Skis: TED No. NACA DE 357

Time Variation of the Distance Separating Bomb and Dive Bomber Subsequent to Bomb Release

Free-Spinning-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/24-Scale Model of the Grumman F9F-6 Airplane: TED No. NACA DE 364

Thrust Augmentation of a Turbojet Engine at Simulated Flight Conditions by Introduction of a Water-Alcohol Mixture into the Compressor

Hydrocarbon and nonhydrocarbon derivatives of cyclopropane

The dynamic-response characteristics of a 35 degree swept-wing airplane as determined from flight measurements

Dynamic response at altitude of a turbojet engine with variable area exhaust nozzle

Flight investigation of a mechanical feel device in an irreversible elevator control system of a large airplane

Theoretical and experimental investigation of mufflers with comments on engine-exhaust muffler design

Theoretical symmetric span loading due to flap deflection for wings of arbitrary plan form at subsonic speeds

Effect of initial mixture temperature on flame speed of methane-air, propane-air, and ethylene-air mixtures

Two-and three-dimensional unsteady lift problems in high-speed flight

Flight investigation of the effect of control centering springs on the apparent spiral stability of a personal-owner airplane

Force Characteristics in the Submerged and Planing Condition of a 1/5.78-Scale Model of a Hydro-Ski-Wheel Combination for the Grumman JRF-5 Airplane

Effect of aspect ratio on the low-speed lateral control characteristics of untapered low-aspect-ratio wings equipped with flap and with retractable ailerons

The effects on dynamic lateral stability and control of large artificial variations in the rotary stability derivatives

An Investigation of the Effects of a Vortex-Generator Configuration on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 1/4-Scale Model of the X-1 Airplane (10-Percent-Thick Wing)

Axisymmetric supersonic flow in rotating impellers

Effects of compressibility on the performance of two full-scale helicopter rotors

Discussion of boundary-layer characteristics near the wall of an axial-flow compressor

Flight Characteristics of a 1/4-Scale Model of the XFV-1 Airplane (TED No. NACA DE-378)

Control characteristics at transonic speeds of a linked flap and spoiler on a tapered 45 degrees sweptback wing of aspect ratio 3

Investigation of engine performance and high-temperature properties of precision-cast turbine blades of high carbon Stellite 21 and controlled grain-size-Stellite 21

Investigation of flow fluctuations at the exit of a radial-flow centrifugal impeller

Aerodynamic characteristics at transonic speeds of a tapered 45 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 3 having a full-span flap type of control with overhang balance : transonic-bump method

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