Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Evaluation of centrifugal compressor performance with water injection
Experimental investigation of oil film pressure distribution for misaligned plain bearings
Estimated deceleration of airplane nose section jettisoned at various altitudes and airspeeds
Ignition-energy requirements in a single tubular combustor
Some properties of beryllium oxide and beryllium oxide - columbium ceramals
Status of combustion research on high-energy fuels for ram jets
Sound from a two-blade propeller at supersonic tip speeds
The properties of three cast polyester resins of Sierracin 212, 212A, and 250A
A study of slip formation in polycrystalline aluminum
Experimental Values of the Surface Tension of Supercooled Water
Determination of Shapes of Boattail Bodies of Revolution for Minimum Wave Drag
NACA Investigations of Icing-Protection Systems for Turbojet-Engine Installations
Method for Estimating Lift Interference of Wing-Body Combinations at Supersonic Speeds
Adaptation of a Cascade Impactor to Flight Measurement of Droplet Size in Clouds
Meteorological Analysis of Icing Conditions Encountered in Low-Altitude Stratiform Clouds
Analysis of the Liquid-Metal Turbojet Cycle for Propulsion of Nuclear Powered Aircraft
A Photoelastic Investigation of Stress Concentrations Due to Small Fillets and Grooves in Tension
Torsional Strength of Stiffened D-Tubes
Turbulence-Intensity Measurements in a Jet of Air Issuing From a Long Tube
Water-Landing Investigation of a Model Having Heavy Beam Loadings and 0 Degrees Angle of Dead Rise
Flow Separation Ahead of Blunt Bodies at Supersonic Speeds
Experimental Investigation of Localized Regions of Laminar-Boundary-Layer Separation