Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Effect of Slip on Flow Near a Stagnation Point and in a Boundary Layer
Preliminary Investigation of a New Type of Supersonic Inlet
X-Ray Diffraction by Bent Crystal Lamellae
Experimental Study of the Effect of Sweepback on Transonic Aileron Flutter
A Finite Step Method for the Calculation of Span Loadings of Unusual Plan Forms
Some Experiments on the Flutter of Sweptback Cantilever Wing Models at Mach Number 1.3
Experimental Investigation of Flow in the Rotating Passages of a 48-Inch Impeller at Low Tip Speeds
Altitude Operation of Gas-Turbine Engine With Variable-Area Fuel-Nozzle System
The Use of Suction to Prevent Shock-Induced Separation in a Nozzle
Water Landing Investigation of a Hydro-Ski Model at Beam Loadings of 18.9 and 4.4
The Effect of End Plates, End Struts, and Depth of Submergence on the Characteristics of a Hydrofoil
Description and Investigation of a Dynamic Model of the XH-17 Two-Blade Jet Driven Helicopter