Browse TRAIL Inventories

Low-Speed Investigation of the Aerodynamic Loads on the Droop-Nose Flap of a Wing With Leading Edge Swept Back 47.5 Degrees and Having Symmetrical Circular-Arc Airfoil Sections at a Reynolds Number of 4.3 X 10 (Exp 6)

Low-Speed Investigation of the Effect of Several Flap and Spoiler Ailerons on the Lateral Characteristics of a 47.5 Degree Sweptback-Wing-Fuselage Combination at a Reynolds Number of 4.4. X 10(6)

Low-Speed Investigation of Deflectable Wing-Tip Elevators on a Low-Aspect-Ratio Untapered 45 Degree Sweptback Semispan Wing With and Without an End Plate

Low-Speed Pressure-Distribution Measurements at Reynolds Number of 3.5 X 10(Exp 6) on a Wing With Leading-Edge Sweepback Decreasing From 45 Degrees at the Root to 20 Degrees at the Tip

Investigation of Blade-Row Flow Distributions in Axial-Flow-Compressor Stage Consisting of Guide Vanes and Rotor-Blade Row

Flight Investigation of the Pressure Distributions and Loads on a Front and Rear Sliding Canopy

Flight Investigation of the Effect of Thickening the Aileron Trailing Edge on Control Effectiveness for Sweptback Tapered Wings Having Sharp-and Round-Nose Sections

Flight Investigation of the Aileron Characteristics of the Douglas D-558-I Airplane (BuAero No. 37972) at Mach Numbers Between 0.6 and 0.89

Flight Investigation of Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics and Stalling Characteristics of a C-54D Airplane

Full-Scale Investigation of Boundary-Layer Control by Suction Through Leading-Edge Slots on a Wing-Fuselage Configuration Having 47.5 Degree Leading-Edge Sweep With and Without Flaps

Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics at High Subsonic Speeds of Two Models of a Transonic Research Airplane With Wings and Horizontal Tails of Aspect Ratios 4.2 and 2

Measurements of Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 35 Degree Sweptback NACA 65-009 Airfoil Model With 1/4-Chord Bevelled-Trailing-Edge Flap and Trim Tab by the NACA Wing-Flow Method

Measurements of Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 35 Degree Sweepback NACA 65-009 Airfoil Model With 1/4 Chord Flap Having 31 Percent Flap Chord Overhang Balance by the NACA Wing Flow Method

Investigation of the Dynamic Longitudinal Stability of Two Equal Size Models Coupled in Tandem with a Single Joint: Preliminary Model Flight Tests

Investigation of Operating Pressure Ratio of a Supersonic Wind Tunnel Utilizing Distributed Boundary-Layer Suction in Test Section

An Investigation of the Longitudinal Characteristics of the X-3 Configuration Using Rocket-Propelled Models: Preliminary Results at Mach Numbers From 0.65 to 1.25

Flight Measurements With the Douglas D-558-II (BuAero No. 37974) Research Airplane: Low-Speed Stalling and Lift Characteristics

Flight Measurements With the Douglas D-558-II (BuAero No. 37974) Research Airplane: Measurements of the Buffet Boundary and Peak Airplane Normal-Force Coefficients at Mach Numbers Up to 0.90

Flight Tests at Supersonic Speeds to Determine the Effect of Taper on the Zero-Lift Drag of Sweptback Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings

Flight Measurements With the Douglas D-558-II (BuAero No. 37974) Research Airplane: Static Lateral and Directional Stability Characteristics as Measured in Sideslips at Mach Numbers Up to 0.87

Flight Measurements With the Douglas D-558-II (BuAero No. 37974) Research Airplane: Measurements of Wing Loads at Mach Numbers Up to 0.87

Flight Measurements With the Douglas D-558-II (BuAero No. 37974) Research Airplane: Lateral Control Characteristics as Measured in Abrupt Aileron Rolls at Mach Numbers Up to 0.86

Flight Measurements of the Pressure Distribution on the Wing of the X-1 Airplane (10 Percent Thick Wing) Over a Chordwise Station Near the Midspan, in Level Flight at Mach Numbers From 0.79 to 1.00 and in a Pull Up at a Mach Number of 0.98

An Investigation of a Supersonic Aircraft Configuration Having a Tapered Wing With Circular-Arc Sections and 40 Degree Sweepback: Static Lateral Control Characteristics at Mach Numbers of 1.40 and 1.59

Investigation of a Shrouded and an Unshrouded Axial-Flow Supersonic Compressor

Investigation at Mach Number 1.62 of the Pressure Distribution Over a Rectangular Wing With Symmetrical Circular-Arc Section and 30-Percent-Chord Trailing-Edge Flap

Investigation of a 42.7 Degree Sweptback Wing Model to Determine the Effects of Trailing-Edge Thickness on the Aileron Hinge-Moment and Flutter Characteristics at Transonic Speeds

Experimental Investigation of Spreading Characteristics of Choked Jets Expanding into Quiescent Air

Rough-Water Tests of Models of the Vosper and Plum Planing Boats

Preliminary Results From Fatigue Tests With Reference to Operational Statistics

Equations of Motion of a Rocket

Two-Dimensional Symmetrical Inlets With External Compression

Range Performance of Bombers Powered by Turbine-Propeller Power Plants

Time Histories of Horizontal-Tail Loads, Elevator Loads, and Deformations on a Jet-Powered Bomber Airplane During Abrupt Pitching Maneuvers at Approximately 20,000 Feet

Vibration of a Wing of Finite Span in a Supersonic Flow

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a 0.6-Scale Model of Hughes MX-904 Tail Surface at Supersonic Speeds: Several Combinations of the Tail With Each of Two Foreshortened Body Segments

A Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effects of Thrust-Axis Inclination on Propeller First-Order Vibration

Investigation of the Model Me 210 in the Spin Wind Tunnel of the DVL: Fourth Partial Report - Model With Long Fuselage and With a Vee Tail

The Zero-Lift Drag of Several Configurations of the XAAM-N-2 Pilotless Aircraft, TED No. NACA DE332

Tests of a Hermes A-2 Missile Body at Mach Number 4.04

Preliminary Results Obtained from Flight Test of a Rocket Model Having the Tail Only of the Grumman XF10F Airplane Configuration, TED No. NACA DE 354

Summary of Investigations of Mark 25 Aerial-Torpedo Turbine

Subsonic Gas Flow Past A Wing Profile

Exact Solutions of Equations of Gas Dynamics

The External-Shock Drag of Supersonic Inlets Having Subsonic Entrance Flow

Experiments to Determine Neighborhood Reactions to Light Airplanes With and Without External Noise Reduction

Isentropic Phase Changes in Dissociating Gases and the Method of Sound Dispersion for the Investigation of Homogeneous Gas Reactions With Very High Speed

Isentropic Phase Changes in Dissociating Gases and the Method of Sound Dispersion for the Investigation of Homogeneous Gas Reactions With Very High Speed

Dependence of the Elastic Strain Coefficient of Copper on the Pre-Treatment

The Development of a Hollow Blade for Exhaust Gas Turbines

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