Browse TRAIL Inventories

Analysis of experimental sea-level transient data and analog method of obtaining altitude response for turbine-propeller engine with relay-type speed control

The effects of Mach number and Reynolds number on the aerodynamic characteristics of several 12-percent-thick wings having 35 degrees of sweepback and various amounts of camber

Effects of humidity during fabrication on some physical properties of glass-fabric unsaturated-polyester laminates

Evaluation of centrifugal compressor performance with water injection

The effects of various parameters including Mach number on propeller blade flutter with emphasis on stall flutter

Experimental investigation of oil film pressure distribution for misaligned plain bearings

Estimated deceleration of airplane nose section jettisoned at various altitudes and airspeeds

Experimental and theoretical study of the effects of body size on the aerodynamic characteristics of an aspect ratio 3.0 wing-body combination

Experimental investigation of effects of design changes on performance of large-capacity centrifugal compressors

Aerodynamic characteristics at transonic speeds of a 69 degree delta wing with a triangular plan-form control having a skewed hinge axis and an overhang balance : transonic-bump method

Aerodynamic characteristics including pressure distribution of a fuselage and three combinations of the fuselage with swept-back wings at high subsonic speeds

Ignition-energy requirements in a single tubular combustor

Tabulated pressure coefficients and aerodynamic characteristics measured on the wing of the Bell X-1 airplane in an unaccelerated stall and in pull-ups at Mach numbers of 0.74, 0.75, 0.94, and 0.97

Tabulated pressure coefficients and aerodynamic characteristics measured on the wing of the Bell X-1 airplane in an unaccelerated low-speed stall, in push-overs at Mach numbers of 0.83 and 0.99, and in a pull-up at a Mach number of 1.16

Simplified method for calculation of compressible laminar boundary with arbitrary free-stream pressure gradient

Some properties of beryllium oxide and beryllium oxide - columbium ceramals

Some low-speed characteristics of an air-induction system having scoop-type inlets with provisions for boundary-layer control

Status of combustion research on high-energy fuels for ram jets

Sound from a two-blade propeller at supersonic tip speeds

Static longitudinal stability and dynamic characteristics at high angles of attack and at low Reynolds numbers of a model of the X-3 supersonic research airplane

The properties of three cast polyester resins of Sierracin 212, 212A, and 250A

A study of slip formation in polycrystalline aluminum

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Descent Characteristics of Bodies of Revolution Simulating Anti-Personnel Bombs

Experimental Values of the Surface Tension of Supercooled Water

An Empirical Method Permitting Rapid Determination of the Area, Rate and Distribution of Water-Drop Impingement on an Airfoil of Arbitrary Section at Subsonic Speeds

Empirical Relation Between Induced Velocity, Thrust, and Rate of Descent of a Helicopter Rotor as Determined by Wind-Tunnel Tests on Four Model Rotors

Determination of Shapes of Boattail Bodies of Revolution for Minimum Wave Drag

Lateral-Control Characteristics and Dihedral Effect of a Wing-Body Combination With a Variable-Incidence Triangular Wing and Wing-Tip Ailerons at a Mach Number of 1.52

NACA Investigations of Icing-Protection Systems for Turbojet-Engine Installations

Method for Estimating Lift Interference of Wing-Body Combinations at Supersonic Speeds

Calculated Performance of a Mercury-Compressor-Jet Powered Airplane Using a Nuclear Reactor as an Energy Source

Analysis of Meteorological Data Obtained During Flight in a Supercooled Stratiform Cloud of High Liquid-Water Content

Adaptation of a Cascade Impactor to Flight Measurement of Droplet Size in Clouds

An Investigation of the Low-Speed Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/10-Scale Model of the McDonnell XF3H-1 Airplane

Meteorological Analysis of Icing Conditions Encountered in Low-Altitude Stratiform Clouds

A General Correlation of Temperature Profiles Downstream of a Heated-Air Jet Directed Perpendicularly to an Air Stream

Analysis of the Liquid-Metal Turbojet Cycle for Propulsion of Nuclear Powered Aircraft

Pitching-Moment Derivatives Cmq and Cma at Supersonic Speeds for a Slender-Delta-Wing and Slender-Body Combination and Approximate Solutions for Broad-Delta-Wing and Slender-Body Combinations

Possible Application of Blade Boundary-Layer Control to Improvement of Design and Off-Design Performance of Axial-Flow Turbomachines

Practical Methods of Calculation Involved in the Experimental Study of an Autopilot and the Autopilot-Aircraft Combination

A Photoelastic Investigation of Stress Concentrations Due to Small Fillets and Grooves in Tension

Torsional Strength of Stiffened D-Tubes

Turbulence-Intensity Measurements in a Jet of Air Issuing From a Long Tube

Water-Landing Investigation of a Model Having Heavy Beam Loadings and 0 Degrees Angle of Dead Rise

Flow Separation Ahead of Blunt Bodies at Supersonic Speeds

An Investigation by the Hodograph Method of Flow Through a Symmetrical Nozzle With Locally Supersonic Regions

Experimental Investigation of Localized Regions of Laminar-Boundary-Layer Separation

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 37: Experimental Determination of Thermal and Hydrodynamical Behavior of Air Flowing Along a Flat Plate Containing Turbulence Promotors

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 34: Experimental Determination of Thermal and Hydrodynamical Behavior of Air Flowing Between a Flat and a Wave-Shaped Plate

An investigation of aircraft heaters 36: preliminary investigation of a combustion-type aircraft heater

Published Year



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