Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Formation of sulfide films on steel and effect of such films on static friction
Automatic control systems satisfying certain general criterions on transient behavior
Charts and tables for use in calculations of downwash of wings of arbitrary plan form
Effect of tail surfaces on the base drag of a body of revolution at Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.0
Laminar boundary layer on a circular cone in supersonic flow at a small angle of attack
Jet-boundary corrections for complete and semispan swept wings in closed circular wind tunnels
Effect of ground interference on the aerodynamic characteristics of a 42 degrees sweptback wing
A numerical approach to the instability problem of monocoque cylinders
Method for calculation of ram-jet performance
Pilot escape from spinning airplanes as determined from free-spinning-tunnel tests
A plan-form parameter for correlating certain aerodynamic characteristics of swept wings
Stresses in a two-bay noncircular cylinder under traverse loads
Three-dimensional compressible laminar boundary-layer flow
Approximate design method for high-solidity blade elements in compressors and turbines
Generalized conical-flow fields in supersonic wing theory
Application of the Von Kármán momentum theorem to turbulent boundary layers
Wind-tunnel tests at low speed of swept and yawed wings having various plan forms
Regenerator-design study and its application to turbine-propeller engines
Investigation of the air-compression process during drop tests of an oleo-pneumatic landing gear
Vibratory stresses in propellers operating in the flow field of a wing-nacelle-fuselage combination
Charts for estimation of longitudinal-stability derivatives for a helicopter rotor in forward flight
Theoretical aerodynamic characteristics of a family of slender wing-tail-body combinations
Theoretical aerodynamic characteristics of bodies in a free-molecule-flow field
Kinetics of sintering chromium carbide
A biharmonic relaxation method for calculating thermal stress in cooled irregular cylinders
The similarity law for hypersonic flow about slender three-dimensional shapes
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Number of Total Pressure Tubes at High Angles of Attack
Flight Camera for Photographing Cloud Droplets in Natural Suspension in the Atmosphere
Flight determined buffet boundaries of ten airplanes and comparisons with five buffeting criteria