Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Turbojet combustion efficiency at high altitudes
Comparison of outside-surface heat-transfer coefficients for cascades of turbine blades
Spontaneous ignition temperatures of pure hydrocarbons and commercial fluids
Investigation of effects of inlet-air velocity distortion on performance of turbojet engine
Wind-tunnel investigation of a 1/6-scale model of the Bumblebee XPM missile at high subsonic speeds
Factors in selecting fuels for gas-turbine powered aircraft
Extension of boundary-layer heat-transfer theory to cooled turbine blades
Altitude performance characteristics of tail-pipe burner with variable-area exhaust nozzle
Altitude-wind-tunnel investigation of turbine performance in J47 turbojet engine
A preliminary flight investigation of the effects of vortex generators on separation due to shock
On the Formation of Shock Waves in Subsonic Flows With Local Supersonic Velocities
Further experiments on the flow and heat transfer in a heated turbulent air jet
Fundamental effects of aging on creep properties of solution-treated low-carbon n-155 alloy
Horizontal tail loads in maneuvering flight
General algebraic method applied to control analysis of complex engine types
Determination of plate compressive strengths at elevated temperatures
The aerodynamic forces on slender plane- and cruciform-wing and body combinations
Analysis of spanwise temperature distribution in three types of air-cooled turbine blade
Stall Characteristics Obtained from Flight 10 of Northrop X-4 No. 2 Airplane (USAF No. 46-677)
A comparison of theory and experiment for high-speed free-molecule flow