Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Strain-Gage Measurements of Buffeting Loads on a Jet-Powered Bomber Airplane
X-Ray Diffraction Study of the Internal Structure of Supercooled Water
Theoretical Investigation of Submerged Inlets at Low Speeds
Analysis of the Liquid-metal Turbojet Cycle for Propulsion of Nuclear Powered Aircraft
Effectiveness of Thermal-Pneumatic Airfoil-Ice-Protection System
Heat delivery in a compressible flow and applications to hot-wire anemometry
Analytical method for determining performance of turbojet-engine tail-pipe heat exchangers
Fluctuations in a spray formed by two impinging jets
Fundamental effects of cold-working on creep properties of low-carbon N-155 alloy
Infrared spectra of 59 dicyclic hydrocarbons
Lift and moment on oscillating triangular and related wings with supersonic edges
Full-scale-tunnel investigation of the static-thrust performance of a coaxial helicopter rotor
Heat transfer to bodies in a high-speed rarefied-gas stream
On the second-order tunnel-wall-constriction corrections in two-dimensional compressible flow
On the use of coupled modal functions in flutter analysis
Effect of fuel immersion on laminated plastics
A critical review of notch sensitivity in stress-rupture tests
Criterions for condensation-free flow in supersonic tunnels
Analytical evaluation of aerodynamic characteristics of turbines with nontwisted rotor blades
An analytical investigation of effect of high-lift flaps on take-off of light airplanes
An experimental determination of the critical bending moment of a box beam stiffened by posts