Browse TRAIL Inventories

Devitrification of a lithium disilicate glass

Heat of formation of scandium trichloride

Thermal expansion anisotropy and preferred orientation in rolled zinc alloys containing copper and titanium

Continuous attrition grinding of coarse kaolin (in two parts).

Variables in the use of hot-finished mild steel coupons for corrosion inhibitor testing

Adsorption phenomena and the reduction of iron oxides :relation of heat of adsorption to heat of activation for the reduction of wustite and magnetite

Comparison between end and axial methods of detonating an explosive in granite

Measurement of lateral pressure generated from cylindrical explosive charges

Prediction of compressive strength from other rock properties

Tin-Lode Investigations, Potato Mountain Area, Seward Peninsula, Alaska; With Section on Petrography

Copper: A Materials Survey

Mineral Facts and Problems: 1965 Edition

Manganese-Copper Damping Alloys

Analytical Methods in Mass Spectrometry

Studies of High-Current Metallic Arcs

Sulfur Poisoning of Fixed Beds of Iron Catalysts in the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis

X-Ray Diffraction Data for Aromatic, Hydroaromatic, and Tetrahedral Structures of Carbon

Flammability Characteristics of Combustible Gases and Vapors

Hydrogenation of Coal in the Batch Autoclave

Permissible mine equipment approved by the Bureau of Mines during 1963-64 :a supplement to Bulletin 543 and Information Circular 8220

Using probability models as a basis for making decisions during mineral deposit exploration

Laboratory evaluation of flow characteristics of oil-producing sandstones in Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky

Delineation of Texas lignite beds by statistical techniques

A computer method of fitting surfaces to assay and other data in three dimensions by quadratic-regression analysis

Carbon deposition for thermal recovery of petroleum :a statistical approach to research

Derivation and application of a material balance equation for partly depleted oil reservoirs repressured with gas

Sampling and coking studies of coal from the Kukpowruk River area, Arctic northwestern Alaska

Yield and ultimate strengths of rock bolts under combined loading

Gas masks for respiratory protection against amines

Analyses of some crude oils from fields in West Texas

Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during the fiscal year 1965

Computing reserves of mineral deposits:principles and conventional methods

A Knudsen effusion apparatus for vapor pressure measurements

Further studies on sympathetic detonation

Analyses of crude oils from 546 important oilfields in the United States

Thermoelectric properties of yttrium selenides and tellurides

Determination of copper with disodium ethylenedinitrilo tetraacetate (EDTA)

Radioactive techniques for continuously measuring flotation froth density and pulp flow rates

Film coefficients of heat transfer for helium at 2,000⁰ to 2,500⁰F in turbulent flow

A coal-fired water pump

Thermodynamic data for molybdenum carbide and tantalum carbide

High-temperature heat content of lithium columbate

A machine-test method for measuring carbon dioxide in the inspired air of self-contained breathing apparatus

Comparison of products from high-temperature irradiation and carbonization of coal

Fly ash as a coagulant aid in water treatment

Correlation of BM-AGA carbonization yields from 13- and 18-inch-diameter retorts

Separation of HF from HF-SiF₄-H₂O mixtures

Sulfur compound characterization studies on high-boiling petroleum fractions

Drillability studies :statistical regression analysis of diamond drilling

Effect of gamma radiation on the reaction of anthracite with fluorine and chlorine

Published Year



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