Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation at Low Speed of 45 Degrees and 60 Degrees Sweptback, Tapered, Low-Drag Wings Equipped With Various Types of Full-Span, Trailing-Edge Flaps

Skin Friction of Incompressible Turbulent Boundary Layer Under Adverse Pressure Gradients

Transformations of the Hodograph Flow Equation and the Introduction of Two Generalized Potential Functions

Relative Structural Efficiencies of Flat Balsa-Core Sandwich and Stiffened-Panel Construction

Wing-Tunnel Investigation of Effects of Various Aerodynamic Balance Shapes and Sweepback on Control-Surface Characteristics of Semispan Tail Surfaces With NACA 0009, 0015, 66-009, 66(215)-014, and Circular-Arc Airfoil Sections

Width of Debye-Scherrer Lines for Finite Spectral Width of Primary Beam

Axial-Momentum Theory for Propellers in Compressible Flow

Calculation of Higher Approximations for Two-Dimensional Compressible Flow by a Simplified Iteration Process

A Survey of Creep in Metals

A Survey of Methods for Determining Stability Parameters of an Airplane From Dynamic Flight Measurements

The Linearized Characteristics Method and Its Application to Practical Nonlinear Supersonic Problems

Experimental Investigations of Rolling Performance of Straight and Sweptback Flexible Wings With Various Ailerons

A General Through-Flow Theory of Fluid Flow With Subsonic or Supersonic Velocity in Turbomachines of Arbitrary Hub and Casing Shapes

Rotogenerative Detection of Corrosion Currents

Construction and Use of Charts in Design Studies of Gas Turbines

A Theory of Conductivity of Cold-Worked Copper

Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Condensation of Air in Hypersonic Wind Tunnels

Method for Analyzing Indeterminate Structures Stressed Above Proportional Limit

Numerical Determination of Indicial Lift of a Two-Dimensional Sinking Airfoil at Subsonic Mach Numbers From Oscillatory Lift Coefficients With Calculations for Mach Number 0.7

Approximate Calculation of Turbulent Boundary-Layer Development in Compressible Flow

Rectangular-Wind-Tunnel Blocking Corrections Using the Velocity-Ratio Method

Viscosities of Air and Nitrogen at Low Pressures

On the Application of Mathieu Functions in the Theory of Subsonic Compressible Flow Past Oscillating Airfoils

Discrepancies Between Theoretical and Observed Behavior of Cyclically Loaded Bearings

The Hydrodynamic Lubrication of Cyclically Loaded Bearings

A Study of Second-Order Supersonic-Flow Theory

Lift and Pitching Derivatives of Thin Sweptback Tapered Wings with Streamwise Tips and Subsonic Leading Edges at Supersonic Speeds

Estimation of Low-Speed Lift and Hinge-Moment Parameters for Full-Span Trailing-Edge Flaps on Lifting Surfaces With and Without Sweepback

Flexural Fatigue Strengths of Riveted Box Beams - Alclad 14S-T6, Alclad 75S-T6, and Various Tempers of Alclad 24S

Mathematical Improvement of Method for Computing Poisson Integrals Involved in Determination of Velocity Distribution on Airfoils

On Reflection of Shock Waves from Boundary Layers

On the Spectrum of Isotropic Turbulence

Elastic Constants for Corrugated-Core Sandwich Plates

Effect of Stress-Solvent Crazing on Tensile Strength of Polymethyl Methacrylate

Skin-Temperature Telemeter for Determining Boundary-Layer Heat-Transfer Coefficients

Studies on Von Kármán's Similarity Theory and Its Extension to Compressible Flows: A Critical Examination of Similarity Theory for Incompressible Flows

Resolution of Annealing Experiments for the Study of Nonequilibrium States

Secondary Flows in Annular Cascades and Effects on Flow in Inlet Guide Vanes

Effect of Fuel Volatility on Performance of Tail-Pipe Burner

Supersonic Tunnel Investigation by Means of Inclined-Plate Technique to Determine Performance of Several Nose Inlets Over Mach Number Range of 1.72 to 2.18

Studies of Von Kármán's Similarity Theory and Its Extension to Compressible Flows: A Similarity Theory for Turbulent Boundary Layer Over a Flat Plate in Compressible Flow

Studies of Von Kármán's Similarity Theory and Its Extension to Compressible Flow: Investigation of Turbulent Boundary Layer Over a Flat Plate in Compressible Flow by the Similarity Theory

Survey of Available Information on Internal Flow Losses Through Axial Turbomachines

Secondary Stresses in Thin-Walled Beams With Closed Cross Sections

Methods for Connection to Revolving Thermocouples

Performance of a Cascade in an Annular Vortex-Generating Tunnel Over Range of Reynolds Numbers

Application of Variational Methods to Transonic Flows With Shock Waves

Investigations of Slot Configurations for Film-Cooled Turbine Blades by Flow Visualization Methods

Deflections of a Simply Supported Rectangular Sandwich Plate Subjected to Transverse Loads

Limits of Flammability of Pure Hydrocarbon-Air Mixtures at Reduced Pressures and Room Temperature

Published Year



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