Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Integrals and integral equations in linearized wing theory
NACA investigation of fuel performance in piston-type engines
Heat transfer to bodies in a high-speed rarified-gas stream
Comparison between theory and experiment for wings at supersonic speeds
Analysis of plane-plastic stress problems with axial symmetry in strain-hardening range
Behavior of fast moving flow of compressible gas in cylindrical pipe in presence of cooling
Analysis of means of improving the uncontrolled lateral motions of personal airplanes
Schlieren investigation of the wing shock-wave boundary-layer interaction in flight
Flying qualities of a high-performance personal-owner airplane
Experimental investigation of base pressure on blunt-trailing-edge wings at supersonic velocities
Experimental investigation of an 0.8 hub-tip radius-ratio,nontwisted-rotor-blade turbine
Jet effects on pressures and drags of bodies
Preliminary investigation of use of conical flow separation for efficient supersonic diffusion
Experimental investigation of a 16-inch impulse-type supersonic-compressor rotor
Effects of Reynolds number on the aerodynamic characteristics of a delta wing at Mach number of 2.41
Effects of altitude on turbojet engine performance
Wind-tunnel tests of a 1/12-scale model of the X-3 airplane at subsonic and supersonic speeds.
A specially constructed metallograph for use at elevated temperatures
A recurrence matrix solution for the dynamic response of aircraft in gusts
Buckling of thin-walled cylinder under axial compression and internal pressure
Variation of the pressure limits of flame propagation with tube diameter for propane-air mixtures
Vaporization rates and heat-transfer coefficients for pure liquid drops
Flame velocities over a wide composition range for pentane-air, ethylene-air, and propyne-air flames