Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Availability of U.S. chromium resources,
Gold placer mining;placer evaluation and dredge selection,
Evaluating the economic availability of Mesabi Range taconite iron ores with computerized models,
Analyses of natural gases, 1968
Natural gas liquids:a review of their role in the petroleum industry,
Mine roof vibrations from underground blasts
Lithologic descriptions of Appalachian area oil-producing formations
Methods for studying, improving, and optimizing electric-furnace smelting processes
Calculation procedure for heat transfer to a gas-solid suspension from an externally heated tube
Active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices approved before July 1, 1970
Review of Bureau of Mines coal program,1969
Summary of mining and petroleum laws of the world (in five parts).
The implications of urban growth and the minerals industry in the Huntsville, Ala., area
Research and technologic work on explosives, explosions, and flames :fiscal year 1969
Impact of changing technology on refractories consumption
Socioeconomic aspects of mining in selected cities:urbanization and surface mining, Atlanta, Ga.
Stabilization of hydraulic backfill with portland cement :including results with other additives
Pretreating steel scrap to speed oxidation
Factors affecting the production of phosgene using gamma radiation
Geochemistry of some petroleum-associated waters from Louisiana
An improved maximum-bubble-pressure system for measuring surface tension of molten metals
Fluid flow in channels, capillaries, and porous media under the influence of an electric field
Electrolytic preparation of tungsten metal and tungsten carbide from wolframite
An evaluation of variables in basic oxygen steelmaking
Oxidation roasting of chalcocite concentrate
Freon 113 as a test material for chemical cartridge respirators
Use of centrifugal separation to investigate how kerogen is bound to the minerals in oil shale
Beneficiation of Georgia kyanite ore
Surface tension and density of liquid tin
Anode materials for alumina reduction
Mine water research :plant design and cost estimates for limestone treatment
Preparation characteristics of Pennsylvania anthracite from the Kidney Seam, northern field
Recovery of lead and sulfur from galena concentrate, using a ferric sulfate leach
Properties of an ion exchange resin with high selectivity for gold
Electrowinning aluminum from aluminum chloride :operation of a single-compartment cell
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during fiscal year 1969
Selection of anode materials and operating conditions for electrowinning beryllium
Use of cement copper in an iron-copper-carbon powder metallurgy alloy
Turf soil modification with sintered fly ash
Continuous heavy liquid concentration of spodumene
Leach-precipitation-flotation studies on Red Bed copper ore using controlled atmosphere
Adaptation of a slow-speed data acquisition system to record multiple time-related signals