Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Variation With Temperature of Surface Tension of Lubricating Oils
Stress-Strain and Elongation Graphs for Alclad Aluminum-Alloy 24S-T86 Sheet
The Effect of End Plates on Swept Wings at Low Speed
A Comparison of the Lateral Controllability with Flap and Plug Ailerons on a Sweptback-Wing Model
Sonic-Flow-Orifice Temperature Probe for High-Gas-Temperature Measurements
Calculated Engine Performance and Airplane Range for Variety of Turbine-Propeller Engines
Compressibility Correction for Turning Angles of Axial-Flow Inlet Guide Vanes
Effect of Heat-Capacity Lag on a Variety of Turbine-Nozzle Flow Processes
Foaming of Mixtures of Pure Hydrocarbons
Effects of an Aging Treatment on Life of Small Cast Vitallium Gas-Turbine Blades
Downwash in Vortex Region Behind Rectangular Half-Wing at Mach Number 1.91
Static Directional Stability of a Tandem-Helicopter Fuselage
Dynamic Investigation of Turbine-Propeller Engine Under Altitude Conditions
Analysis of Multiengine Transport Airplane Fire Records
Penetration of Liquid Jets into a High-Velocity Air Stream
Calculated Performance of Nuclear Turbojet Powered Airplane at Flight Mach Number of 0.9
A Design Study of Leading-Edge Inlets for Unswept Wings
Effect of Retractable Ignition Plug on Plug Fouling by Carbon Deposits
A Lift-Cancellation Technique in Linearized Supersonic-Wing Theory
On the Theory of the Propagation of Detonation in Gaseous Systems