Browse TRAIL Inventories

Forms of sulfur in U.S. coals

Sulfatization of nickeliferous laterites

Ignition and control of burning of coal mine refuse

Use of a continuous borer in mining pitching anthracite beds

Equivalences of coal dust and methane at lower quenching limits of flames of their mixtures

Method of analysis of impurities in helium in the parts-per-billion range

The thermodynamic properties of the ZnO-Fe₂O₃-Fe₃O₄ system at elevated temperatures (in two parts).

A streak camera method for measuring dynamic equation of state properties of rock

Consolidation and mechanical properties of electrowon molydenum

Explosion hazards of ammonium nitrate under fire exposure

High-temperature columbium and tantalum alloys

Demonstration and evaluation of five methods of secondary backfilling of strip-mine areas

Effect of charge weight on vibration levels from quarry blasting

Reduction roasting-acid solution techniques in laboratory processing of Minnesota manganiferous ores

Drillability studies :impregnated diamond bits

Review of Bureau of Mines coal program,1965

Salt domes in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and offshore tidelands :a survey

Iron resources of South Dakota

Use of mineral fillers, granules, and roofing rock in California asphalt-consuming industries

Research and technologic work on explosives, explosions, and flames :fiscal year 1965

A thermal-recovery project and two waterflood projects in Carter, Garvin, and Stephens counties, Okla., 1966

Portable methane detectors :effects of gases in mine atmospheres

Research and technologic work at the Health and Safety Research and Testing Center :fiscal years 1960-65

Pneumatic transportation of solidsproceedings: Institute of Gas Technology - Bureau of Mines Symposium, Morgantown, W. Va., October 19-20, 1965

Coal research organizations :worldwide activities and publications

Technology and use of lignite.Proceedings: Bureau of Mines-University of North Dakota Symposium, Grand Forks, N. Dak., April 29-30, 1965

Some generalized probability distributions with special reference to the mineral industries (in five parts).

Flammability characteristics of trichloroethylene

Improvement of a commercial hypereutectic aluminum-silicon master alloy

Magnetic roasting of iron ores with ferrous scrap

Thermal reactions of shale-oil components :methylpyrroles, butylpyrroles, and isopropylpyrroles

Heats of formation of beryllium sulfate and its hydrates

Analysis of the coal industry in Boulder-Weld County coalfield, Colorado

Recovery of manganese from slag formed by selective oxidation of high-manganese pig iron

Calculation of the average ground stress components from measurements of the diametral deformation of a drill hole

Changing water-injection profiles by selective plugging :a field study

Experimental longwall mining in a Pennsylvania anthracite mine (in two parts).

Effects of certain mineralogical features on phosphate recovery

Direct determination of oxygen in coal

The thermodynamic properties of the ZnO-Fe₂O₃-Fe₃O₄ system at elevated temperatures (in two parts).

Carbon reduction of chromite

High energy-rate forging and extrusion and the effect on structure and properties

Recovery of manganese sulfate crystals from solution by submerged combustion evaporation and by thermal crystallization

Lurgi-gasifier tests of Pittsburgh-bed coal

The matrix-type magnetic separator

Use of a diphenyl ether calorimeter in determining the heat of fusion of iron

Thermodynamic properties of vanadium and its compounds

Laboratory processes for washing tetrabromoethane from mineral particles

Effect of certain process variables on vapor deposited tungsten

Electric-arc furnace reduction of tin slag for production of columbium-tantalum-bearing alloy

Published Year



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