Browse TRAIL Inventories

Free-Flight Investigation to Determine Force and Hinge-Moment Characteristics at Zero Angle of Attack of a 60 Degrees Sweptback Half-Delta Tip Control on a 60 Degrees Sweptback Delta Wing at Mach Numbers Between 0.68 and 1.44

Free-Jet Tests of a 6.5-Inch-Diameter Ram-Jet Engine at Mach Numbers 1.81 and 2.00

An Investigation at Transonic Speeds of the Effects of Control Chord and Span on the Control Characteristics of a Tapered Wedge-Type Wing of Aspect Ratio 2.5: Transonic-Bump Method

Investigation at Mach Number 1.88 of Half of a Conical-Spike Diffuser Mounted as a Side Inlet With Boundary-Layer Control

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of the Effects of Symmetrical Deflection of Half-Delta Tip Controls on the Damping in Roll and Yawing Moment Due to Rolling of a Triangular-Wing Model

A Comparison of Theory and Experiment for High-Speed Free-Molecule Flow

The aerodynamic behavior of a harmonically oscillating finite sweptback wing in supersonic flow

Air forces and moments on triangular and related wings with subsonic leading edges oscillating in supersonic potential flow

An analysis of an x-ray absorption method for measurement of high gas temperatures

Development of Auxiliary Cyclotron Equipment for Using Tritium as Bombarding Particles in a Cyclotron

Flight Determination of the Drag and Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a Rocket-Powered Model of a 60 Degrees Delta-Wing Airplane From Mach Numbers 0.75 to 1.70

Review of the Maximum-Lift Characteristics of Thin and Swept Wings

Preliminary Experimental Investigation of Flutter Characteristics of M and W Wings

Preliminary Investigation of a Supersonic Scoop Inlet Derived From a Conical-Spike Nose Inlet

Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Rectangular Vortex Generators on the Performance of a Short 1.9:1 Straight-Wall Annular Diffuser

Preliminary Investigation of the Transfer of Heat From a Flat Plate at a Mach Number of 1.5

Application of X-Ray Absorption to Measurement of Small Air-Density Gradients

Transonic-Wing Investigation in the Langley 8-Foot High-Speed Tunnel at High Subsonic Mach Numbers and at a Mach Number of 1.2: Analysis of Pressure Distribution of Wing-Fuselage Configuration Having a Wing of 45 Degrees Sweptback, Aspect Ratio 4, Taper Ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 Airfoil Section

Recent Experimental Flutter Studies

Resistance of Various Materials to Attack by Molten Bismuth-Lead Eutectic at Elevated Temperatures

Rolling Effectiveness of All-Movable Wings at Small Angles of Incidence at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 1.6

Pressure Pulsations on Rigid Airfoils at Transonic Speeds

Some Effects of Spanwise Aileron Location and Wing Structural Rigidity on the Rolling Effectiveness of 0.3-Chord Flap-Type Ailerons on a Tapered Wing Having 63 Degrees Sweepback at the Leading Edge and Naca 64A005 Airfoil Sections

The Use of Two-Dimensional Section Data to Estimate the Low-Speed Wing Lift Coefficient at Which Section Stall First Appears on a Swept Wing

Dynamic Stability and Control Characteristics of a Delta-Wing Vertically Rising Airplane Model in Take-Offs, Landings, and Hovering Flight

A Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Static Stability Characteristics of a 1/8-Scale Ejectable Pilot-Seat Combination at a Mach Number of 0.8

The Effect of Raking the Aileron Tips on the Lateral-Control and Hinge-Moment Characteristics of a 20-Percent-Chord Partial-Span Outboard Aileron on a Wing With Leading-Edge Swept Back 51.3 Degrees

Elevated Temperature Properties of Titanium Carbide Base Ceramals Containing Nickel or Iron

Effects of Propeller-Shank Geometry and Propeller-Spinner-Juncture Configuration on Characteristics of an NACA 1-Series Cowling-Spinner Combination With an Eight-Blade Dual-Rotation Propeller

Effect of Section Thickness and Trailing-Edge Radius on the Performance of NACA 65-Series Compressor Blades in Cascade at Low Speeds

Effect of the Proximity of the Ground on the Stability and Control Characteristics of a Vertically Rising Airplane Model in the Hovering Condition

Effect of Formation Position on Load Factors Obtained on F2H Airplanes

Determination and Use of the Local Recovery Factor for Calculating the Effectiveness Gas Temperature for Turbine Blades

Division of Load Among the Wing, Fuselage, and Tail of Aircraft

Charts Giving Critical Compressive Stress of Continuous Flat Sheet Divided Into Parallelogram-Shaped Panels

Comparison of High-Speed Operating Characteristics of Size 215 Cylindrical-Roller Bearings as Determined in Turbojet Engine and in Laboratory Test Rig

Comparison of Semispan and Full-Span Tests of a 47.5 Degrees Sweptback Wing With Symmetrical Circular-Arc Sections and Having Drooped-Nose Flaps, Trailing-Edge Flaps, and Ailerons

Derivation of the Equations of Motion of a Symmetrical Wing-Tip-Coupled Airplane Configuration With Rotational Freedom at the Junctures

Characteristics of a Wedge With Various Holder Configurations for Static-Pressure Measurements in Subsonic Gas Streams

Damping in Roll of Straight and 45 Degree Swept Wings of Various Taper Ratios Determined at High Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds With Rocket-Powered Models

Damping in Roll of Rocket-Powered Test Vehicles Having Swept, Tapered Wings of Low Aspect Ratio

Calculated Aerodynamic Loadings of M, W, and Delta Wings in Incompressible Flow

Additional Studies of the Stability and Controllability of an Unswept-Wing Vertically Rising Airplane Model in Hovering Flight Including Studies of Various Tethered Landing Techniques

Altitude-Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Performance Characteristics of a J47D Prototype (RX1-1) Turbojet Engine With Fixed-Area Exhaust Nozzle

The Design of Variable Mach Number Asymmetric Super-Sonic Nozzles by Two Procedures Employing Inclined and Curved Sonic Lines

Effect of Angle of Incidence of Second-Stage Vane Assembly on Third-Stage Compressor-Blade Vibration and Engine Performance

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (38th). Administrative Report Including Technical Report Nos. 1059 to 1110

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (36th). Administrative Report Including Technical Report Nos. 951 to 1002

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (34th). Administrative Report Including Technical Report Nos. 892 to 921

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (35th). Administrative Report Including Technical Report Nos. 922 to 950

Published Year



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