Browse TRAIL Inventories

Tests of Two-Blade Propellers in the Langley 8-Foot High-Speed Tunnel to Determine the Effect on Propeller Performance of a Modification of Inboard Pitch Distribution

Effect of Slip on Flow Near a Stagnation Point and in a Boundary Layer

Effects of Some Solution Treatments Followed by an Aging Treatment on the Life of Small Cast Gas-Turbine Blades of a Cobalt-Chromium-Base Alloy 2: Effect of Selected Combinations of Soaking Time, Temperature, and Cooling Rate

Effects of Pressure-Rake Design Parameters on Static-Pressure Measurement for Rakes Used in Subsonic Free Jets

Effect of an Increase in Angle of Dead Rise on the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a High-Length-Beam-Ratio Hull

A Graphical Method for Plotting Amplitude and Phase Angle of Transfer Functions of Dynamic Systems Without Factoring Polynomials

Preliminary Investigation of a New Type of Supersonic Inlet

Influence of Tensile Strength and Ductility on Strengths of Rotating Disks in Presence of Material and Fabrication Defects of Several Types

Statistical Fluctuation of Intensity in Debye-Scherrer Lines Due to Random Orientation of Crystal Grains

X-Ray Diffraction by Bent Crystal Lamellae

Experimental Investigation of the Pressure Distribution About a Yawed Circular Cylinder in the Critical Reynolds Number Range

Performance of J35-A-23 Compressor 1: Over-All Performance Characteristics at Equivalent Speeds From 20 to 100 Percent of Design

Experimental Study of the Effect of Sweepback on Transonic Aileron Flutter

Flight Investigation at Mach Numbers From 0.8 to 1.5 of the Drag of a Canopy Located at Two Positions on a Parabolic Body of Revolution

Expressions for Measuring the Accuracy of Approximate Solutions to Compressible Flow Through Cascades of Blades With Examples of Use

A Finite Step Method for the Calculation of Span Loadings of Unusual Plan Forms

Flight Determination of Drag and Pressure Recovery of a Nose Inlet of Parabolic Profile at Mach Numbers From 0.8 to 1.7

An Experimental Investigation at Subsonic Speeds of a Scoop-Type Air-Induction System for a Supersonic Airplane

Flight Determination of the Effects of Wing Vortex Generators of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Douglas D-558-I Airplane

Some Effects of Fuselage Interference, Wing Interference, and Sweepback on the Damping in Roll of Untapered Wings as Determined by Techniques Employing Rocket-Propelled Vehicles

Some Experiments on the Flutter of Sweptback Cantilever Wing Models at Mach Number 1.3

Tabulated Pressure Coefficients and Aerodynamic Characteristics Measured in Flight on the Wing of the D-558-I Research Airplane Through a Mach Number Range of 0.80 to 0.89 and Throughout the Normal-Force-Coefficient Range at Mach Numbers of 0.61, 0.70, 0.855, and 0.88

Experimental Investigation of Flow in the Rotating Passages of a 48-Inch Impeller at Low Tip Speeds

Altitude Operation of Gas-Turbine Engine With Variable-Area Fuel-Nozzle System

Dynamic Longitudinal Stability and Control of Tandem Coupled Bomber-Fighter Airplane Models With Rigid and Pitch-Free Couplings

Time Histories of the Aerodynamic Loads on the Vertical and Horizontal Tail Surfaces of a Jet-Powered Bomber Airplane During Sideslip Maneuvers at Approximately 20,000 Feet

Results of Flight Tests to Determine Drag of Parabolic and Cone-Cylinder Bodies of Very Large Fineness Ratios at Supersonic Speeds

Summary of Spin and Recovery Characteristics of 12 Models of Flying-Wing and Unconventional-Type Airplanes

Theoretical Investigation of an Automatic Control System With Primary Sensitivity to Normal Accelerations as Used to Control a Supersonic Canard Missile Configuration

The Use of Suction to Prevent Shock-Induced Separation in a Nozzle

Water Landing Investigation of a Hydro-Ski Model at Beam Loadings of 18.9 and 4.4

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Mach Numbers From 0.50 to 1.29 of an Unswept, Tapered Wing of Aspect Ratio 2.67 With Leading- and Trailing-Edge Flaps - Flaps Deflected in Combination

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Subsonic and Low Transonic Speeds of the Effects of Aileron Span and Spanwise Location on the Rolling Characteristics of a Test Vehicle With Three Untapered 45 Degree Sweptback Wings

Altitude-Test-Chamber Investigation of Performance of a 28-Inch Ram-Jet Engine 4: Effect of Inlet-Air Temperature, Combustion-Chamber-Inlet Mach Number, and Fuel Volatility on Combustion Performance

Force and Pressure Characteristics for a Series of Nose Inlets at Mach Numbers From 1.59 to 1.99 4: Conical-Spike External-Internal Compression Inlet Utilizing Perforated Cowl

Wing-Flow Study of Pressure-Drag Reduction at Transonic Speed by Projecting a Jet of Air From the Nose of a Prolate Spheroid of Fineness Ratio 6

Application of Response Function to Calculation of Flutter Characteristics of a Wing Carrying Concentrated Masses

Critical Combinations of Bending, Shear, and Transverse Compressive Stresses for Buckling of Infinitely Long Flat Plates

The Effect on Zero-Lift Drag of an Indented Fuselage or a Thickened Wing-Root Modification to a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Body Configuration as Determined by Flight Tests at Transonic Speeds

Effects of Spoiler on Airfoil Pressure Distribution and Effects of Size and Location of Spoilers on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Tapered Unswept Wing of Aspect Ratio 2.5 at a Mach Number of 1.90

The Effects of Increasing the Leading-Edge Radius and Adding Forward Camber on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing With 35 Degrees of Sweepback

The Effect of End Plates, End Struts, and Depth of Submergence on the Characteristics of a Hydrofoil

A Comparison of Predicted and Experimentally Determined Longitudinal Dynamic Responses of a Stabilized Airplane

Comparison of Transonic Characteristics of Lifting Wings From Experiments in a Small Slotted Tunnel and the Langley High-Speed 7- by 10-Foot Tunnel

A Comparison of Two Techniques Utilizing Rocket-Propelled Vehicles for the Determination of the Damping-in-Roll Derivative

Comparison of Zero-Lift Drag Determined by Flight Tests at Transonic Speeds of Pylon, Underslung, and Symmetrically Mounted Nacelles at 40 Percent Semispan of a 45 Degrees Sweptback Wing and Body Combination

Comparison of Zero-Lift Drags Determined by Flight Tests at Transonic Speeds of Symmetrically Mounted Nacelles in Various Spanwise Positions on a 45 Degrees Sweptback Wing and Body Combination

Comparison of Zero-Lift Drags Determined by Flight Tests at Transonic Speeds of Symmetrically Mounted Nacelles in Various Chordwise Positions at the Wing Tip of a 45 Degrees Sweptback Wing and Body Combination

Comparisons of the Effectiveness and Hinge Moments of All-Movable Delta and Flap-Type Controls on Various Wings

Description and Investigation of a Dynamic Model of the XH-17 Two-Blade Jet Driven Helicopter

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