Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Separation and determination of rare earth metals in zirconium-rare earth alloys
Magnetization delay in the separation of minerals
Analysis of high-purity columbium by optical emission spectrography
Carbonizing properties of Letcher County, Ky., coals
Recovery of zinc from galvanizers' dross and zinc-base die-cast scrap by filtration
Corrosion resistance of diborides in the pseudobinary system TiB₂-CrB₂
Construction and operation of a quartz composite oscillator
A servomechanical system for measuring vapor pressure of metal halides
Chemical analyses and electrical resistivities of oilfield brines from fields in East Texas
Leaching copper sulfide minerals with selected autotrophic bacteria
Pressure carbonization of a high-volatile A bituminous coal to produce high-BTU gas
Experiments with a self-generated carbon-expanded iron catalyst for synthesis of methane
Evaluation by filter methods of the quality of waters injected in waterfloods
Research and technologic work on explosives, explosions, and flames : fiscal year 1962
Safety organization and activities of award-winning companies in the coal-mining industry
Application of the method of least squares to PVT data on gases
The National Safety Competition of 1962
Injury experience in coal mining, 1962
Titanium in the southeastern United States
Expanded clay and shale lightweight aggregate industry in the south-central United States
Titanium Resources of Nelson and Amherst Counties, Virginia: (In Two Parts), 2. Nelsonite
Beneficiation Studies of the Oregon Coastal Dune Sands for Use as Glass Sand
Mineral Resources of Upper Missouri River Basin, Montana: Fort Peck Reservoir to Morony Dam
Iron and Steel Scrap in the Pacific Northwest
Marketing Ores and Concentrates of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, and Zinc in the United States
Kinetics of the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on Iron Catalysts
Oil-Shale Mining, Rifle, Colorado, 1944-56
Corrosion Properties of Titanium and its Alloys
Microfilming maps of abandoned anthracite mines :mines of the eastern middle field
Bureau of mines research and technologic work on coal, 1964
Mercury potential of the United States
Review and evaluation of silver-production techniques
Zircon: a review, with emphasis on west coast resources and markets
Water utilization and conservation by petroleum refineries in California
Minerals for chemical manufacturing :a survey of supply and demand in California and Nevada
Water requirements and uses in New Mexico mineral industries
Flotation of California mica ore
Prerefining pig iron with a vortex cone :improvements in desiliconizing techniques