Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Reduction roasting of steep rock iron-bearing materials
Separation of feldspar, quartz, and mica from granite
Theoretical relationship between density and oil yield for oil shales
Some aspects of the aerodynamics of formation of float coal dust clouds
Turbine blade wear by coal ash in working fluid at 1,200⁰F
Effect of microstructure on superconductivity in the columbium-hafnium system
Oxygen consumption and hydrogen production by shrink-resistant grouts in confined places
Bureau of Mines portable recording methanometer
Separation and characterization of metallo-organic materials in petroleum
Thermodynamic data for ferric sulfate and indium sulfate
Compressibility data for helium at 0⁰C and pressures to 800 atmospheres
Dispersion-strengthening in copper-alumina and copper-yttria alloys
Elastic moduli of rock at elevated temperatures
Operating characteristics of a high-temperature electrostatic precipitator
Explosion development in a spherical vessel
Entrainment drying and carbonization of wood waste
Determination of dawsonite and nahcolite in Green River formation oil shales
Inductoslag melting of titanium
Vapor pressures of liquid titanium (2,008⁰ to 2,379⁰K) and liquid platinum (2,045⁰ to 2,442⁰K)
Alkalized-alumina attritioning and SO₂ sorption rates
Effects of pressure, temperature, and type of oil on vaporization of oil during gas cycling
Spectrochemical analyses of coal ash for trace elements
Tensile and stress-rupture properties of rolled Pb-Cd-Sb alloys
Chemical stabilization of the uranium tailings at Tuba City, Ariz.
Computer usage for evaluation of design parameters and cost of heat exchangers.
Angular positions of x-ray emission lines of the elements for common analyzing crystals
Effect of sodium nitrate on the incendivity of explosives in coal dust-gas-air mixtures
Selective flotation of minerals from North Carolina mica tailing
Preparation characteristics of coal from Beaver and Lawrence counties, Pa.
An ultrasonic method for determining the elastic symmetry of materials
An ultrasonic method for determining the attenuation symmetry of materials
Mine water research :catalytic oxidation of ferrous iron in acid mine water by activated carbon
The electrohydraulic effect :potential application in rock fragmentation
Heats of formation of three oxides of rhenium
Energetics of percussive drills-longitudinal strain energy
Dismantling a typical junk automobile to produce quality scrap
Pennsylvania Anthracite Refuse: A Survey of Solid Waste from Mining and Preparation